GlimmerGrass's Maiden Grow - Crop King Seeds' Early Miss Auto Fem in Coir - 2015

hi glimmer, I think you will be surprised when you get home.
we started our grows about a day one plant that made it, has been harvested, and mostly.....gone.
although my dwarf was supposed to be finished earlier.....yours should be close....or ready
Hey Glimmer :)

I doubt customs seized your seeds, here in Canada its perfectly legal to buy cannabis seed, we're just not allowed to plant them LOL go figure.

I think its more likely that customs is lazy TBH. I have had things I ordered from overseas that spent weeks in customs, for no apparent reason, before being released.
Yay!!! I was so worried about this today, you have no idea! :rofl:

Can't wait to see them!!!

Oh, me too! I was reading articles on knowing when to harvest, and in the back of my mind, a little voice was saying "You screwed it up -- they're already dead" :( YOU KILLED THEM!

But here are Scylla and Charybdis, NOT DEAD YET! Yellowing leaves, yes -- to be expected at this point, I think, even if they hadn't been thirsty for a couple of days. And even though I couldn't smell them from the hallway, when I unlocked the door and opened it, the room smelled amazing :)


The next two are of the two biggest colas on Scylla:

And this is the biggest cola on Charybdis:

I'll try to get some photos of the trichomes tomorrow.

Thank you everyone!


Wow. That's the sign of an expert, right there! Leave and come back to a successful garden!


Heh heh heh ... a real expert wouldn't have timed things so she'd be abandoning her plants for 10 days! But thank you, Pigeons!

I have to say, that even with coco, the SWICK worked brilliantly for 10 solid days of keeping two plants alive. (I was really unsure how much nutrients to add to the swick, for example, since coco is nutritionally neutral on its own. I ended up using about a quarter dose in the swick itself and then watering the plants in with a regular dose.) All honour to Sweet Sue and her awesome thread on the subject!

I can't wait to see how they're feeling tomorrow after their nice long drink tonight ...
I had no doubts that the girls would be fine!!:bravo:

A little parched but they will bounce right back:thumb:

I see plenty of trichomes on them :goodjob:

You had more faith than I did, golfer :) They were thirsty girls, but they've perked up this morning -- you could almost hear the sigh of relief when I fed them last night! I spent a long time this morning just communing with them -- it left my fingers sticky which is so exciting!
Glimmer i get what u mean think it would hurt my feelings and my plants feeling to leave them unattended.but there love for u is strong as proof in the pics ha;) good job
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