Forest Gump Is Growing!

You should always water till you see run off.

I learned this along the way, and it’s stuck with me. Look at it this way. Plants love BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) when you feed them a blt but see no run off. Then their getting a lot of bacon, a lil bit of lettuce, and little to no tomato. They look dry after a while so You then feed them again, another dose of BLT, again they get a lot of bacon only a little lettuce and again lil to no tomato. On top of that they got the left over scraps of the food from the feeding prior.

When you water your plants with runoff, they get the entire bacon lettuce and tomato. Ensuring you that all of the roots get the full dose of bacon, lettuce and tomato, also ensuring you that the roots are getting oxygen pulled through all of the roots as well.
Ahh yeah
Thank you, only doing 1/2 strength at every other water to be safe...they are thriving so far. Since they look so good gonna stick with that.
Ah yeah, every other watering shouldnt give you any dramas. If theyre happy theres no point changing anything. Now you know what to look out for though.:)
You should always water till you see run off.

I learned this along the way, and it’s stuck with me. Look at it this way. Plants love BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) when you feed them a blt but see no run off. Then their getting a lot of bacon, a lil bit of lettuce, and little to no tomato. They look dry after a while so You then feed them again, another dose of BLT, again they get a lot of bacon only a little lettuce and again lil to no tomato. On top of that they got the left over scraps of the food from the feeding prior.

When you water your plants with runoff, they get the entire bacon lettuce and tomato. Ensuring you that all of the roots get the full dose of bacon, lettuce and tomato, also ensuring you that the roots are getting oxygen pulled through all of the roots as well.
Wow...what a way to explain it, and it makes since, will water till I get some runoff, and ph that water, right?? I just read so much about overwatering it scares me, and afraid of root rot.
Yeah, root rot is a possibility that could, happen. Unless your dumping a couple gallons in a day, it’s not likely to happen. Don’t get me wrong, it can happen, but not very likely. If a person is watering large amounts all the time the plant won’t grow very well and would probably die off before getting to the point of root rot.

If you sense you watered too much, just go a bit longer in between feedings, the worst that’ll happen is the plant drops down.. feed them some water after a good dry out session and they perk back up.:Rasta:

In my 5 gallon cloth pots I find 3/4 of a gallon was almost perfect in soil. I’m in coco with this run and 1 gallon has been the magic number, but I normally just feed until I’m happy with the run off

It doesn’t hurt to be a lil cautious, but being too cautious, is different from being a little cautious. Your never going to learn or improve in things if your not pushing/testing your self, or taking risks here and there. Your doing great, the plants look healthy, and your well on your way to a very happy ending!
Yeah, root rot is a possibility that could, happen. Unless your dumping a couple gallons in a day, it’s not likely to happen. Don’t get me wrong, it can happen, but not very likely. If a person is watering large amounts all the time the plant won’t grow very well and would probably die off before getting to the point of root rot.

If you sense you watered too much, just go a bit longer in between feedings, the worst that’ll happen is the plant drops down.. feed them some water after a good dry out session and they perk back up.:Rasta:

In my 5 gallon cloth pots I find 3/4 of a gallon was almost perfect in soil. I’m in coco with this run and 1 gallon has been the magic number, but I normally just feed until I’m happy with the run off

It doesn’t hurt to be a lil cautious, but being too cautious, is different from being a little cautious. Your never going to learn or improve in things if your not pushing/testing your self, or taking risks here and there. Your doing great, the plants look healthy, and your well on your way to a very happy ending!
Thank you, they are looking good. But you advice means a lot!!
Thats good advice Back has given you.
You PH water BEFORE you water plants.

Run off also prevents Salt Build up, .....
the part of the BLT that gets left behind with no run off.... Not good.

Best of Grows!
You should always water till you see run off.

I learned this along the way, and it’s stuck with me. Look at it this way. Plants love BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) when you feed them a blt but see no run off. Then their getting a lot of bacon, a lil bit of lettuce, and little to no tomato. They look dry after a while so You then feed them again, another dose of BLT, again they get a lot of bacon only a little lettuce and again lil to no tomato. On top of that they got the left over scraps of the food from the feeding prior.

When you water your plants with runoff, they get the entire bacon lettuce and tomato. Ensuring you that all of the roots get the full dose of bacon, lettuce and tomato, also ensuring you that the roots are getting oxygen pulled through all of the roots as well.
Damn :hmmmm: fuck the plants :rofl::rofl: you made me hungry :thedoubletake::thedoubletake: Ima go make a BLT :popcorn:
Thank you, they are looking good. But you advice means a lot!!
Hey Forest buddy your plants look awesome man :thumb: but watering properly is the key to a good flowering harvest...@Emilya is the expert on this and here's her thread on's a MUST read buddy :goodluck:

You're never to old to learn my friend...I've been growing for over 10 years...and I'm still learning :thumb:
:welcome: to :420: Forest:passitleft:...with all the info you've put into this thread so far I'd ask the Mods to move it to "Grow Journals"....You could call it "Bubba Gump Hemp" :rofl::rofl: well at least hemp rhymes with shrimp :rofl: damn I could be a rapper :slide::rofl:
i dont know how to ask the to
Thats good advice Back has given you.
You PH water BEFORE you water plants.

Run off also prevents Salt Build up, .....
the part of the BLT that gets left behind with no run off.... Not good.

Best of Grows!
Have tested my water before with test runs about 6.5....that ok? And should test runoff??? (Considering I am using hillbilly compost mixed with ocean forest?) Dont want to spend money for ph up or down, but since they are doing so good I dont want to mess up now!!!!
Hey there @ForestGump I was in a similar situation as yours and I found out quickly that the test strips just aren't that accurate. After you add all of your nutes to the water, then perform the test and pH up/down as needed.

I say all of that to say this. Get a pH pen to replace those strips. The strips just aren't accurate enough. I picked up one which can be re-calibrated as needed for $20-$30 (can't recall).
Hey there @ForestGump I was in a similar situation as yours and I found out quickly that the test strips just aren't that accurate. After you add all of your nutes to the water, then perform the test and pH up/down as needed.

I say all of that to say this. Get a pH pen to replace those strips. The strips just aren't accurate enough. I picked up one which can be re-calibrated as needed for $20-$30 (can't recall).
just google ph pen then?
Anyway, my relative who gave me all this stuff stopped by and was kind of surprised they were doing so good. Said he has done worse. I took that as a compliment from him...cause he seems to succeed at anything he sets his mind to. OH..he said the one is deff an autoflower, but a runt and bad genetics in his opinion and I should dump it and make better use of the container. At least he is honest I guess.
To me it is weird how some are "bushy" from the start and others are "spindly". I read up a little and topped instead of "fiming?"..seemed easier and didn't seem to really slow them down. Just more colas.
Ok guys, the moderators did in fact move this post into the grow journal I feel I have to prove I can do it...THAT makes me nervous! I am not nearly as proficient as the other growers here. I fell sorta "less than", lol..gonna need your help guys!
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