Oct 12, 2019 Thread starter #81 U Usherwood Well-Known Member Day 75 She showing a bit of calcium def by the looks ill give her another shot of cal mag tonight should clear things up.
Day 75 She showing a bit of calcium def by the looks ill give her another shot of cal mag tonight should clear things up.
Oct 13, 2019 Thread starter #82 U Usherwood Well-Known Member Day 76 So I semi flushed her and checked ph. All seems ok but having some leaves with issues. Ill start fresh in a day after she dries out.
Day 76 So I semi flushed her and checked ph. All seems ok but having some leaves with issues. Ill start fresh in a day after she dries out.
Oct 15, 2019 Thread starter #83 U Usherwood Well-Known Member Day 78 Got some Epsom salts for the gelato she's getting a bit tonight to clear her up. At this point if she's having any issues ill let her run out its to close to done.
Day 78 Got some Epsom salts for the gelato she's getting a bit tonight to clear her up. At this point if she's having any issues ill let her run out its to close to done.
Oct 3, 2021 #84 BarnacleBill Well-Known Member Have been enjoying catching up on your thread. Looking good! Here is a shot of my girls in the tent. We are at day #57? (Kinda lost count...lol)
Have been enjoying catching up on your thread. Looking good! Here is a shot of my girls in the tent. We are at day #57? (Kinda lost count...lol)