G.C. Tangerine Dream Auto - DWC

You’ll get something out of these girls to tide you over until the next ones are ready. We live and learn. :)
Most certainly! These girls will produce just fine. The node spacing is really right on both plants, especially Louise. These will be some nice dense colas. The little seedling has officially reached the end of week 1 and is doing way better than these two did. I will be starting a journal on her very soon.
Great job, saving those girls! That looked hit and miss so I’m very impressed man:)

Roots look good:)
Thank you! I was afraid they were gonners given they are autos and on a time limit. I need to upload some recent pics of the roots. They took off and are just completely white except for of course the old affected roots.
Lol I used those in soil a few years back and had great success so I thought "hey if it works why change it up?"... Yeah it all just settled at the bottom and cause problems. If above all else this journal will be a great read for Amusement and what not to do
Looking great brother those roots look nice and happy now. So what’s different what did you learn. How can we prevent this from raising again everyone using a small dwc system can benefit from your findings
Looking great brother those roots look nice and happy now. So what’s different what did you learn. How can we prevent this from raising again everyone using a small dwc system can benefit from your findings
That is a great question. For anyone reading this and is interested in doing a single bucket dwc here's some tips I have learned so far:
1. Every aspect of your grow environment is key - room temp, water temp, humidity, light, airflow.
2. Wrap your buckets with some kind of reflective foil tape, preferably multiple layers, Black buckets (store bought or painted) hold on to heat in the rez. The reflective tape will reflect heat NOT light so make sure everything is sealed up good. You want the rez temps between 60-68. If you're using hydroguard or Z7 it'll be alright if your temps get a little higher but not much and do not let them stay there. ROOT ROT WILL SET WITH HIGH REZ TEMPS. Once they do, it is a bitch to remedy the situation. If you do now want to run a chiller then frozen water bottles are a must. In a RDWC water temps are easier to control
2. The small the grow area the faster the heat builds up higher room temp higher rez temps.
3. Smaller volume of water faster it heats up. More volume, slower it takes( but more water, more nutes etc.)
4. Keep air pumps out of grow room to prevent hot air pumped into the rez.
5. A good exhaust fan. You don't want your plants sitting in hot stagnant air nor do you want your fan circulating hot air. Again rez temps.
6. Unless your are using an organic tea, Store bought organic nutes do not work in dwc it will give you problems.
7. Do not let your basket of media touch the water. Over saturation will drown your seedlings. You only want the bubles to slightly splashing the basket to promote the roots to search of water. I'm sure there is more but I'm at work and can't think of anything else right now.
Great job on that write up. Also another tip on y not let your net backet touch the Rez is because a majority of DO (desolved oxygen) is created at the burst of bubbles exiting the water mast importantly is bubble size. Super fine bubbles create a high amount of DO and large bubbles not so much. And the oxygen it’s self has an integral part of keeping the bacteria away. It seams they can’t survive on the roots with all the air movement blows it right off :peace:
Great job on that write up. Also another tip on y not let your net backet touch the Rez is because a majority of DO (desolved oxygen) is created at the burst of bubbles exiting the water mast importantly is bubble size. Super fine bubbles create a high amount of DO and large bubbles not so much. And the oxygen it’s self has an integral part of keeping the bacteria away. It seams they can’t survive on the roots with all the air movement blows it right off :peace:
Thanks bud. I knew about the bacteria but I didnt Really know the importance about the air bubble size. Everything in that write up I have learned through all you wonderful people, and tried to "keep it simple stupid" So the next guy/gal doesn't have to worry about it.
I'm missing it all....but I'll go from now forward....too many threads to try and read back through......ugh.....

Looks like you are still growing well.....:thumb:
I'm missing it all....but I'll go from now forward....too many threads to try and read back through......ugh.....

Looks like you are still growing well.....:thumb:
There you are! Wondering where you been. The plants are thriving. Thelma has exploded with growth both above and below. Her stretch is crazy. Louise is still really small and so compact but those bugs will be so dense. I tried to upload pics all weekend but they kept getting canceled. I'll try to upload some tomorrow using the work wifi
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