Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Hey syenite, I have no indoor experience but looking good so far! :thumb:

Thanks Stunger!! Doesn't matter, it's great to have you here.

How ya feeling today? Better I hope!

I've been thinking about your approach to growing and I am focused on getting their roots strong. At the moment it just seems to be about watering them right!
Congratulations mate! I’m excited for you :yahoo:
You’ve put a lot of energy into it. Something about the conversation of energy mumble means you’ll be getting it all back - and by the look of things the theory holds.
Well done.
Congratulations mate! I’m excited for you :yahoo:
You’ve put a lot of energy into it. Something about the conversation of energy mumble means you’ll be getting it all back - and by the look of things the theory holds.
Well done.

Thanks so much DD! That means a lot. Yes, I have plenty of energy - I just hope it goes in the right places :rofl:

I also made the leap and ordered my first seeds. I'm a little nervous about it - hope I took the right measures! :lot-o-toke:
Thanks Stunger!! Doesn't matter, it's great to have you here.

How ya feeling today? Better I hope!

I've been thinking about your approach to growing and I am focused on getting their roots strong. At the moment it just seems to be about watering them right!
Cheers syenite! I feel I am not far away from coming right, thankfully. Looking forward to this cold wet weather passing.
Yes good to get the watering right, I saw a mate's plants that were quite overwatered and had developed the fugal condition known as 'damping off' - was a very sad sight. Check out some of the journals of the folk who are growing all the time, as they have it really dialed in.
@DonkeyDick So I went with the feminized Gorilla Zkittlez from Seedsman and it was almost completely arbitrary!

I was nervous so I didn't want to overthink it lol. It looks pretty but not so good-looking I'd be terrified of messing up :rofl:

I think I read something about its THC content, how it's not too hard to grow, and that it's not too tall? And that was enough for me, for now.
Cheers syenite! I feel I am not far away from coming right, thankfully. Looking forward to this cold wet weather passing.
Yes good to get the watering right, I saw a mate's plants that were quite overwatered and had developed the fugal condition known as 'damping off' - was a very sad sight. Check out some of the journals of the folk who are growing all the time, as they have it really dialed in.

Glad to hear things are better!

And yeah not having to deal with this week's dark days adds to the sweetness of starting the indoor grow. Yeesh. Bleak af weather.

Yeah I have been weighing them morning and evening, before and after watering/feeding. I am letting them dry out properly and hopefully getting those roots stretching. When I up-pot I might focus on getting the edges wet to encourage the roots out of the rootball. That's the theory anyway!
So the lights arrived yesterday morning, just as I was jumping into a work meeting. The package stared at me from the corner of the room until the end of the work day. Pure torture!

I was too excited to cook a proper dinner, so pizza was the solution. 10 minutes later I began my feverish mission of measuring and cutting and duct-taping and cable-tying. I had already planned out what I was going to do, but execution was really a thing in and of itself.

The actual cabinet is arriving in 2 weeks to a month, so the cardboard box will serve as an excellent platform on which to experiment. And it also means I can get started earlier!

After a very long day, I finished the first pass on my cardboard prototype!


I don't want to talk about the product/brand I'm using, also out of respect for this forum's policies. But I will mention the specs of what I'm working with. Each LED panel is 15W, with Samsung lm301bs, and can be adjusted for intensity. I'm using a lux meter to take measurements at different positions and with different light intensities. I'm aware that lux isn't PAR/PPFD, but for now all I need is an internally consistent measurement so I can make adjustments and try things out in a more systematic fashion. With the bottom light panels at 25% and the rest off, it's approximately "7000 lux" where the seedlings are in that photo. I started conditioning the seedlings today, and they were in there for 2 hours. I will progressively increase their time spent in the box each successive day, and the intensity of the lights too.

Probably the first thing you all will have noticed - it might be a little ambitious/aspirational, but I really want to try out vertical/side lighting to maximize surface area exposed to the lights. If the plants end up not liking it, I can always move the panels into a more typical arrangement. This one will require some interesting training.

Suffice to say there are still things I have to work on. Better cable management. I have an exhaust fan but no carbon filter yet. Have a bit of time to think about what to do in that context. It will be a tough challenge considering the spatial constraints. Perhaps I can have the filter on the outside? There's also better soundproofing to be done. I have a heat mat to go in there for the cold nights. No fan for internal air circulation yet.

The seedlings themselves seem really happy. The timing of the gear arriving really couldn't have been better - both seedlings have just sprung their first multi-tipped leaves. The days have also started to get really dark and miserable here.

