GHS WW & WRhino by Flyfishinrock

well the ww's are doing alright, seems like a month in the tent is the majic number for the yellowing to start. I am not sure what to try next, maybe I'll hit em with a real powerful dose of nutes. It looks like a K def at first, then it seems to turn to P def. I dunno though, I do know its frustrating though. It appears that the more Indica the variety (the mis), the quicker the yellowing happens. Right now I have almost three feet between the canopy and the light to make sure its not from light intensity, but the progression dosent seem to be slowing down. The plants in the closet (ww and mis) are doing awesome, with the same amount of watts per sq. foot. I will give the MIS one week to recover, if it dosent then its into the trash. I am not wasting anymore time. I will post some pics in the next few days.
Thanks nunya. I'm still trying to diagnose the yellowing, the hydro system used up about two feet of height in the tent, I took em out to see if increasing the distance from the light helps keep things green. It dosent seem to be helping though, as the yellowing seems to be progressing still. I have bumped up the humidity a bit and lowered the temps, also I have gone to a bigger circular fan to help with air flow. The hydro plants in the closet are looking close perfect with no discolored leaves anywhere. Its crazy.
I have had a chance to smoke some of both plants now and they are very nice to puff on. The widow is somewhat lemony in flavor and smell, and I seem to take naps after smoking, lol. The MIS is a bit more mellow, with a fairly bland flavor that smokes real smooth. Both are good but the mis doesn't seem to be comparable in the potency department.
It appears that the more Indica the variety (the mis), the quicker the yellowing happens.
fly looking good but the yellowing? After 1.5 years of a successful Nor Cal Indica strain growing rampant, on the 3rd crop from clones all went to hell. Massive yellowing, and they barely budded out, the yield was terrible. I pulled the strain. This same strain went Hermie in 2 of the 5 clones after 3 generations. I think some varieites can just peter out after awhile.
thats a very interesting point Cherma, and something to ponder. Thats another reason I went to soil, so I can isolate the plant strains, as I was having to feed and treat both strains the same in an effort to remedy the MIS. I have them mixed in the closet with a bit higher nute regimen than before and they are doing great, maybe I was babying them too much. I am still at a loss, lol.
Heres an overview of the closet today, no problems here



So thats whats happening with the closet, the MIS will be ready soon, another week or two max, Demi I think about 3 weeks.
thanks for the kind words Vergere, much appreciated.
Heres a pic from the hydro closet this morning just befor lights on, also I did the final res change with GH.

Not as thick as I would have hoped for, but the MIS is really getting swollen calax's caked in trichs, some have a nice purple shade to them upon close inspection. The WW looks devestating, but still not close to the yield I am trying to achieve; she's only about 2' tall perhaps I should have vegged a lil bit longer still.
The roots have filled their 2x2 flood trey's about 2 1/2 to three inches deep; some look like small ropes. I have two soil ww's in the flower tent and I have some pollen from the DSD male so I will breed the younger of the two, as its about the right age and just because I can. lol
I pulled the MIS off the right side of the closet last week and dried er out. Probably could have gone another week, but I been out of meds for a while and had to compromise. :( The smoke was slightly harsh, without a cure, but it was also a lot more potent than the first run. In a bong its a pleasant smoke, yield about 1 1/2 oz dry. The last of the MIS is going to yield a bit more, I'm guessing 2 oz's.
Nice job Fly........ I just wanna sink my choppers in those nuggies... I am interested to hear your smoke report, as I have had my eye on that strain.... Beautiful job...... :ganjamon:
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