Hi everyone, I can't believe I planted this Neville's Haze plant 30 days ago! It's been cold in my basement grow area and she's taking her time growing. Low temp was 60F regularly at light out. For about a week now the heat has been back on to 70 for a flooring issue need so she's picked up a lot! I couldn't get root pics because I wasn't ready to see almost no roots in the cup and I had to get it in the hole asap. There were a few longish roots running from the bottom to the top and not much between. In the hole she went!
For the first time, I used Dynomyco mixed into the soil. I'd call it pelletized in form and it had no gassing(what's it called in powder form?) into the air like other myco products I've used. Nice, I feel healthier already from not breathing it.
So for the one gallon container up pot I used one teaspoon mixed into the soil with my hands. That's it on top of the soil in the first pic. It might have been slightly heaping. That and a good watering, and a handful of llama poop compost. I'm going to need all the help I can get to grow these roots under the cool winter conditions here. To be clear, there was no Dynomyco in the solo cup for the first 30 days, I expect a change now. Check her out! So
@PCaddict , did yours take a long time to develop roots? I know yours are chugging along well now.
So Happy New Year Everyone! Remember, "Everything's better with a bag of weed"! (Brian Griffin)