I'm glad you caught my spelling error regarding the light and thought better of it haha. Oil filled heaters are great. Just don't keep it directly near a single plant because the heat tends to build up around the heater without a fan.
As far as the moon being a light leak, it sure is! This is a blurb I saw a while back and did not write. It just gives an interesting perspective.
"In our terms the moon is a light leak. Cannabis is naturally hermaphrodite...the moon probably helps this process. Just because plants have evolved and grown naturally under moonlight for a million years doesn't mean it won't cause hermies. From the plant's perspective, hermies are a good thing, it insures that the plant can reproduce, which is it's #1 goal.
We have a different #1 goal, to produce seedless bud, the opposite of what the plant wants to do. We're not trying to recreate the outdoor environment in an indoor grow. We're trying to create an artificial environment that will make the plant grow differently then it does naturally. Our goal is to create an environment where we can manipulate the plant and make it do what we want it to...not what it does in nature."
Happy growing!!