First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Organic

Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

dont worry about the leaves mate they soon bounce back, if the lights not getting to bud sites then they just dont grow, i dont normally do anything to autos but i had 2 huge fan leaves that was blocking all the lower growth and the lower branches where like 2inches long, so i pulled the top set of leaves off and now my auto is a bush and the branches are now longer than the main stem so getting the light to all the plant is a good option,

also if its possible swap the plants around in the grow room or turn the pots half a turn every day or 2 and that will help get light to other parts of the plant, just keep the cfls as close as you can without shading the other plants,

my mazar x white widow has just been flipped 12-12 but seems different to yours, mine seems to have smaller leaves, im wondering i this has something to do with the different lights we are using, maybe my plant has smaller leaves as its getting more light and yours is growing bigger leaves so it can take it more energy from the lights, or could just be a different pheno type, but i did keep mine in a small pot to long as my other plants was not finished in time so it had to stay in a small pot for longer than i like and this basically means the plants stay small until they can stretch their legs a bit, so will be interesting to see how the buds compare, hopefully its a nice strain, i wait till its in flower then ill take clones if its nice or even do a reveg,
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

dont worry about the leaves mate they soon bounce back, if the lights not getting to bud sites then they just dont grow, i dont normally do anything to autos but i had 2 huge fan leaves that was blocking all the lower growth and the lower branches where like 2inches long, so i pulled the top set of leaves off and now my auto is a bush and the branches are now longer than the main stem so getting the light to all the plant is a good option,

also if its possible swap the plants around in the grow room or turn the pots half a turn every day or 2 and that will help get light to other parts of the plant, just keep the cfls as close as you can without shading the other plants,

my mazar x white widow has just been flipped 12-12 but seems different to yours, mine seems to have smaller leaves, im wondering i this has something to do with the different lights we are using, maybe my plant has smaller leaves as its getting more light and yours is growing bigger leaves so it can take it more energy from the lights, or could just be a different pheno type, but i did keep mine in a small pot to long as my other plants was not finished in time so it had to stay in a small pot for longer than i like and this basically means the plants stay small until they can stretch their legs a bit, so will be interesting to see how the buds compare, hopefully its a nice strain, i wait till its in flower then ill take clones if its nice or even do a reveg,

The white rhino x mazar I got is insane. Every day I look at it more bud sites pop up. It was the slowest grower through most of the process but after the flip all of the lower node growth blew up and all the fan leaves got much larger. It stopped increasing height a week ago and shifted all its energy to flower production and pushing out lower growth.

I move all the plants around on a rotation but I feel its better to keep one side of the plant turned towards the light instead of spinning the actual pots, as the plants naturally produce more from a bud site with the light given. Especially with my tall plants , I would rather have the buds on half the plant be huge than have mediocre buds on both sides of the plants.

A serious question, most flowering plants that produce fruit, if you remove slow developing flowers the plant will naturally shift the energy reserved for them to other fruit/flowers. So would snipping bud sites that are really far from the lights increase the yield on the buds closer to them? I realize in any plant this increases stress but I feel one bud at a time spaced out far enough may cause an improvement? Thoughts?
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

"A serious question, most flowering plants that produce fruit, if you remove slow developing flowers the plant will naturally shift the energy reserved for them to other fruit/flowers. So would snipping bud sites that are really far from the lights increase the yield on the buds closer to them? I realize in any plant this increases stress but I feel one bud at a time spaced out far enough may cause an improvement? Thoughts?"

As donpaul.p posted lollipoping is a great way to produce a bigger yield through having you plants concentrate more energy on the top colas then spending used energy into small lower buds. This is what happen with my strawberry cough, and since I was a novice I had no idea of this, but now that I do I will be doing it this time. I would really just suggest this in our case because we are using CFL's, and when they are straight up and down they don't emit the light we want as if they where to the side so I do think this is a good idea. This is just my opinion.

Happy Flowering!
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

Donpaul.p I was curious in your post if you were talking about the white window x skunk? Or the white Rhino x mazar? In your post you said mazar x white window?
Going to remove lower bud sites tomorrow. Plants still looking good so far. Any way to make a possible estimate on yield at this point?
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

sorry my fault, i meant the mazar x rhino, its funny you mention it was pretty slow to start as mine was exactly the same, didnt grow as quick as the other plants and had small leaves, its still got small leaves but now its under 12-12 its pretty much doubled in size, not in height but in width, its certainly picked up under 12-12.

with your comment about removing the lower buds that method works very well indeed, now even though im now growing under hps their is still lower growth that dont get much light so the plant wastes energy growing these lower buds and in the end they produce very little, if you use a scrog or lst then you can produce nice buds on all the bud sites, but if the buds are not getting light then the buds will be tiny and produce very little on these lower buds, so even in veg i remove the lower branches, you can pretty much tell which branches and shoots are struggling in veg as node spacing is several inches so some lower branches stay really small but have 2 nodes that are many inches a part, these are going to produce very little,

so i do remove lower growth unless i use lst like i have with the ww x sk#1, that grew so damn quick i had to pull it over on its side, so now the stem is running along the soil so all the side shoots and all parts of the plant are now growing strait up so ill easily have 15 to 20 main buds growing upwards which is what ive got at the minute now im under 12-12, i still defol in flower if the fan leaves are stopping light getting to the lower bud sites or if its blocking the light from getting to a branch below, if the light is not getting to the branch then it stretches so it gets back into the light and this gives you big node spacing and you end up with tiny buds on these stretched branches.

