GardeningGnome's Gorilla Glue, Jack Herer, Critical & Northern Lights: Coco & LED, 2020

Thank you, it was a great summer project for some Dad and Son bonding. Sorry again for posting on your journal like that. Cheers!
Its all good! Just didnt see the images at first, I have a plugin for Firefox that halts loading of massive images. It is really nice to see a father-son project like that. I had shitty parents, father was never involved, dont even know how he looks, no memories at all and my mother couldn't care less what happened to me. So, a gardening project like that is nice to see GIjose, in many ways. Plan to keep up the gardening project this year as well?

Great job with LST!!
Thanks!! Have a look at todays photos as well, more training done.

Nice work @GardeningGnome and nice garden @GIjose . I would love to grow outdoors. I may do a few autos outdoors if I am successful making a few seeds
Thanks!! Yeah, I'm considering fluxing a few ladies on the balcony as well... Much thanks to @Stunger and @Modest grower .
So, I always loved bonsai. It involved all sorts of different methods how to train the tree or plant into looking as you want. From how to make the leaves smaller, to form and shape. That made the whole area of LST/HST for cannabis come very naturally to me.

Below are some photos of the continued training from yesterday. I noticed today how well the fabric pots are designed for hooking up wire to is. The last photo reminded me of how the railing of a sailboat can look, with the sails tied down.

Hope the weekend is going good everybody!




quite savage you are,, with them plants,,

cool,, :cool:

one needs to be to get them to conform to ones spaces. i never cease to be amazed by how fast they rebound

beauty rootball you showed back there,, white as all get out, indeed.

i remember this old brit gardening show i used to watch oh so many years ago,, so far before i was ever interested in gardening myself,, it was about old country gardens, hidden ones, in walled compounds, estates i guess

loved that gentle show,,i guess all them huge estates would have and do have a gardener to keep it all up

karma sent friend.. not hard to see you are enjoying your plants,, great stuff

quite savage you are,, with them plants,,

cool,, :cool:

one needs to be to get them to conform to ones spaces. i never cease to be amazed by how fast they rebound

beauty rootball you showed back there,, white as all get out, indeed.

i remember this old brit gardening show i used to watch oh so many years ago,, so far before i was ever interested in gardening myself,, it was about old country gardens, hidden ones, in walled compounds, estates i guess

loved that gentle show,,i guess all them huge estates would have and do have a gardener to keep it all up

karma sent friend.. not hard to see you are enjoying your plants,, great stuff


Thank you, thank you! Yup, I love taking care of them. Harmony with nature...

And I've gotten to clean up and scrubbed the balcony today. Want to make sure we dont get them damn grave-flies back in. Getting ready for that springtime!

Next weeks will the first seeds touch soil, some coleus (your dreaded weed ;) ) , nasturtium and some snapdragons.

BTW: Might it be the BBC show I've mentioned a few times, called "Gardeners' World"? It have been around for aaages, it was actually the first show in England that was broadcasted in color! Sounds exactly like the one you are thinking about. No egos involved, just friendly gardeners tinkering around. A lot of visits to big estates and mansions, amazing gardens shown from the inside. "Gentle show", as you put it perfectly.

Karma sent right back at ya!
BTW: Might it be the BBC show I've mentioned a few times, called "Gardeners' World"? It have been around for aaages, it was actually the first show in England that was broadcasted in color! Sounds exactly like the one you are thinking about. No egos involved, just friendly gardeners tinkering around. A lot of visits to big estates and mansions, amazing gardens shown from the inside. "Gentle show", as you put it perfectly.

it was your mention of the show that got me remembering this all

you know,, could be i suppose,, and i know within ten seconds i could yahoo it and find out for sure,,

but i don't think that was it,, something about 'country gardens',, and i am sure i remember a reference to the gardens being 'walled in',, always old timers with their tricks and tales,,

i am not going to look it up tho,, will ruin the memory,,ha
There was one called something with Country Gardens actually, and I know a few years ago it was hosted by a former Gardeners' World host... Amazing show as well.

i am not going to look it up tho,, will ruin the memory,,ha
True. I'm the same :)
@nivek here is a quick photo of my coleus cuttings. karma sent your way!!

@GardeningGnome I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. The wife and I are headed to the gardening store and if all goes to plan I can't wait to show you what we get! I appreciate our discussions on here. Thanks for all of your help on my WW issues!
look at them roots,, thanks for the share,,
@GardeningGnome I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.
All good!!

The wife and I are headed to the gardening store and if all goes to plan I can't wait to show you what we get!
Woohoo!! Update me with some pictures when possible.

I appreciate our discussions on here.
Same here, much valued from my side!

Thanks for all of your help on my WW issues!
My pleasure, happy to help. :)
Yeah I'm going to pull out all my plants in the veggie garden, amend and plant some more vegetables this comming spring.
this is our veggy garden,, last year anyhoo,, still snow on it right now,, but not much.

garlic growing back there


harvested cannabis plant in the bed there too,, so much fert runoff from my grow,, perlite,, compost etc. this garden benefits greatly from my grow

the raspberries to the right are out of here this year. more potatoes and garlic for sure

my list last year,, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, onions, peppers, carrots, radish, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, pears, grapes, plum and a couple of strawberries

we are still enjoying our fruit all winter frozen style

the okanagan valley, where i live, is home to some of canadas best growing conditions. b.c. bud has a reputation for a reason,, tho real b.c. bud is famous cuz of one man who learned to cultivate indoors in canadas winters,, quite a story actually

any reason to be outside is a good one,,and being in a grow room is similar to being outside,, least it makes me feel a bit that way

cheers friends
this is our veggy garden,, last year anyhoo,, still snow on it right now,, but not much.

