Flowering clones vs. regeneration

update time
17 days into veg now for the regenerating plants and the clones
*edited time frame was incorrect before*

clones dont look that great


regenerated plants are looking very bushy and dense



we can see here what the new growth looks like from the bud sites left on the plant


and here we can see some nice healthy roots, could probably use a res change though lol


we are now 1 week away from flipping the light cycle to 12/12, if the clones continue to perform poorly i will consider just tossing them
well not many replys here, but ill keep posting updates till harvest

today is day 5 of flowering


you can see the nice new lush green growth on top. very dense so i will be doing some major trimming on the lower branches as not much light gets down there.

the flowering clones on the left never really got going, im figure ill just leave them in there and if i get a gram then awsome, if not, oh well
Those revegg girls look great bro...I have had cloning probs my self...have you been fertilizing them at all? If not, that might be the problem. They might even need to be given more light as well because they are rooting now and need to treated like plants now instead of clones.
I think I'm going to try the revegg thing with my AK47's after seeing this thread...I'm impressed!
i have given the smaller ones a couple feedings of fertalizer at this point. im sure they could do with being closer to the light, but space restrictions make this a little tougher, and at this point im sort of focused on the big girls. i would definately go revegg over flowering clones in future after this experiment, they turned around quicker and grew out very bushy and full. thanks for the support!
For the small grower regeneration is where it is at. If you dont mind after this weekend i'll post a picture of a plant that is on it's 3rd round.
i added some improvements to my grow setup today, and did some trimming of the lower branches.

wall mounted power strip, safety reasons


2 metal shelving units added, with top and middle shelf removed, temporary back and side walls with windshield reflector installed


here you can see how much i trimmed from the bottom of the plants, could have probably done more, but this will do for now


up close of the plants


the smaller plants are now sitting on the shoe boxes in the first shelving unit. i should also mention that night time for the plants is from 8am to 8pm, this has helped maintain a more consistant temp insted of the boiling hot mid day temps i was getting during veg phase. pretty happy with how things are going this time around.

i have orderd new seeds for my next grow, lowryder 2 x10 and CH9 flower x10. i plan on installing the tops of the shelving unit for this and hanging the lights from it insted of the clothes horse it is currently hung from, since the lowriders are much shorter this shouldnt be a problem. i also plan on installing a roof on the box and putting a couple computer fans on it to exhaust the air out the top. im sure these plans will change a little by then though,

Cool...your going to love those LR#2's bro...I love the fruity flavor and the great daytime high...and you'll love this part too, they love fluorescent lights my friend, so your set...enjoy, and I look forward to seeing that grow too :yummy:
Day 17 of flowering.

Slow going, no flowers yet, signs that they have started, but nothing of note. I hope nothing is going wrong.

Looking in


Has to tie em down, getting to close to the lights


you can see how the stems are bent from the training

im beginning to think that maybe i shocked the plants or something, i did do some pretty aggressive pruning to remove alot of the dead leaves and buds from their first harvest. i am really careful about not exposing them to light during their nighttime, but since their night is 8am to 8pm, maybe their is a light leak im not aware of? i will have to investigate. any suggestions?
I would think that by day 17 you should see some flowers forming. It could be that they are stressed or were, but I would definitely check the room in daytime to check for light leaks. The plants look very healthy, hope they decide to flower for ya soon. How are the clones coming along?
clones never got going really, and i didnt keep them close to the lights like i should have, so there are 2 of 3 left (1 was mysterious lost to a series of small fires). both are really small. you can see them sitting on the box in one of the pictures i posted.
man this sucks. i leave for amsterdam on the 16th September, so I had planned to have these guys all done and dusted by then. dont know how im gonna meet that schedule now.
i think i found out what happened to my plants. i decided to sit in the room with the lights off to check for light leaks, there were none, then i noticed this glow in the dark thing, i pick it up, its the flash light i use to help me see when i am changing bulbs in here. the on/off switch glows in the dark. its burnt out so i must have left it on in the room, which means the plants didnt get their 12 hrs darkness for who knows how long.

so its now been removed, and i hope it burnt out a long time ago cause im on a really really tight schedule to harvest these guys now.

leaving on the 16th of september, what day do you think i should chop them down at? considering i will have to dry them also. what about chopping them down the 16th, leaving them hung inside a cardboard box for 10 days while im gone? is this just asking for mold to eat the buds? any help appreciated.
U should beable to leave em for 10 days so long as the room stays dry and room temp.
i wish u luck with the ladys sometimes they have to take their time getting rdy for ya
oh and also enjoy Amsterdam :)
thanks Pastorj

heres an update, the extra time in veg has made the plants length a bit of a challenge, but they are nice and healthy, and now i have experience doing lst lol


you can see in this next one the tip on the right fan leaf sat on the lights a little too long


the main cola on this plant is real long, i have to pull it way off to the side and next to the other plant

How did this grow turn out?
We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
sorry about abandoning this thread guys, but as you may have guessed, no harvest took place. the plants did not flower in time for the vacation i was taking and i decided i was uncomfortable leaving the electonics on for 10 days with no supervision.

i belive the reason for the delayed flowering was that i found a light leak (well a light bulb left on in the room) and that i shocked the plants with some very aggressive pruning.

i am starting a new grow today and will start a new journal.
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