Gleipnir's 1st Grow Attempt

Well good news and bad news today. I will start off with the bad first:

Yesterday I checked and noticed my lights were a wee bit to high and causing stretching. So I dropped em down about 10 inches from the tops. Well I came back 3 or so hours later to check up and see if the stretching had stopped. Well I first noticed I fudged my fim cuts and will have to top the next node. Well that isn't the bad part, one of my plants was bent over like it was made of rubber. All of the fan leafs were still a nice green but they felt like semi-dried out lettuce and they were all limp. I immediately pulled it from the group and put it under half the light it was under and gave it a nice cold bath (slightly excessive watering). I have never felt so bad for a plant so I blessed the water with a mantra I was taught and watered it. All the other plants had been watered the same time as that one (roughly 3 days ago) and they were all nice green and perky. So I went and moved the light back to where it was originally and called it a night.

Now for the good news. Despite how horrid this plant looked, this morning it was back to normal despite one set of very shriveled fan leafs. No dis-colorization, No limp celery appearance. Here is a picture of the sad little thing:



*** Pictures are from today, I was in so much shock I never got a photo of it laying down all limp.
** The paper clip was setup to hold the stem up when it was limp
*Ignore the empty tin, i put the planter in it for collecting the water that runs out the bottom of the planters during watering.

I believe it might have been to much light? Because i left my hand above the tops, and under the lights for 3 minutes or so to make sure it didn't burn. I also have a fan just below the light cooling the air between the tops and light. I just find it really odd that it was the only one to act that way... So now it's back in the closet with the others and I'm going to be keeping an eye on it.
how sadddddd :-( i heard thrive is suppose to help a plant rejuvenate and look healthy if applied once, idk look it up see what u think lol, good look and hopefully the plant keeps strong :),

these plants are very young, with a little bit of care they will grow out to be healthy and full.
you will learn how much to water and they will out grow the damage leaves.

if you mean "super thrive" , its used during veg. growth not during flower. also only used once during the plants life.
the mix is 1 tbsp./gallon as usual and just spray a little on the leaves or on the soil. however you prefer.

it is really good stuff and does a lot for the plant throughout the whole life cycle, I also recommend molasses.
same thing 1 tbsp./gallon. the molasses give the plants speeded metabolism and vigor.
molasses is good for all stages of growth veg/flower and can be used weekly with watering.
Thanks for the tips folks. I will just have to baby it for a bit, it will easily grow more fan leafs to compensate for the damaged ones. I was more worried about making sure the roots and main stem stayed A-ok. Going to look into super thrive and plan to get some to keep around if it isn't to-too expensive.
Thanks for the tips folks. I will just have to baby it for a bit, it will easily grow more fan leafs to compensate for the damaged ones. I was more worried about making sure the roots and main stem stayed A-ok. Going to look into super thrive and plan to get some to keep around if it isn't to-too expensive.

yeah and just water every 2-3 days that way the roots go look for the water and they grow out nice and full in the pot, then transplant time. how big pots are you going to grow in ?
they are roughly 3 weeks going on 4 and they are in 3 gallon plastic pots with custom drilled holes. The bottom of my pot looks like a bee hive in the middle with small holes around the rim to help drain. I only plan to transplant them if they get so big they need 5 gallon pots. Also looking into motorized light movers for later grows.
Agree completely.

Great setup man. Recently started my first grow also. Unsure how to subscribe, but going to bookmark. Hope this goes really well for you. Trailer Park Boys fans unite!

Sorry i didn't reply sooner,

Thread tool (at the top in a grey bar) [Drop down] > Subscribe. I found your journal and sub'd once i read it over once or twice I will be able to help ya if you have any problems. Also it's great to see another Trailer Park Boys fan, love that show/movies to death.
Anyways decided to clean up my grow space a wee bit and look at all this darn room!


