Gorilla Glue #4 Autos In Shambles From The Start

from Radio Shack. Care to guess how old it is?
finished an aggressive defol on the entire bunch.
Wouldn't be my choice as I am much less aggressive thinning autoflowers, or photos in flower. The plant will always replace the fans it needs with new fans, which means it might be spending more energy now on new fan growth than new bud growth.

That's just me of course. :)
They were still very wet yesterday. I took the pans and trays out and they’re just sitting on racks now getting a bit of airflow underneath them. I will put them back on the trays and pans when I water and feed them then remove them again after a day.
Can you put the trays under the racks and leave them there? Ideally the pots would have the airflow underneath at all times.
Wouldn't be my choice as I am much less aggressive thinning autoflowers, or photos in flower. The plant will always replace the fans it needs with new fans, which means it might be spending more energy now on new fan growth than new bud growth.

So maybe I have been trying to get more light to too many smaller limbs down lower. I was thinking anything that is obstructing the light to them needed to be removed. I will definitely stop snipping so much. Dang me!
Can you put the trays under the racks and leave them there? Ideally the pots would have the airflow underneath at all times.
I definitely would prefer to do it that way but the trays are a touch to wide to fit 4 in side by side so I have to scrunch them up a bit then the racks won’t fit inside the trays. 2x4 tent and 4 plants in 5gal pots. I never wanted 4 plants going at once anyways on my 1st run at this setup. I’ll keep thinking this over and try to come up with something better.
So maybe I have been trying to get more light to too many smaller limbs down lower. I was thinking anything that is obstructing the light to them needed to be removed.
Light doesn't do you any good if there are no fans to soak it up. Buds themselves don't use light as much as fans do, powering the plant to create the sugars to build the buds.

Each grow is a learning experience, so for next time! :high-five:
Each grow is a learning experience,
Here I go again. Day 41 for #1 and day 31 on the other 3.

Got an early start after butchering the plants yesterday and today is feeding day for the plants and all 4 are now on GeoFlora bloom. #1 on her second bloom feeding and the first for the other 3.
I cut in a 1/2 cup of nutrients to each 5gal pot. Then just before applying the water I see I have broken off 2 inches of the longest limb on #2. #1 and #2 now are matching in casualties.

#1 took 132ozs of water with very minimal runoff as #2 took 120ozs. The Runt and Sickly both took 108ozs of water with very heavy runoff. I’ve got the fans turned up on high and door open blowing off any water on the leaves. They will go lights out in about 2 hours. So I will check them again about 6 hours later when they wake up.
Day 41 & 31 just before their GF Bloom feeding

What I can be happy about is my temps and RH are in check an doing great. I’m also getting that and their watering in check.
Thank you @InTheShed for your help and advice here. It‘s truly of great value to me.

Saturday morning and everyone is looking much happier today. They have all had a big growth spurt and are filling out their pots. It’s been 24 hours since their feeding and water and around 30 hours after their big trim job.

The tent always smells nasty after a feeding of the GF nutes and takes a couple days to neutralize even when running the carbon filter for hours a day. The moment you turn it off Whamo it hits you right in the nose then it’s back on with the scrubber.

Today all that happened is that I readjusted all the training stakes and removed the pans and saucers then put the pots back on racks. Now it’s about time to go shut them down for their 6 hour sleep.
The group looking much happier today
#1 making her comeback
Monday day 44 on #1 and day 34 on the other 3 GG#4’s growing in soiled 5gal pots being feed GF organic nutes. They had received early on 5-1-1 fish emulsion then later an Epson salt foliar spray for a leaf yellowing on 2 of the slower establishing pheno plants.

I have literally left the plants untouched for 3 days other then minor limb adjustments after my hard leaf trim last Thursday. They are really bushing out now. @InTheShed I think I need to get in and clean them out a bit but I’m really not to sure or how much to clean if I do.

The plants are now close to the same canopy height at 5”. They are 19” from the Mars SP3000 running at 100%. The 3 younger plants are just starting to show some pistols at 34 days now. That is a few days later then #1 did.

