re: Flyinhigh's Ebb & Flow - 1st Hydro Attempt
Ok, sorry for the lack of pictures, im trying to wait till I have something on the walls.
Anyways, I have set up a 4' 4 lamp t5 covering all of my veg area. Also have my intake in a small closet, so all air coming in is 72° F and somewhat clean lol.
Also for flowering, I have one 400 watt hps, followed by two 600 watt bulbs now in separate hoods. One 600 is in a big kauhuna 6" air cooled reflector, then my other two are in easy cool 6" hoods. Right now they are set up with one light over each plant. And I have my venting going into my crawlspace.
The temps are staying at 72 in the veg room and 77 in flowering. I haven't had a chance to monitor humidity, but I have a feeling i will need a dehumidifier. Rooms are both sealed except for around the door. Also everything is super light tight, and its soundproof from the outside of the house.
Ill post pictures tomorrow evening and take you on the best virtual tour I can. Anybody please feel free to post anyway I could improve my setup after you check out the pics.