Fridge Dry Experiment

Very true. Regular fridge temp should be set to 37 ish (freezer at 0) which inhibits mold and pests. So if his is in the 40s it’s not working right. Probably will grow mold in that environment, which also seems way too humid.

I do a hybrid fridge drying where I do a pre trim and hang the entire plant for about 3 days and it loses about 60-70% of its moisture weight. No need for fans here, it loses the weight anyway. Then cut into 6 inch sections or less, into the fridge in a paper bag -which is a low humidity environment and 37F if working properly.
I weigh it daily and rotate the bag as it progressively loses less and less weight until the day it only loses 1g. Usually about 7-8 days. Then I take it out, do the full trim and put it back in the fridge for a day.
Then into the house environment in the paper bag for a day. Then into jars to watch and burp and rotate. About 12-14 day process and it’s already part way to cure. Ideally at least a month being burped in glass but it rarely makes it that long lol 😂
This is actually a good method for people with little patience, as I believe the terps are preserved well during that critical cold period and seems to make the weed smokable as early as humanly possible.
Of course it always tastes better around week 6 if you get there..
Interesting. I just watched recently a program by CannaMed? They had a speaker who was speaking to the industry crowd somewhere and it was all about temps/humidity drying and curing, all the different studies. This was for commercial growers I believe. Lots of different thoughts. Thanks!
Interesting. I just watched recently a program by CannaMed? They had a speaker who was speaking to the industry crowd somewhere and it was all about temps/humidity drying and curing, all the different studies. This was for commercial growers I believe. Lots of different thoughts. Thanks!
For sure. Freeze Drying is pretty amazing but the machine is I love freeze dried candy, so it’s not in the cards for me.
I have a friend who does it that way exclusively and it’s pretty cool how it preserves terps even more, especially the smell. Not 100% sold on taste yet when the flower has only been off the plant for 1 day it still seems weird lol.

But yeah fridge drying is the only way for me now.
Are your tubs and jars sealed or left open, cracked etc..?
Sealed, with a piece of kitchen towel at first to absorb any excess moisture
Change it daily [and check for mould] until the RH is 60-65%, then just leave it
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