their is another option how ever, you can harvest the top of the plant and leave the rest of the plant growing, it takes time for the plant to recover from the first harvest so you wont notice any difference for a week to 10 days, but after this time the lower buds will start to fatten up and they become decent buds, not all plants recover and continue to flower after you harvets most of the plant but some do and it does produce a bigger yield, ive had autos that flowered and id harvest and their would just be tiny bits of growth at the nodes, these would then start growing and the plant produced a 2nd harvest, then it produced a 3rd harvest but their was nothing left on the plant for the 4th harvest, but ive only had that happen with 1 auto.

photo plants i either remove the lower branches in veg but i wait until about 1 week before i flip 12-12 so i know whats getting good light and whats not then i remove anything struggling to grow, this then stops the plant wasting energy and nutrients on these parts of the plant so you are then letting the plant use all its energy on the main buds which increases yield,

when i first did a 2ltr dwc i always let the plants grow as is and i didnt do lolly popping, but then i decided to give it a try, so i removed all side branches apart from 2, so i had the main stem and 2 side branches which was the very bottom set of branches, as i removed all the others these got light so produced well, so as i lolly popped and the plant could focus all its energy on these 3 buds i ended up with the main bud been the same size as a 2ltr pop bottle, its in my 1st journal somewhere,

so lollypopping works but i know your not on about doing a full lolly pop your on about just removing branches and shoots that are not getting much light, i do this all the time and so do most growers, some branches you have very little growth at the nodes so i just pinch this off as i know the plant will replace what i took off by producing bigger buds up top
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

I trimmed all the bud sites on bagseed #1 (un topped) that were below a certain set of nodes. Going see how it reacts. Its the smallest plant and the thirstiest for some reason but it showed flowers first then slowed down. So I'm thinking it will be in flower the longest. All the plants are looking good still doing research on what strand to do next. I really like both the wwxs1 and the wr x mazar but the ww x s1 is cheaper by a lot.

Thinking I'm going to do a scrog using a bakers rack......
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

Definitely going to watch these finish out. Props on da first grow brederin
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

what you mean cheaper, the ww x sk#1 was free, ill try and find out what its going to be called when its released for sale as its a very nice growing plants, if it produces as nice and as fast as it grows then its going to be a very nice plant, ill take clones from mine as ive had nothing at all that grows as quick as that, the leaves are bigger than dinner plates, its a very nice plant,

the wr x is a very nice plant also, mines really taken off now its under 12-12, for some reason it seems to grow much better under 12-12 than it did in veg, it seemed slow in veg but its now growing branches all over the place and its not started to show sex yet so im wondering if it would do well under glr, i wonder if its been bred under glr and thats why it does better under 12-12
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

I emailed the about the wws1

The White Widow x Skunk #1 is a strain from Seedsman. They are not on general release as they are a bulk order seed. We do have bulk stocks of these and they are available to order over the telephone at a price of Ł15.99 (10 seeds) + P&P. Just give us a call on +44 1553 767285 and we can take your order over the telephone.

Regards and best wishes

So that's pretty cheap I would say for 10
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

The ladies at lights on today. Close up of lemon kush and ww x mazar




Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

that sure is a good price for such a nice growing plant, lets just hope it does as well in flower, so far mine seems to be growing really well, its going to be interesting to see what their going to call it when its released and if the price is going to change, its certainly a good free offer from herbies at the minute, ive not had a plant grow as quick as this before, but lets see how it flowers now if it flowers well then ill produce some fem seeds and keep it for future grows.

your plants look great,
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

Thanks donpaul.p, and thanks for the reps spimp.

I agree, the wws1 has really frosty hairs and leaves compared to the other plants, looks really good.

Added a light feeding of cal mag from general organics, the flowering nutes said it was suggested hope that's correct?
Re: First Time Indoor Grow Closet - CFL - Herbies Lemon Kush Feminized Aiming For Org

ro water needs it adding to it but tap water usually has enough in it for the plants unless you see sings of a def, so take it easy on the additives and see how the plant looks, if it needs more then it will show you soon enough, or just add it every 3rd or 4th watering just to give it a little boost, but its very easy to give to much cal mag and it is difficult to get the plant back to normal after, i struggled for a while with one of mine as it was difficult to tell if it needed more or was a lock out due to to much, but my problem only happened when i used off the shelf veg nutes and used molasses with it, then things really screwed up for that plant and had to flush in the end and start again with low doses of nutes and it finally recovered, but it was to far in flower to really recover enough to produce decent buds, so i put some fem pollen on it as it wasnt a total loss, the plant produced very little trich so hopefully the seeds will produce much better
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