Fluxing NL x BB

Thus speaks the voice of someone at one with fluxing :) :)
Its all about the relationship and time spent with your plants is always a bonus in my eyes :)

Now for some good news for ya! Any plant when trained hard will take longer to flower than a normal of same strain. I can't give you a number of days to add because of this but I'd be adding a week or more to the breeders stated then maybe even a week longer due to the training :)

Now once defol is done you start tethering higher up the outer limbs and in increments pull em down just a touch. As the tether is higher it should lever them out on an angle. This opens all up for light and airflow :)
Also one limb each end of flux arms must be the smallest touch higher than all others, just to promote the feeding loop idea! :)
Okay LA, how's this?

Please advise on whether that is enough defol or more can be done.


I have only done this one so far in case it's wrong :cheesygrinsmiley:
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