Ganja Closet Grow - LED - HPS


Just stick with autos mate skip all that out;) big strong auto bean will be more than enough for u to play with, with ya scrog;)no switching of lights 18/6 all the way. most big autos still want 3 month, 12 weeks of life so about the same time as a normal bean. But grow and go through the flower phase alot quicker than a photo.its good to watch;)

maybe, auto's less choice beans and since lifetime not big differnce dont know yet,

was thinking every other grow switch

:circle-of-love: ganjazz, big progress here!

:welcome: Sarah

Day5: veg auto's

Gonna place fan, hang light shorter, they stretch too much and are thin.

dutch passion seems to have some of the larger yeilding autos ive seen, auto mazar and auto ultimate are very impressive although ive never grown or smoked them so who knows quality wise.. ive been very happy with crop king seeds auto's they have been an easy grow and very nice end product :thumb:
subbed btw!
Yea defo dutch passion mate has the best genetics ;) big yield huge autos;) all im growing mainly this year my Auto topping grow is all dutch passion beans now.any unsure of quality of the bud is top notch grow 1 urself and ul see;) therr superior to other autos in everyway;)
Day31: flower


Defol before stretch wasnt good/smart idea, progress slowed down too mush,


Orange bud :smokin:

Bubblicious, signs of flowers, still alot behind.

Not sure about critical jack, :hmmm: takes too long to see some flowers
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