GG's First Real Grow, DWC, Lowlife Autos and Nightshade

Looks like what you've done in the last week is working, look at all that new root growth!! Can't wait to see your overall result! keep it up~!
Well, i'm one week away from harvest. You'll see from the pics that the autos are filling in very rapidly. It may be a bit premature to say since I haven't tested the buzz, but ill have to raise my opinion of autoflowers a bit. I can't help but think that if I would have avoided the initial PH and root issues, these plants would be monsters. I'm still not happy with the germination rate and the number of sickly/runts I got from 30 seeds, but in the end Id have to give the lowlife autoflowers a thumbs up.

I'll post a few pics of the harvest but I think i'll make a new journal for the nightshades.



Harvest time...but only one plant was ready. This plant had appeared to stop growing and the hairs were almost all brown. I realize there are better ways to tell when the THC is ready, but that's all I have for now. Anyway here she is. I guess for only using a 150 HPS and battling root rot, she didn't turn out too awful.

I can see why these are called dwarfs. This plant also shows how 150wt HPS doesn't have enough penetration power to do much to the bottom buds.


Only 3 remain...




Well this journey is over. Got about 1.25 OZ im guessing, no scales here. Plus a nice amount of popcorn/trim.

My final thoughts on the auto-flowers. Judged just on it's own, they are awesome plants. Having a plant bud under 24hr light was sort of cool to watch. Since I am used to 150hps scrog grows, the yield was about the same as I would normally get, but with 1/3rd less time. Mine finished in a little over 8 weeks, pretty much just as advertised. They smell green and strong, have a delicious taste, and a pretty strong buzz.

As compared to bag seed... About the same. Maybe i've just been lucky but I have always had pretty good tasty bud with bag seed. The smell, taste and buzz are very similar, but all are slightly more pronounced in the autoflowers. These did get a little more resin covered than previous bag seed grows. They smell and taste a little more potent, and the bud structure was a little more dense. I ordered the mix pack, but my nose can't tell any difference between them, they all just smell "green".

So overall i'd have to say these autos are only a small step up from bag seed. Considering the cost of the seeds, I can't say it would be worth it for me to grow these again. I think these strains are best for ppl who need the convenience, speed, and stealth aspects. But they accomplished what I wanted, which was something to keep me occupied and get me in the mindset of growing while I waited for my night shade mommas to grow.

The nightshade already smells like an exotic plant. When I rub the stem, I can smell that green/skunk smell but somehow it seems to be mixed with a lavender spearmint scent. I really hope the taste and buzz are over the top. I want to grow something that is completely new to my pallet, which the autoflowers didn't deliver.

See you next time around
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