Frankenstein - Soil - 2 x 4X4 Scrogs by Freezy - Heavy 16

Well it makes sense. The closest thing i have done to a wash is use a product called white wash. Its just frequency altered 99.9999% water which I sprayed heavily onto the bugs before harvest. Im going to wash my buds this time around. It seems like something thats common sense now that I read a few pages of that thread. Thanks for the tip, I look forward to trying this. Just personal use for me though. Here is a pic of what I would say is the best harvest I have had so far, I wish i could duplicate these colors in another grow! It smoked really nice too. lil eye candy :)
I would have let it go for another week or two but I had a trip I could not miss and chopped them after 9 weeks flowering
Yooo alright so its been 3 days since I fed the girls. The two big girls each got a 1/2 strength full line of General organics and full strength CalMag. The clones in the tent got 1/4 strength GO nutes and 1/2 CalMag. The two big ones are looking much better. They lost some fan leaves but the rest of the plants seems to be looking healthier. The clones in the tent have grown a lot in the last three days. They really are shooting up. There is the beginning of a deficiency on them despite the great growth. I think its probably a cal mag deficiency any second opinions would be appreciated. They have been topped and LST'd a bit. I have high hopes for these plants. So where I just fed them all three days ago, do you think i should just do water and calmag for the next water? I think the big girls need a bit more calmag too. I would really like to find out just how much ppm i should bring my res up to with epsom salts to not have any problem with calmag. I feel like bringing the ppm up in the RO water would act as a nice pH buffer too.
I suspect that your pH is a bit high... i am seeing signs of deficiency in your very top growth that is very alarming, and indicating trace mineral deficiencies and not necessarily calcium or magnesium. What pH are you adjusting things to, and you mentioned a rez? Please do not add salt to your mix... the problem is not going to be solved by adding something else... everything to me is screaming pH.
I have a RO system that I pH'd to 6.5 then I add GO line organics and it says not to pH it after you mix it up. There is 10 tbsp of dolomite lime in the 6 or so gals of soil in each pot. I checked the ph of the tea that I used three days or so before I fed it to them and It was right around 6.7 I believe. They have only been fed 1/4 strength one time. When you check the ph after i add the GO line its around 5 but my understanding was that the organics even the pH out and you were okay as long as you started with pH'd water. You think the pH is too high?
10 tbsp in each container???? omg. I have 1.5 tbl in about 20 gallons of soil. That is a lot of lime. You should not have any need to add additional calcium or magnesium... none... never. You are also going to have a crazy fast upward pH drift in your container... I would try watering at the very lowest point in the soil scale, at 6.3 and see if that helps pick up the trace elements.
From my understanding about lime is that it is ph neutral, so it has a pH of 7. I have always had low pH problems with roots soil and alot of people i have read use a good amount of lime with roots, more than I do with no problems. Will lime bring the soil pH above 7? my understanding is that it will not but obviously I could be wrong. maybe I have too much calmag in the soil? I will water with 6.3 pH'd water tonight and post an update tomorrow or the next day.
From my understanding about lime is that it is ph neutral, so it has a pH of 7. I have always had low pH problems with roots soil and alot of people i have read use a good amount of lime with roots, more than I do with no problems. Will lime bring the soil pH above 7? my understanding is that it will not but obviously I could be wrong. maybe I have too much calmag in the soil? I will water with 6.3 pH'd water tonight and post an update tomorrow or the next day.
The pH of lime is about 12.4, making lime a strong base. It is far from neutral and it can drive your soil pH way up out of the usable range. It is just going to cause your soil to be fast... where when you water at 6.3, within a day or so your pH will have risen up out of the 6.3-6.8 range. If your soil mix is very light, so that it does not retain much water, this may work well. It also may work with soils that have a large peat moss component to them, since these soils tend to go acidic when they break down and the lime can offset that.