As for the 2’x4’x70” Mars tent I installed a 4” inline booster fan hoping to pull in some fresh air and maintain a more friendly environment for the plants. I sure wish @Mars Hydro could or would install a lower opening side vents for cool tubes other then the mesh windows. Personally I would rather have 1 lower vent and no windows as I have found little use of them.
The inline booster has helped with the fresh air and the bottom of the pots seem to be drying a little faster.

I hope you all have an extraordinary week ahead.
All 4 in a row. The second one is the oldest here.
#1 showing her young bud.
The new inline booster exhausting into the floor of the tent.
You plants have gone and replaced all the fans you took off, as expected, so I would leave them alone until they are done with stretch. Then I would just take the branches that don't look like they will produce buds the size you want and clip those off but leave the fans.

Or if you are keeping all the branches, just take off a few fans in the dark under the canopy that might help with airflow, but nothing else.
Excellent job on the training, - they look gooooood!
The only leaves I remove are the belligerent ones that won't stay tucked, sometimes I'll kink the leaf stalk (petiole) to keep it out of the way...
Once the stretch is done, most of the tops will have found their "spot" and you won't have to do any more tucking...
Keep up the good work, Nev!
Then I would just take the branches that don't look like they will produce buds
Thank you as always for the advice. It looks like I may make it through this new experience
Once the stretch is done, most of the tops will have found their "spot"
Now that is encouraging advice and Thank You for the direction and the complements they are so very much appreciated.
So it is on day 45 for the #1 that she received a good tuck and fold job and a few lower underside branches removed. The other 3 younger plants all got a tucking of their canopy leaves. I’m done for the day and they will be lights out here shortly.:peace:
It’s day 47 on the #1 and day 37 on the other 3 Gorilla Glue #4 autos in dirt filled 5 gallon fabric pots under a 300 watt Mars led running on 100%. They are all feasting on Geoflora nutes.

The ladies have pretty much been setting idol the last few days letting them do their thing. Of the 3 younger plants all but the sickly one are showing some pistols, moving along nicely and filling out their pots. The sickly is just a slow grower and gets in no hurry to get going. She’s been like that ever since she popped. They are all running well behind the #1 as far as showing flower. Maybe because of the hard trim they received just as they should have started to flower. It most likely also set back the #1 too as she was in flower. My bad.

Yesterday the #1 and 2 looked a tad sluggish and pots were light so they were both given 3/4 a gallon of water with Cal-mag plus and some molasses for the soil. There was a very minimal runoff. This was their 1st drink since a feeding last Friday. It looks like their water consumption has really increased. I also gave all the plants a good spraying of Monterey horticultural oil to combat the gnats and a preventive of any future lurking pests.

Thanks for the advice and direction.
Stay safe be friendly and share the love :peace:

It’s 4 of a kind. L to R #3, #1, #2 and the Sickly
The #1 showing a little and #2 ready to show it.

They're all coming along nicely, and every time I top dress the GF it becomes of huge interest to my dog!
Yes anyone who doubts there’s some kind of Guano in there need only top dress and water a few times.
It’s an interesting “bat cave” sort of odor lol
My thinking here was hoping for guidance. And I got what I was looking for. :thanks:

So this morning for me and day 40 on #1 and day 30 on the other 3 autos I went full on Samurai and finished an aggressive defol on the entire bunch. I just kinda wing that also as I had never been big in defoliation or LST in the past.
I started by removing all the sticks then getting in and trimming hard. I then went and readjusted, redirected and pinned all the limbs back down. I think I did fairly well. Took me an hour and 45 minutes to get it to where I thought I’d better quit.

I also picked up a new wireless indoor/outdoor thermometer and RH as I was tired of running to the grow tent all too often to monitor as I was having troubles keeping temps and RH in check. I now have 3 in the tent, two that are indoor/outdoor. They are all keeping consistent and matching results. Best thing is one of the indoor/outdoor is from Radio Shack. Care to guess how old it is? It’s still Working perfectly.

The bottoms of the 2 smaller plants fabric pots finally dried a couple days after their water. They were still very wet yesterday. I took the pans and trays out and they’re just sitting on racks now getting a bit of airflow underneath them. I will put them back on the trays and pans when I water and feed them then remove them again after a day.

