Godfather OG: Pinkman Goo Meets Nextlight Mega! White Rhino's Cheer!

Thanks BC, They're puffing up this week. I used a new flowering booster two waterings ago and it kicked them up a notch growing. I have to take a pic and I'll get back. Forgetting what it's called right now.
Ok. It's
Rootwise Bio-Phos
Rootwise Catalyst
Build a soil Build a Bloom

Those 3 are new to me and seem to be working a charm. That first dose blasted it seemed, I don't know. I hate to get too excited, I have rose colored glasses on most days. I did notice the buds changed from little balls , to cone shaped tops overnight.
Mornin Stone.
I'm only half awakey but let's start this bakey!
Thanks for the pics! I'm very much a visual learner.

You have some stunning plants Mr.Otter.:love::yummy:
wake and bake ottor?
Highya SO,

Love your tent pics. Your ladies look like they're doing very well. Light makes a big difference, lol! Congratulations on your seed success. Hope it turns into a killer strain for you! Happy Smokin'
:circle-of-love:NEW ARRIVAL:circle-of-love:
I woke to see the new Neville's Haze baby today! Woot! She's going in the 3 x 3 in a little while. This one's getting 12/12 lighting very soon so as not to outgrow the space. I'm going to let her get rooted for a bit for now in 18/6.
SO, catching up here going a ways back. Happy to see the NH sprout. Garden looks great.
Highya SO,

Love your tent pics. Your ladies look like they're doing very well. Light makes a big difference, lol! Congratulations on your seed success. Hope it turns into a killer strain for you! Happy Smokin'
My first cross of stankberry male x blue dream cbd female which is now called otters sweet dreams, was a fantastic happening. The blueberry flavor stayed and the stankberry higher thc came through. So win, win. There's no telling what this new one will do, well I can't tell anyway. It's all magic!

Hi, back after making some oil. Here's how it went. Please correct my errs everyone! Ok, i used 104 grams of mixed bud. Some high thc, some higher cbd. Mostly thc in this run. It went into 3 and 1/2 cups of everclear and got cooked in the Magical Butter Machine at 130F for 4 hours. Left cool overnight, then strained through the MBM bag to get rid of any solids. I found most f them on the bottom of the unit later when cleaning up. It was pretty dry not squeezing, lucky.
It got strained through coffee filters twice. The first time got plenty of muck. Second time ran thorough without much.
Now the tricky part. Into the still it went. The volume was down to under 3 cups. I figured how much oil should be rendered and how much alcohol and marked the ball jar for when to shut the machine down leaving plenty leftover for a room temp evaporation of the rest.

Not so nice a plan. The machine shut down way before the line! The oil however, isn't burnt to my nose we'll see how it is. I found a pool around the outer ring of the unit where it accumulated and tipped it so I could get my 5ml syringes in there and suck it out. Around 12 to 13 ml + some ? on a pad to dry. It's room temp now and not solid in the syringes. I think I'm going to fill an @ispire tank if it stays like this for another hour. So what I have here is Rick Simpson Oil i believe. Who else is doing this? Any better ideas? I see there's a world of terpenes out there. Who's tried them? Will they go in this oil? So many q"s. Here's some pics showing the process.

I have a few questions! :ciao:

First question is: what is the advantage to running ethanol washes in the MB, since it takes minutes rather than hours for the trichomes to dissolve? Also, grinding the bud (as the MB does) isn't necessary, and creates even more plant material in the wash. The "quick wash" part of QWET is to eliminate as much of the plant material and waxes as possible.

When I made QWET I used GT's technique, but if I try it again I would go with an alcohol distiller rather than a hotplate, to capture as much ethanol as possible.

Second question is is that a water distiller or an alcohol distiller? There is about a 30ºF difference in temperature between the two.

Third is were you able to get the stuff off the pad and into the Isipre cart?

Fourth is do you have any idea of your return (weight of extract/original weight of buds)?
My first cross of stankberry male x blue dream cbd female which is now called otters sweet dreams, was a fantastic happening. The blueberry flavor stayed and the stankberry higher thc came through. So win, win. There's no telling what this new one will do, well I can't tell anyway. It's all magic!
First question is: what is the advantage to running ethanol washes in the MB, since it takes minutes rather than hours for the trichomes to dissolve? Also, grinding the bud (as the MB does) isn't necessary, and creates even more plant material in the wash. The "quick wash" part of QWET is to eliminate as much of the plant material and waxes as possible.
It's my belief most of the thc will get into the wash in the MBM where a quick wash will miss some as it just takes the best of the best and leaves the rest. MBM oil is Rick Simpson oil I believe. Haven't thought much there. I wonder? I tried quickwashing and got almost nothing from it so I don't. Maybe I could improve my technique and get a number somewhere between the approx 15 grams and almost nothing. I so badly want to send my flower out to be processed but noone will do it so far. Maybe I need to do that for others one day?
Second question is is that a water distiller or an alcohol distiller? There is about a 30ºF difference in temperature between the two.
I wasn't aware there are choices. Mine is a water one. Crap!
Third is were you able to get the stuff off the pad and into the Isipre cart?
The pad glob is what wouldn't suck up into the syringe. I'll lace joints with that I guess. It was spatula scrapings. If I want to use that, I think I'd have to cut it with whatever the pro's tell me to use. Hint hint @ispire .
Fourth is do you have any idea of your return (weight of extract/original weight of buds)?
The buds went into the oven to get decarbed at 104 grams. That's dry to 58 to 62% rh. I weighed the syringes at 20 grams in them and 1 gram on the pad. The numbers earlier in this post were approximations. These were just weighed.
I'm about to fill an Ispire Cart with some from the syringe now. Wish me stoned!
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