garlic growing back there


harvested cannabis plant in the bed there too,, so much fert runoff from my grow,, perlite,, compost etc. this garden benefits greatly from my grow

the raspberries to the right are out of here this year. more potatoes and garlic for sure

my list last year,, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, onions, peppers, carrots, radish, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, pears, grapes, plum and a couple of strawberries

we are still enjoying our fruit all winter frozen style

the okanagan valley, where i live, is home to some of canadas best growing conditions. b.c. bud has a reputation for a reason,, tho real b.c. bud is famous cuz of one man who learned to cultivate indoors in canadas winters,, quite a story actually

any reason to be outside is a good one,,and being in a grow room is similar to being outside,, least it makes me feel a bit that way

cheers friends
Nice beds! I def would love to get a hold of some good Canuck bud! I have not had the pleasure of tasting y'alls bud
Woohoo!! Update me with some pictures when possible.

Here is one we picked up it is a mix between a kumquat and mandarin tree I believe. It is flowering and has 1 or two small fruits developing. I got it because it reminds me of a grapefruit tree I once cared for. Smelled Divine.

I just transplanted it and Andi is protecting it.

I hope all is well, mi amigo!

Here is one we picked up it is a mix between a kumquat and mandarin tree I believe. It is flowering and has 1 or two small fruits developing. I got it because it reminds me of a grapefruit tree I once cared for. Smelled Divine.

I just transplanted it and Andi is protecting it.

I hope all is well, mi amigo!

Pup and the citrus tree. Such a great looking dog and the pot is pretty cool too. :thumb:
Hello everyone!

First of all; I'm okay. Sorry for a few days away. Been busy with a few situations here, but all is gravy. I've gotten an update both from the police (my cases) and also from the healthcare people. I'll write you a bit longer about that later on. All gravy.

And, been preparing for the new fan&carbon filter that will be arriving here next week. Plus repotting my Jack's and Criticals... Oh boy, it feels like it was yesterday I uploaded the photos of them as seedlings!! Haha :)

My two good Gorilla Glues are.... Looking. Amazing.. You all will be proud of me. And the early Jack Herer? Holy smokes... I've never grown such a dense plant. All of this, is thanks to you all people here. My grow family. And new friends. Photos will come today or tomorrow.

I've gotten a few messages both here on the journal and in private. Just checking in on me, that I'm allright.. Don't know what to say. And I'm quick with the words.. Digital hugs ya'll!

I'm currently also busy with a "hacker-project" today.... Will post updates on that today..

I've been a part of internet-communities since the days of dial-ups. But the last couple of years... I've shunned away from that and people in general, not shared anything of my situation... My PTSD took over in many ways. "Nobody understands me, or gives a fuck" was my mantra.... Then, I took a chance with the 420fam. I opened up. I shared both intimate details, and you all got me to start a journal. I was overwhelmed with support and love. I've gotten closer to individuals here, then in real life the last couple of years. People care about me here. A digital family.

You gave me a home.
I promised you all a real hacker project, so here it is!!

Talking with the home-shopping network voice:
Are you tired of your computer sh*t looking like this? Every wire, everywhere!


Yes I am!

This is only about one third of my home network.

For you that don't know, the circuit board to the left, is a "single-board computer". A normal computer, shrunk down to just one board, with harddrive and all that jazz. I use them to build my own router, DNS-server and wireless point, and "in-house Netflix server", and of course, a file-server for all the cannabis books..

The whole ish takes too much space, is all over the house and needed to get huckle-buckled... I wanted to make something nice. ("Back in the days", I used to make custom-routers for people. I loved finding old-old wobbly telephones and using the shell to make a wireless router. Anyways!) I grabbed my Dremel, and some other tools, and went to town. First, the tools!


My home-made station to keep track of all the bits for the Dremel. Horse-shoe!


So, here is where it started. A few of the single board computers, and some plastic screws, and the rest. In "real" computer-bizniz, ducktape is forbidden. It messes up waay to easy, so velcro strips is the way forward.

Oh yeah, the black thing at the bottom? That is what we will be using as the base for this project. Old wooden IKEA CD-stand... Got it for like 3 bucks at the second-hand-store. Really nice one actually, strong yet light. Perfect!


So here is all of the (right now) parts that we will use. Only thing missing is another external drive. This is computers, wireless, network, and all things needed.. Here we go!


We need a good "foot". This is from an old TV. Plus, I added a 7" vinyl to jazz it up a bit, plus it works great to hold everything in place.


Here is the CD thingy again. Now spray-painted in gold. Yeah, I had some gold paint at home. Dope.
Plus, we wanted something that reflects light... Why? You will see dear friends, you will see!


After about an hour of mounting everything, this is what we get!
Plent of space to add the other four computers as well!


So, I added some LED strips. I'm not normally for any sort of "fancy pants" thing like that, but this project will stand in a corner and replace a lamp. So why not?


Is it just me, or did I just create something that most likely become self-aware and turn into a fu*king Transformer? The antennas did the trick for that!

There we have it.

Eight parts, including computers, harddrives, router, antennas.. You name it. All there. PLUS, all the cables are on the backside. This used to take up a whole table. Now, I got my own computer-tower. With plenty of space for the rest of the single-board computers, harddrives and what not. Nice.


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