Day 37 (Morning) - The grass is green, and the girls are pretty.
Temps were 69-77; RH 39-60%. The 69f was probably during sleep when I had the ac\dry function on and had temps set to 70 vs 72 or 73 to make sure the 'dry' function stayed on more often (it turn off upon reaching temp). Anyway my mini dehumidifier should arrive today. Not sure if I'm gonna put it inside the tent or keep it in outer room, probably try inside first. Now on to the good news ....progress.
Before touching them this morning Miss cane 3\4 main tops were at 10" (as tied), Mrs.Widow was at 12" (as previously tied), that's about .5" increase and 1" increase over last ~24hr. Also I see new growth on both of them, and I see flower progress on Candy, as well as Widow, and on Widow there is some competition for who wants to take the top#4 spot...between a new branch, and the previously broken branch, the old branch is losing at the moment, but make a minor tweak to get her some more light see if she can't catch up.
Basically - WOW, and the new stuff either leaves or parts edges of leaves SO easy to spot because they are totally dark green as they should be. So much that I'd forgotten how these beotchs should have been looking.
Have some more things to mention but first get's get the daily porn out of the way.
Top Shots:
Miss Cane (sides + closeups):
The dead leaf is one that was basically long dead at the base of stump,
I just finally removed it as it was dead-dead now, vs dying. The other
bad leave pics aren't so much for show as they are to help me track any
additional signs, I've picked like 4 key leaves to specifically monitor for
next couple day for more 'rust', far as I can tell this morning I don't see
any additional leaves like that, as for leaves that already had some...
I don't think I see additional rust spots, but a couple spots on those leaves
that had gone like black\dark purple are more pronounced today...or
maybe I'm just seeing them more clearly today.
Mrs.Widow (sides + closeups):
Here that dead leaf is the original gangster (cyclodone or whatever) I finally removed it, I'd already
removed the other day ago. The bad leaf pics here are less about tracking mag or cal problems,
and more about tracking if the problems down there are spreading or as I suspect 80% caused
by me. (spilling nutes on them, man handling them causing cracks,chips, nicks, growing in ground, etc)
That last pic I think is very telling... lower part of the pic where you see dark green tips, that's not
shading or the camera\lighting, that's the new growth, same in the upper right, Magnesium finally getting
to where it needs to be.
So either it seems they took up the nutes at whatever ph, or they at least took up the cal-mag I foliar feed, I still don't know what to make of in at 6.8 but out at 6.1, but for now I'm going to assume they got the last dose fine. BUT to be safe and to help make up for prior lake of cal-mag, I will break with my plan, and give them a very light misting dose again today 15min just before lights out. Basically have an inch or less of the mixture left in the solo sprayer from yesterday.. I'm just going to finish it off. Reading around I read cal-mag is one of the few things you can (with in reason) give some extra to play 'catch up' with, so I will, and the doliar dosage is 1/2 the dose for playing catchup via foliar anyway, so I don't think I need to worry about over doing it.
As for nutes and going right to 50% of flower mix.. so far so good, I don't see any obvious signs of nute burn...could take another day to show up though.
Lights - I moved the side lights(1-4) back down ~1"...they're still 3-4" higher than they were 4-5 days ago.
I am going to move the main 600 and extra guy in the back (side #5) down an inch or two as well, but I'm not going to do that till right around lights out today after I mist and lights are minute from going out. Again they'll still be higher than they were and still well above how close in theory I should be able to have them. That said I did catch a leaf or too at 78-79f when it was 76 on the room gauge. Not gonna fret about that though, most were 74-76.
LST - mini session. So they're in both now of course in flower, CC clearly out of transition and WW either is.. or is about to be, guess I'm not really supposed to still be doing this, but I am anyway, to control their direction a little while I sort of still can. I pulled WW's 3 main tops down about an inch trying to get'em more even with the rest of the canopy that is developing in the middle, as well as some last attempt to get her semi-even with CC's height. On CC I didn't really do the same..cause they were pretty darn even on their own, but I did tweak existing ties just a little for direction and maybe 1/2 inch in height. Some of the outer branches I tweaked a little to make some more potential space for prospects surrounding them. I think after this session though.. just gonna leave them and see what happens. Almost worried I'm having it maybe waste potential energy on stuff that will just end up as popcorn maybe I shouldn't be too concerned about it from here on out.
...if I could defoil I would, but I can't\shouldn't really per most folks.. I'm even afraid when I remove dead stuff now - lol.
Other than that, I'm gonna leave them alone tonight and all day Wednesday, as they should be due for water either Thursday morning or Thursday evening... I'm not letting them get to the 11\11.5lbs (literally dry weight of pots) stage again, fk that, didn't even mean for that to happen, they are getting fed when I see 12.xx or next convenient opportunity if I see 13.1\13.3 and it's been 3 days. With the lower RH and their size now I wouldn't be surprised if they actually want feedings every 3days instead of 4 by next week.
I had an internal debate ... paradise city (grass is green from cal-mag), or pour some sugar (sugar daddy in the mist mix too) on me... whenever there is any doubt GnR should always win.