I feel exhausted now. But all in all so pleased the journey's really started! Thank you to whoever's stuck around this long :yahoo::snowboating::surf:
That looks like an amazing set up!
@DonkeyDick So I went with the feminized Gorilla Zkittlez from Seedsman and it was almost completely arbitrary!

I was nervous so I didn't want to overthink it lol. It looks pretty but not so good-looking I'd be terrified of messing up :rofl:

I think I read something about its THC content, how it's not too hard to grow, and that it's not too tall? And that was enough for me, for now.

:high-five: Top work, dawg! I’ve seen lots of pretty GZ pictures.
Should be potent enough to get a rock stoned :straightface: I said a rock.. :cheesygrinsmiley: geology joke for your username. (Could be worse. Didn’t think mine through).
Hey we got an upside down guy on the other side clenching his toes so he doesn’t fall off. @Ganjagrandaddy :headbanger: you grew some memorable GZ recently mate you might want to get an eye on this.
Looking good mate:thumb:

I'm certainly no expert but do you think you have enough light above them? I'm only pointing this out as everything ive read says to think of the leaves as solar panels and make sure they are collecting the energy from your lights. I'm keeping my 120W LED panels around 450-500mm from the top of my canopy. When they were just starting to get going in veg like yours are about to do I had the lights around 600mm away and in hindsight I probably could have had them closer. I could be way off the mark but might be something to consider:hmmmm:
:high-five: Top work, dawg! I’ve seen lots of pretty GZ pictures.
Should be potent enough to get a rock stoned :straightface: I said a rock.. :cheesygrinsmiley: geology joke for your username. (Could be worse. Didn’t think mine through).
Hey we got an upside down guy on the other side clenching his toes so he doesn’t fall off. @Ganjagrandaddy :headbanger: you grew some memorable GZ recently mate you might want to get an eye on this.
Oo some GZ. Very nice strain and nuts. Zmittelz seems to be the new black for me too. Monster Zkittelz, fruity Gorilla both influenced too. Nom nom
Looking good mate:thumb:

I'm certainly no expert but do you think you have enough light above them? I'm only pointing this out as everything ive read says to think of the leaves as solar panels and make sure they are collecting the energy from your lights. I'm keeping my 120W LED panels around 450-500mm from the top of my canopy. When they were just starting to get going in veg like yours are about to do I had the lights around 600mm away and in hindsight I probably could have had them closer. I could be way off the mark but might be something to consider:hmmmm:

Appreciate it McRib! That is one of the big questions and the idea of the whole current grow revolves around it. The idea is that the plants get all their light from the sides. I expect them to incline their leaves downwards after some time so they can get maximum exposure.

Right now I'm actually worried about them getting too much light! Hence my doing things gradually.

Distance should be ok but that is one of the tests for these lights. They're designed for better heat distribution and so radiate less heat. If I hold my hand out to the leaves I feel barely anything from the lights.

We will see. I'm going to have a lot of fun seeing which hypotheses are proven or disproven!
So I hear there are awards for bud of the month and photo of the month?

I mean, I may be biased, but...

If you enter that one I am pulling out !!!! ( not from a porn dialogue!).
Last grow I even drilled out the 2 liter seed starting pots I used as well as well the bigger 30L and 50L final pots, that small size I realized allowed a lot of moisture loss so next time I will water more often. When drilling out the pots I feel you really need to change your watering approach for that reason. The other thing is, I made a simple pot liner by stapling some breathable landscape fabric to allow the air/oxygen to come in and avoid the soil falling out the bigger holes. It must be a little tricky if you are drilling the pots out already filled with soil. I don't imagine that any roots that got chopped or nicked would be any problem as it would only be those on the that reached the sides of the pots.

Here's some pics of what I did. :hookah:

Sorry been busy anyway @Stunger I love your planters great damn job. Maybe now that I transplanted I can't do similar. Which transplanting was the answer I tried to avoid so much. I don't like doing and I lost 1. But still 10 now much healthier plants vs 11 not as healthy 1s the 10 wins this time.
Also @Stunger I will be buying a digital ph tester for around $30 I don't trust the 1 got and a digital is more cost effective in the end. @FelipeBlu unfortunately transplanting to that isn't an an option. I went 1.7 gallon planters a drilling extra drain holes. @syenite your equipment looks awsome you should def have fun experimenting now. In hindsight wish I did each of mine in different soil mix and player size have less issues going random maybe? Idk in the end grow and be happy. Mistakes happen just learn where I'm at now I remember my 1st grow outside stared August. Where I live people said no way on forum I was on. I went on screwed up a lot but was happ with a quarter a plant from 6 plants. All varied sizes from bag seed. The best plant ok story. I decided to transplant. Like an idiot I did it late August late afternoon lime 100 put with humidity. I got it in new planter messing up roots then decided water. Already duh after the middle of day duh :D. I grab a jug but the 1 that's been sitting out for days boiling hot n realize when I touch soil after. The poor baby instantly is hit with dropped sad leaves. I cared for it n it can thru trying with 1 dieing now but doubtful. Lesson no matter the issue keep trying. Sorry again would qoute but work as yea despite pandemic people need paint and new vanities :D. So can't qoute be 3 hour message some I'm already an hour in :p. I will admit I'm jealous n wish I could do indoor grow bro. I will cause I like outdoors but indoors so much control.
Maybe now that I transplanted I can't do similar.
You original thoughts to drill some holes with the plant in it would probably be no problem, I was more concerned with your drill bits getting blunted when they go thru into the soil.

