First Time Grower

Sounds good. I also purchased a fungicide powder from a local hydroponics store. Thanks for the tip.

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Sent from my LGLS770 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Im not sure why there was mold either. From the looks of it, I think the mold issue may be taken care of but ill still keep a close eye. Im gonna post a couple pics in a few days on whether or not i am prepared for topping the plants. Thanks again

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Hey there guys. Just another quick update. Im around 4 weeks in from the clone transfer and the plants seem to be doing great. The powdered mildew is all taken care of and i am currently battling off an army of spider mites that seem to be only going for the three sativas on the right. Pretty weird. They dont look to be posing any big threats other than the bites on the leaves and of course, they will be gone soon. I plan on doing a transfer in the next couple days into 7 gallon smart pots due to the roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. Just want to be sure to avoid root bound. I will be sticking with the same soil and nutes for maybe another month until i begin the flowering period. Let me know what you think about those ideas and any threats i may come across as well. Thank you.

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Well i have not updated for a while but here i am. Everything is going great and i have added a few improvements.
-Carbon Filter
-Temp/Humidity adjustment
-7 gallon smart pot transplant
-Nutrient Adjustment
-125 watt HPS
-T5 side lighting as well as LED
-Ladybugs to keep mite population on a low

Everything is going great. I made an early decision that these plants will not be trained through any methods because it is my first grow. I can wait yo do some training on the next grow to improve my yields. The only advice i can give to new growers is to not pick up clones from other places. Starting with seeds is the clean and smart way to go. Im 25 days into flower and my plants are outta control. Let me know if you guys have any tips at all for me and i will highly appreciate it. Thanks guys. Stay stoned.

Sent from my LGLS770 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
It looks like they are quite happy in their environment. Nice job!

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