From Seed to Smoke - RQS Blue Mystic & OG Kush - DWC scrog

Nice grow you got going I hope you hit your 1G per watt this time. Ill be along for the ride.

Thanks NGK and welcome ;), I got my fingers crossed for the 1g/watt goal this round on the BM.
I went and checked up on the girls last night and everything is looking very nice. The OGK is almost to the screen, and the buds on the BM are looking great. Tomorrow night is reservoir change Friday, so I'll be posting an update with new pics tomorrow night.

Hey Stealth hows everything going man?
Happy Thurweed day to ya :thumb:

Hi Chronic, things are going very well thanks. I've been on a lucky streak lately it seems, very busy but lucky.
My wife finally found a job in her field after 2 years of unemployment, I found $160 bucks laying on the ground yesterday:high-five:, and spring is almost here. It was nice weather here today, you could actually feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Another month or so and the snow will be gone. Things are definitely looking up. ;)

And tomorrow is Free weed day.:yahoo:
Subbed- lost hours reading through your past journals!
Stealth, I'm south of you and today was another dreary, grey, cold, frozen, crap day in NY; how'd u get a spring day?

It was -5 Celcius, still pretty cold but the sun was out and you could feel the warmth a little. ;)
Hi everyone.:ciao:
I just got comfy and sparked up a fatty, Its time for the Friday night update. ;)
The ladies are doing very well, the Blue Mystic's buds are starting to swell, and the calyx hairs are starting to turn brown in some places. The smell is nice and fruity, it reminds me of a purple gum they used to sell in stores but I can't remember the name of, kinda like purple chicklets but they had a grapey pastel flavor. Anyway, the taste of that gum is the smell of these buds.
She is really starting to develop her tricombs and "sugar rails" are starting to form on some of the sugar leaves.:yummy:

Blue Mystic Stats.
Day 35 of flower
PH= 5.7
Air Temp= 75F
Water Temp= 68F
RH= 43%

The Blue Mystic.

I have a total of 9 white "hash tips" on my top buds.





Here are some pics of the "sugar rails" I've heard them called, and liked the sound of it. The leaves are really starting to develop their trichomes.




The OG Kush is doing amazing, I'd have to go back and compare, but I think she is the bushiest looking plant I've grown in these closets. Some of her fan leaves are huge, as you can see in the pics, she is about a 1/2 inch from the trellis net. I wanted to flip her this weekend so bad to try and get a good 4-5 week rotation down, but I just can't until she hits the screen and I give the plant a little time to spread her out on the net a little. If I flip now before she is vegged enough it will seriously impact my yield at harvest. As much as I wish I could flip her now, I'm gonna wait dammit!! ;)
Other than not being able to flip her yet, she is doing awesome, no nute burn, nice green leaves and great growth. The roots are looking really healthy also. One more week, and I'm confident she will have grown enough to flip.






The OG Kush roots.

The Closets

I almost forgot, I took 3 clones from the OG Kush this evening. My luck with clones has been about 50/50 so I'm hoping at least 2 of these little girls survive and boost my average to 66% ;)
If they make it they are the next round in both closets. I wanna give the OG Kush at least 3 or 4 rounds to really try and grow it to its full potential, or at least the best of my abilities in the confined space of the closets.


That's all for another week, I hope you all have a great weekend and try not to work to hard next week.
Questions and comments are welcome and as always, stay medicated my friends.
Hey stealth I finally seen you over at Cronics then saw this in your signature so im subbed
mate its a lovely looking grow all these girls I have looked through , simply look like they have muscles I mean thats one hell of a great looking grow many reps to you :cheertwo::cheertwo:
Stealth...I have a question for you...

I noticed the res wateer is really low. How high do you keep it form the bottom? I know that res is a 15gallon res.
Also are you using the drip system that was aprt of that supercloset? How often do you have the top feed drip running? 24/7 15min on/2hrs off? Whats is your schedule. I purchased same closets few months back and been to lazy to putting them to use. also I was thinking that 15 gallons was a bit over kill for one plant like you have.
Any info you give would be appreciated.
Stealth...I have a question for you...

I noticed the res wateer is really low. How high do you keep it form the bottom? I know that res is a 15gallon res.
Also are you using the drip system that was aprt of that supercloset? How often do you have the top feed drip running? 24/7 15min on/2hrs off? Whats is your schedule. I purchased same closets few months back and been to lazy to putting them to use. also I was thinking that 15 gallons was a bit over kill for one plant like you have.
Any info you give would be appreciated.

Hi DD, I usually keep my water lvls about an inch or two from the bottom of the net cups (pretty much the full 15 gal). I took the roots picture while I was changing the reservoir and it was almost empty at the time.
As far as the top feed, I use it for 15 mins every 6 hours (4 times a day) but only when the plants are seedlings and roots haven't hit the main reservoir yet. Once the plant has a good root mass in the reservoir water I shut off the top feed, the plant doesn't need it anymore at that point.
..You just helped me skip a lot of trials when I do decide to start that system up. I had a feeling that their was no need to keep the top drip feed on all the time or even regular intervals.
Thanks for that info...oh sorry I forgot to deactivate my Signature...I wasnt meaning to spam. Just wanting to be an active member like everyone else here..even though I am also a sponsor.

WHat do you think you can expect your dry weight harvest will be for that closet space, ?
The Blue Mystic looks fantastic, the start of a solid cubic foot of Bud!:bravo::high-five:

(Just being a little lazy)Did you let her flower without defoliating?


Hi Ajagunle. :ciao:
Thanks for the compliment man. I cleared out under the trellis on day 21 of flower, other than that I've pretty much just left her alone. The top of the canopy is about 12-18 inches above the screen, and most of the pics are top view so you can't see her legs.;)

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