Last grow I started in the pots I showed above (about 1 gallon I guess) and transplanted up to larger (7.5 and 12.5 gallon pots) when I start to train them for quadlining. I didn't really feel that the transplanting gave any problems.
Also @Stunger I will be buying a digital ph tester for around $30 I don't trust the 1 got and a digital is more cost effective in the end. @FelipeBlu unfortunately transplanting to that isn't an an option. I went 1.7 gallon planters a drilling extra drain holes. @syenite your equipment looks awsome you should def have fun experimenting now. In hindsight wish I did each of mine in different soil mix and player size have less issues going random maybe? Idk in the end grow and be happy. Mistakes happen just learn where I'm at now I remember my 1st grow outside stared August. Where I live people said no way on forum I was on. I went on screwed up a lot but was happ with a quarter a plant from 6 plants. All varied sizes from bag seed. The best plant ok story. I decided to transplant. Like an idiot I did it late August late afternoon lime 100 put with humidity. I got it in new planter messing up roots then decided water. Already duh after the middle of day duh :D. I grab a jug but the 1 that's been sitting out for days boiling hot n realize when I touch soil after. The poor baby instantly is hit with dropped sad leaves. I cared for it n it can thru trying with 1 dieing now but doubtful. Lesson no matter the issue keep trying. Sorry again would qoute but work as yea despite pandemic people need paint and new vanities :D. So can't qoute be 3 hour message some I'm already an hour in :p. I will admit I'm jealous n wish I could do indoor grow bro. I will cause I like outdoors but indoors so much control.

Cheers for the update! I know this might sound cruel but I don't mean it that way, but I enjoy reading about other people's mistakes on here. Reminds us all that we're not perfect and I love learning. Maybe I also love the DRAMA! :rofl:

I had times on here where I felt like maybe I shouldn't show or share my f-ups. But there's nothing to be embarrassed about and how else are we going to learn?

You original thoughts to drill some holes with the plant in it would probably be no problem, I was more concerned with your drill bits getting blunted when they go thru into the soil.

Last grow I started in the pots I showed above (about 1 gallon I guess) and transplanted up to larger (7.5 and 12.5 gallon pots) when I start to train them for quadlining. I didn't really feel that the transplanting gave any problems.

I think @CraCraCarl11 lost 1 in the process of transplanting! RIP.

Cheers for the update! I know this might sound cruel but I don't mean it that way, but I enjoy reading about other people's mistakes on here. Reminds us all that we're not perfect and I love learning. Maybe I also love the DRAMA! :rofl:

I had times on here where I felt like maybe I shouldn't show or share my f-ups. But there's nothing to be embarrassed about and how else are we going to learn?

I think @CraCraCarl11 lost 1 in the process of transplanting! RIP.

I get what you are saying but I would say it's not enjoy reading other's mistakes. It's more of releaved in a way. As it makes you feel better when u make or have made a mistake not just you. I've read grow diaries on other sites by pros and they make mistakes we all do. Especially dealing with a new strain or grow method. Why I admit I was a little too confident thinking well I took dirt seeds from a bag of brown weed and got damn good bud. So if I get good genetics I'm good. I made a mistake and showed it to the world. Cause also you are right @syenite it's good to show mistakes so you and everyone learns. Now people know from me that you don't do big planters straight away if it's not indoors or a dry climate. I hate the weather in my area spring is chilly then a 1 good week followed by hot and humid. I'm def not ashamed I screwed up. Still I got 10 going and they are turning around. I'm so curious about the seeds I saw that AR only 12 days of veg then flower. That's crazy and no I'm not ready for that. If my plans of getting a camper and road life happen what I would go for. A constant 3 plant mini grow giving me a few ozs every 2 months. They be perfect for a small space like that. Autos 1st try I say do what I did. Find 1 that gives about 5 weeks veg so u screw up like I did u have some recovery time. Always expect some issues but if you learn from it you and your plants will keep growing.
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