Gardenfaerie's Non-420 Gardening Thread

Hey, I've been living where I am now for 21 years. I'm really not much of a city girl any more. If I moved back to NY I'd be comfortable in about ten seconds with full on master of step off attitude. But where I am now is most definitely more country than it is city. Even from downtown in the capitol if you drive ten minutes in any direction you will be deep in countryside.

And I feel it closing in on us...
Tell me about it, GF. As a kid a my dad used to drive down a frequently traveled highway with a huge spotlight mounted on the roof so he could see cows in the road. He'd have to switch it off only couple of times in sixty miles for oncoming cars. Now that highway is mostly three lanes, divided, in both directions. I'd like to Edward Abbey the infrastructure in a vague sort of way...
Oh Edward Abbey. I used to be such a radical ecological fighter for a very long time. It just took the life out of me. Gone are my days of civil disobedience and clinging to fences at nuclear power plants, like I did in Shoreham, NY back in the 70s.

I'm the Ruth Gordon of the day! I wish. Harold and Maude. One of the greats. Now I'm hearing Cat Stevens in my head.
Have you ever read "The Milagro Bean Field War" by John Nichols? There is a movie, too, directed by Robert Redford. This is where I come from and always come back to when I move away. I feel very in tuned to my place. It is quite joyous. The book is much better than the movie. It makes me sad that we have fast-forwarded a few decades since the book was written...
Sci fi:

Code 46
Solaris (original Russian and Clooney version also great)
Pi: Faith in Chaos
Bicentennial Man
Mission to Mars (love their explanation of how we got here)
In Time
Vanilla Sky (suspend the Cruise, love the Cruz)
Another Earth
Avatar (my cousin did the motion capture)
Being John Malkovich
The Cell
Matrix Trilogy
Naked Lunch
Source Code
Synecdoche NY

Many more.


Things We Lost in the Fire
Age of Innocence
Bourne everything
Bridges Over Madison County
Horse Whisperer
An Unfinished Life
Fight Club

Geez, a LOT

I didn't get to comedies! I guess you could say we love movies. I think we must have 600 DVDs
and bluerays.
Okay, so British English vs. American English.

I'll list the ones I want to know about first:

Chuffed up
Bloody (is it really like the F word?)
Did Ricky Gervais invent 'avin' a laugh?

okay, here goes.

Toilet paper or tissue
Paper towels or toweling
cigarette, smokes, cigs, coffin nails,etc.

I can't remember the other things you mentioned, Spimp.
Ok I thought I would join the crowd and put up a few photos of our backyard retreat. My wife has been retired from work for about 3 years and I just retired to my backyard about 9 months ago. Dubbed a new term for my life now "Backyard Hermit.

Small Cottage for my wife and I to hide in and for friends and family to visit and a 40 foot eucalyptus tree dead smaak in the middle of the yard, lots of shade but a whole wack of work. The Deck is about 300 sq/ft and incredibly private (wink, wink)with sun on the deck all day (pic is from 2 years ago) this years outdoors crop are a near bust due to some funky seeds I think or just over thinking the whole thing. We also have hundreds of Lizards that live in our backyard.

It's not quite as spectacular as your GF but it is def our retreat from our all ready west Coast living style.

Oh how totally beautiful! And I adore the lizard.

California is my dream place to live...way up north, though.

Off to bed. Goodnight everyone. I hope Fifi is winning millions of dollars at the casino.

Hey GF a little further North, North of the 49th. that is and on a big Rock surrounded by salt chuck.
Mark and Mika. I figger, you can't really see Mark that well and you can see my beautiful little thing in her cowboy hat!


We have an Eagle's nest every year locally. Mom.


This is the sign leading into the Dharma center where I go on retreat in California.


I just like this one:

It would be on the north side of the house, but the roof will be in the south facing side. If we do stay here, solar will definitely be in the plan. Not only passive. I'd like to get to only need local electricity for the A/C, but for everything else, solar. It would be about a 10k investment. The other option is to put up a wind mill. We generally always have a prevailing wind. We'll see. If I have the conservatory I can grow inside with great ease. Imagine, a room in the house with full sun to grow anything. Wow. That my friend, is a pipe dream of mine.

Probably can't afford it, but I want to price it out.
Hi GF. I added solar last yr. when prices dipped below $4/watt in my area. One of my better moves. Fun to check daily production on computer.

It would be on the north side of the house, but the roof will be in the south facing side. If we do stay here, solar will definitely be in the plan. Not only passive. I'd like to get to only need local electricity for the A/C, but for everything else, solar. It would be about a 10k investment. The other option is to put up a wind mill. We generally always have a prevailing wind. We'll see. If I have the conservatory I can grow inside with great ease. Imagine, a room in the house with full sun to grow anything. Wow. That my friend, is a pipe dream of mine.

Probably can't afford it, but I want to price it out.
Howdy GF. Wanted to come by and chat with you about this. Predatory Stink Bugs.

I have found a decent sized population of these bugs starting to inhabit my cannabis tent. I noticed there were quite a few of them so I took a picture. I believe I have something closely related to the Anchor Stink Bug Stiretrus anchorago.

They look like little ladybugs. I give the analogy how you know how Katydids kinda look like ancient grasshoppers, well these bugs look like ancient lady bugs.

Here's the pic: (the white material is the floating row cover)


Anyway, I've read around about Stiretrus anchorago and it turns out the University of FL did a paper on it back in the 70s, and they found that these bugs love to feed on lepidopterous larvae (small caterpillars!). So when I read that I was astounded. I also read that they are a mixed blessing for gardeners in that they have the ability to predate, but to also eat foliage/resin/sap from the plant if it needs to. Thought this was really interesting. I put in an official ID request off-site. Kind of exciting, will be monitoring their activity. They've been seen lounging on my plants. :volcano-smiley:

Let me know what you think :) and I Hope you are doing well. Have a good day. :circle-of-love:
Yes, when I saw the shield I immediately thought harlequin bug, but the markings were not correct. You have definitely identified it based on that site. My mind just went completely blank! I hate that crap. So frustrating.

Anyway, you perfectly figured it out on your own. I did recognize the Remay before you told me it was the spun bond fabric! LOL I must have a hundred yards of that stuff in the shed.

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