Again if you see anything that needs to be corrected or any helpful hints I’m all ears as I’m so new to tents, leds, fabric pots and autos.
WTH am I doing here. :thedoubletake:
The Runt, #1, #2 the Sickly
the Runt
#2 and some of the Sickly

Ouch! Seems a little late in growth to be treating autos like that. We shall see, Nev! :nomo:
Monday day 44 on #1 and day 34 on the other 3 GG#4’s growing in soiled 5gal pots being feed GF organic nutes. They had received early on 5-1-1 fish emulsion then later an Epson salt foliar spray for a leaf yellowing on 2 of the slower establishing pheno plants.

I have literally left the plants untouched for 3 days other then minor limb adjustments after my hard leaf trim last Thursday. They are really bushing out now. @InTheShed I think I need to get in and clean them out a bit but I’m really not to sure or how much to clean if I do.

The plants are now close to the same canopy height at 5”. They are 19” from the Mars SP3000 running at 100%. The 3 younger plants are just starting to show some pistols at 34 days now. That is a few days later then #1 did.

As for the 2’x4’x70” Mars tent I installed a 4” inline booster fan hoping to pull in some fresh air and maintain a more friendly environment for the plants. I sure wish @Mars Hydro could or would install a lower opening side vents for cool tubes other then the mesh windows. Personally I would rather have 1 lower vent and no windows as I have found little use of them.
The inline booster has helped with the fresh air and the bottom of the pots seem to be drying a little faster.

I hope you all have an extraordinary week ahead.
All 4 in a row. The second one is the oldest here.
#1 showing her young bud.
The new inline booster exhausting into the floor of the tent.
They came back like Champs, Nev!

I've learned something from this grow. Thanks! :Rasta:
Ouch! Seems a little late in growth to be treating autos like that.
Indeed. And exactly where were you and your telepathy to stop me before I performed such a reckless stunt. Let me guess same place I was. High
They came back like Champs, Nev!
Foliage wise they came back ferociously but the 3 younger ones were just ready to start flower and it seems to have stalled them out by about a week. I’ll have to see how #1 does at the end her term.
Day 49 & 39 on the GG#4’s
The 2x4 tent is really filling out and I need these girls to focus on growing up and not out now. There was a reason I only wanted 2 plants but fate gave me 4 so we’re dealing with it. I’m not really restricted on height so next grow I will not start the LST until they are a little taller and I will also make sure my soil stays at a higher level in the pot. I had to much settling and that all makes it to restrictive to apply the Geoflora nutes as I would prefer. Also very difficult to keep clean.

The 3 younger plants all had a watering on Thursday they took right at a 1/2 gallon each. So water Consumption is picking up on all the plants now. I believe they will take 1 more watering before their next feeding this coming Friday. I will need to pay closer attention as they have taken very little up to this point. They all had another spraying of Monterey horticultural oil yesterday.

I loosened most of the carcass-skewers giving the limbs a bit more freedom but I’m still not sure when they should be removed. The plants are all starting to show the stretch and they want to grow up now.

Well I didn’t take picks this morning to show the growth spurt because I wanted to see a no lights on photo I took yesterday.
I’m also in a hurry as I’m making my first public outing in well over a year to go see my 5 year old granddaughters T ball game this morning. I will be heavily medicated as the anxiety of going out is starting to come on. :nervous-guy:

Please stay safe be friendly and share the love :peace:
Day 48 & 38
Natura light day 48
It’s day 51 & 41 for the dirty living GG4 autos.
They have really started their stretching and filling out. Their water consumption is amping up and they all took on another healthy drink last night. It’s only been 4 days since their last watering. They were going almost 2 weeks up to this point.

Im still not sure if I should release them from their restraints as it seem they need to go up and not more out as the tent is now constricting the spread.

Of the 4 plants 3 are very healthy and show nice color. The 4th is just a unhappy girl and nothing I’ve done seems to make her happy. She has never been on par with the others since germination day.
All 4 have received the exact same soil, nutrients, water and supplements. I blame it on poor genetics as I had a number of problems even getting some of the beans to even crack.
The seed bank even sent me replacement seeds as the 1st pack was absolutely horrible.

Well that’s enough whining as there is still a lot of work ahead here and overall I’m pretty happy the direction they are going right now. They are starting to look like they will make ending.

Stay safe be friendly and share the love :peace:
It’s day 51 & 41 of filling the tent.
#1 at 51 I’m guessing about another 51 to go.
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