Well-Known Member
This is why I wrote my watering articles and my tutorials. I got tired of explaining the same things over and over again (for 11 years now), yet every week brings in more people that need to hear the concepts. I enjoy teaching what I have learned and now I can refer anyone that needs to learn the basics to my past work, but oftentimes there is a need for one on one instruction or being able to word something in just the right way for a new grower of weeds to understand a concept better. I have also learned a somewhat profound lesson in life by doing this... the more I explain my concepts to people, the better I understand them myself! The best way to master a subject is to try to teach it. Also, I know my watering tutorial will be along well after I am gone, and if something were to happen to me, the lessons are still there and able to help anyone in the future. Stick around Buds, you are one of the good ones, and we need your voice out here. Just as in growing this weed, we do our best work by being patient and staying with it for the long haul.