Let's see what 6.3 input does to this frankenstein mix... I think it may help.
Roots organic 707 does have a peat base that's the first ingredient in it i think thats why so many peoplet use lime with it.. I checked soil with a meter and it said 6.5 but I know those things can be a Lil inaccurate. I will water them now with 6.3, but considering they have only been fed one time at 1/4 stregnth mutes with 1/2 strength calmag, and research confirming that general organics line calmag is weak I want to add full strength just on the calmag and nothing else but water. I have also read that calcium deficiency can follow fast growth which these plants have achieved for sure. Withh the RO I have no calcium or mag in the water, and the leaves seem to be showing a calcium deficiency so I have to go with my gut here and add some calmag with the watering.
Dolomitic lime is calcium magnesium carbonate. It has about 50% calcium carbonate and 40% magnesium carbonate, giving approximately 22% calcium and at least 11% magnesium. It is a lot of both, and it is in your soil in a large amount.

It is possible to get too much magnesium built up in your soil and in excess it can cause calcium lockouts. Careful, because if you get into an overnute situation the only way to get rid of the excess is to flush it out of there, and you have taken great care to make it a large part of your soil, basically un-flushable. Magnesium and Calcium are also related to Iron uptake... it can get ugly.

I would like to convince you not to add any more calmag until you get this pH thing in check and then see what happens. Adding more calmag, to try to fix the problem, just may make it worse.
So I added plain pH'd 6.3 water to three of the 5 girls in the tent like you advised and because I'm either dumb or stubborn I added calmag with water to the other two to see what happens. :) one way has to work right? Lol I do things I read about to try and make my life easier and 9 times put of 10 it doesn't work. I feel like I should be a bit better at this by now seeing this is my 4th try but I have been in a new environment every time and with different strains, diffrent soils, different nutes etc . We shall see. Thank you for the time and advice Emilya, and of courservice villageidiot. I would really just love one grow to go without any major issues and at this poi t i wouldnt call this a major issue so fingers ctossed if i can nip it in the bud. I will see give it a day or two and report back.

I'll post a pic in a minute. The two ones with calmag are the front right one and the one kind of on its own on the left. Ignore the tomatoes on the ground. It's actually tomatoes lol
Alright its been a while since I posted anything so heres an update. I gave all of the plants another tea with the same recipe as before just this time I went a lot heavier on the sugars. I now know what villageidiot was talking about with the foam lol it was almost spewing out of the 5 gal bucket. The girls in the tent look mint. The issue from before seems to happen after they get the tea but they still grow like hell. I think the ph may be alright I think its honestly just the calmag. I have been adding calmag every watering, full strength on the big two frankenstein's and 1/2 strength on the White widow in the tent and they seem to be eaten it up. I have continued to LST the ones in the tent and toped them a few times each and they look awesome and have a ton of sites. They are all going to veg for about 8 weeks before flower. I started 12/12 on the two frankenstein's and I did some light pruning, just took off some of the small stuff that was getting no light despite the lst. At the same time i took a few clones and put them in rock wool. I used some organic honey as my gel... it works great last time i did this i had a 100% success rate. I also used a bubleponic cloner last time, this time i just used some rock wool and a bit of clonex and vitamin b1. I guess we will see if they root. That was 2 days ago and they have since perked up and look good. I moved the rock wool into some solo cups with soil today. I fed the Two large ones at full strength today and gave the ones in the tent 1/4 strength with 1/2 strength calmag. I have found that General organics calmag is a bit weak. Anyway heres a couple pics. The last time I grew these frankensteins the results were not so good but I have better hopes this time around. I am very excited for the White widow but thats about 3 months away.
I was in the grow room for a few hours today doing some more LST. The girls look good I will upload a few pics in a day or two when they reach back up. Clones look good too. May loose two of them but i don't really care I only want 4 of the 8 I cloned. I have a nice schedule started with all my plants being jut about 4 weeks apart. As long as i take 4 clones every 4 weeks off of the mother, I will always have a harvest every 4 weeks. As it is now they will all get a chance to veg for 8 weeks. I might shorten this a bit or just do less plants. Im going to get it all dialed in finally with the same nutes and conditions which should allow me to really get my schedules right. If they grow nice and I start getting better at keeping them nice and green, I will work it out so I do 2 plants every 4 weeks which should be enough to manage, and allow me plenty of smoke to not run out :). I would have 4 in veg and 4 in flower every 2 -4weeks apart. I looked into grafting and thought it would be really cool to try and graft a mother plant with like 4 different strains so I could keep 4 or so different genetics on one mother. This would save me space and Im not trying to have 4 different mothers. I'm rambling… Ill update some pics in a few days.

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