From seedling straight into flowering?


420 Member
Hey all, new grower still, on my 3rd grow now. What's happened to this plant?


There's been no vegging at all. I planted 2x of these Amnesia autos at the same time as seedlings a month ago. The other is perfectly normal, vegging nicely (below)

However the tall one just shot up in a few days after replanting, they'd both been topped at the same time on the 5th node I think.

It didn't grow branches at all, just flowers. So my question is, should I let this grow or is it destined for a tiny amount of flower, taking up space for a 5 gallon pot? Or as this plant only has a few bud sites to supply, will they be bigger buds, and to just let her live?

Also 32 ish hours after I put them in a napkin to germinate. This one already had a sprout 3 inches long. Weird Genetics maybe?

It's a first world problem, I know. I'd just never seen that before.

Organic grow, nature's living soil/happy frog ocean forest/happy frog Potting soil. 7ph Britta filtered water.

I have a flowering plant next to these two, which got fried as a seedling, and it finally started to veg like a month late. It's pretty stunted, a whole 11 inches of Bruce Banner!

My humidity and temps fluctuate a lot, so I reckon that's why I'm stunting my plants. But what a fun process either way. 🫡
autoflower says it all… they can trigger for any reason or no reason at all. They just do their own thing and can flower with any light schedule… whether you are ready or not!

Photoperiods put you in the drivers seat, they will veg until you choose to flip…

Nice work - your girls look pretty awesome from over here!!!
Thanks for replying. Do you think it will yield anything with such limited bud sites though?

I use 2 gallon fabric pots, but I wanted to let this one spread out in a 5 gallon, and with my luck, this is one that doesn't want to spread out lol
It will give you something but it's not gonna' be a lot @R4v3n.

Autos = Unpredictable. :)
This is what she looks like today. The 2 top buds are as dense as bricks, and the terpenes smell like new rubber, like the smell when you walk into a car showroom. Hopefully its got a good hit to it.

I just started some Photo seeds (I think), three Cereal Milk seeds I got from the dispensary. Yeah autos are very unpredictable. I need a good Photo Mom to start cloning with, time to bite the bullet.
Just a recap, whatever happens in a dwarf Amnesia, I really like. This was by far the strongest weed I have grown yet, or indeed smoked in a hell of a while. That smell of new rubber was so intense, and the high was just amazing. I wet trimmed it because the buds were super dense, then dried them for just 5 days, tested a bit and there was zero hay smell, didn't burp it at all. Burned to a white ash, smooth draw too. Literally ready to smoke in a week!

The only downside, I only got 11 grams of it.

Sadly my 3x Cereal Milk Photo seeds got to seedlings stage, then they just died at 1 inch. They were seeds from a dispo bud, so I wasn't holding out much hope, they felt like Monsanto seeds, programmed to die.

Photos will have to wait now though, my son just bought me some seeds as a gift, 10x Poison Berry auto's, and 10x Gorilla Cookies auto's. What a well raised child lol.
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