First timer experience growing grow

I'll for sure be here.:ganjamon:
Are you just going to contiue this journal or start another one?
Either way :rollit: I'll be snuping around:rasta:

I'm not sure. Probably going to start a new one for good luck! Maybe "AmGrowR's second attempt" or something. I'll start it as soon as she sprouts. I'm excited! Thanks for all the knowledge you've passed my way. You've been a great help. Can't wait to see you on my next grow!!! :ganjamon:
I asked that on the FAQ's and they said that an unpollinated female (sensemilla) will sometimes produce seeds all by themselves. My buddy got a nut of some danks that had about 3 or 4 seeds in it so that's why I used the term "sensemilla" seeds despite the fact that it is contradicting. Thanks for the luck! I'll need it.

yeah i figured you meant some good bud. and yeah they can form seeds by themselves. this a hermie. it was stressed out, theres for popping nanners, and then making seeds. however once it does this no longer is it "sinsemilla"
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