Hi everyone
Well I have been away for a week and the ganja fairies have been looking after my little ones for me
They were watered once whilst I was away with 1/4 strength calmag, rootbastic at full strength (0.3ml per litre) and pH to 6.5 and I must say I was a bit shocked when I opened the tent. All the ladies have grown so much it's amazing when you don't look in everyday how much changes. The light was very close to the tops around 9" so I have moved it back to 16", some of them are showing a little calmag def but I think moving the light back up will help that.
Sour Diesel No1 This one looks like she is going to get big! Lots of side branches reaching up
Sour Diesel No2 A little bit behind her sister but still looking great. A little more on the Indica side I think.
Blackberry Moonrocks No1 Going crazy lots of side branches nearly at the same level as the top. She has the signs of calmag def I will be keeping a close eye on her
Blackberry Moonrocks No2 Not as crazy as her sister but still has the same side branches nearly reaching the top just not as many
The smaller Blackberry Moonrocks are looking great and will be potted up tomorrow
The smaller sour diesels need a pot up desperately and they will be potted up tomorrow too
Limpy on the left, deformatrix on the right
I think I will be moving these into the big tent once everyone is potted up as it's getting a bit tight in the 1x1
so new shoes tomorrow and into their new home
I hope you are all well and life is treating you kindly much love