Don't fret my light is 18" above the plants. Yes I know that isn't the optimal distance, but I don't need a repeat like yesterday or I may have a heart attack. (j/k)

Well 18" is right before the wasting lumen drop off on this chart:


**Not mine I found this on the net all respect goes to Caligrower.

Also tomorrow is watering day for the rest. Everyone's pot seems to be quite light, but I like to stick to my 3 day schedule unless they show signs that they really need it. Of course this will change in flowering, as they eat up more water when they get bigger.
they are roughly 3 weeks going on 4 and they are in 3 gallon plastic pots with custom drilled holes. The bottom of my pot looks like a bee hive in the middle with small holes around the rim to help drain. I only plan to transplant them if they get so big they need 5 gallon pots. Also looking into motorized light movers for later grows.

might as well put in 5 gallon painters buckets, if you have them of course.

the difference is a lot.

glad to see you tidy up and also finding very useful information, the weed will be that much better for it im sure !
Got bored today and was inspired by something legalised posted on his journal. Thought I would share them over here too.

Thanks for the laughs legalised, even if you didn't intend to make them. I really needed it after yesterday.


Got bored today and was inspired by something legalised posted on his journal. Thought I would share them over here too.

Thanks for the laughs legalised, even if you didn't intend to make them. I really needed it after yesterday.



glad it made you laugh and what happened yesterday if you don't mind my asking ?
glad it made you laugh and what happened yesterday if you don't mind my asking ?

The scare with one of my plants. It's the one with all the fugly leafs i posted today (Post at the top of this page). Opened my closet yesterday to see the entire plant laying down like if it was a southern bell and it had fainted. It's doing much better today, but yesterday it looked like it wasn't going to make it, and that bummed me out pretty bad.
The scare with one of my plants. It's the one with all the fugly leafs i posted today (Post at the top of this page). Opened my closet yesterday to see the entire plant laying down like if it was a southern bell and it had fainted. It's doing much better today, but yesterday it looked like it wasn't going to make it, and that bummed me out pretty bad.

had this happen to me also before, hope she lives !
I've noticed some of that drooping on one of my outdoor girls, thinking it was a mix of the 104 degree heat and her being quite dry! I've noticed once your girls are getting low on water they get that "rubbery lettuce" feel to them, I try to water right before that stage for a nice uptake throughout the girl :) She is young and will bounce back with tender loving and care :thumb: Looking great over here gleipnir! Keep up the great growing buddy! (I like how you have to hold the bong for the t rex, stubby ass arms :laugh:)

:peace: CA215
Well just got back from my dead drop address with 2 new goodies. My gallon bucket of ona block and something my wife surprised me with. She knows how much I love Indica strains, and how I love to make hash. Well I now have in my possession 5 Dutch Passion -Twilight [feminized] seeds.

since this grow was simply an experiment to get the basics down and to test out my new grow space, I'm going to be flipping my now 1-2ft (on their 6th node) tall plants to flower this sunday. I know it's pretty early, but we ran out of medication and worried that if they get any bigger when they boom in flowering they might get too close to the light fixture (Huge fire hazard as this is a 400w hps).

These are what I have in my possession for my second grow:

Twilight ® - Outdoor Cannabis Seeds - Buy safely from Dutch Passion
Power Plant ® - Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Buy safely from Dutch Passion -> got 3 [regular] of these for free

(No idea where she ordered them from.)

Anyways all the plants are nice green and pretty bushy now.
Hey Gleipnir. Glad to hear that you're planning to flip soon! Now the really fun part starts. :thumb: I wouldn't worry about the one with the wilted leaves. I've noticed on mine that the worst looking plants are the ones with the most buds. They just seem to try harder than the others. :cheesygrinsmiley:
PS...I put an article I found about stretching in my journal. Some really good info about how to control it.
Sorry folks decided not to flip them to flower this week and went instead to top them to control vert growth. Well here is the really really odd part, the plant with the purple fan leaf stems just bled purple.... Yea, after topping it I noticed it was really dark almost black. So I put on my gloves and gave the top a touch, and yes it was indeed purple liquid not black, but purple, the leafs are nice and green so i was stumped. Never in my life have I heard of this, I have been looking everywhere online for an answer to no avail, so has anyone else had this happen? The other 3 i topped were green/clear as normal. Man I hope there isn't something wrong with this plant...

waiting for my camera to charge and I will try and grab a picture.
Re: Gleipnir's 1st Grow Attempt 5-17-13 *needing help*

Ok here we go proof of the bleeding plant.


It's purple like that until i wipe it off, then the stalk is green like the other plants. Then I can watch purple liquid slowly fill the top until it looks like the above again.

Here is the tissue after touching the top:


Sorry my camera has crappy close up focus :(

My wife commented that the purple ooze smelled really really strong of pot, it fills the room rather quickly...
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