im using bio bloom at the moment NPK 2.0-6.0-3.5 it doesnt say about the micro profile??
Right off the've got too much P and not enough N.
If you look here, Concepts in Plant Nutrition you'll see that excess P causes the following deficiencies:
Zinc, Iron, copper.
If a plant lacks any of those, it will go yellow....just like your plant is.
My advice: get rid of the jackass nutrient and use something that works. I recommend Osmocote Plus. In the mean time, the following products will get you green again:
Liquinox: chelated zinc and iron
Epsom salt: magnesium and sulfur.
Total cost for new nutes and life-saving additives....less than 35 dollars.
this is all i can get off there website :Bio-Bloom natural bloom formula is a complete fertilizer used from the beginning of a fruit or flower production until harvest. It is packed with naturally occurring minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, and hormones of vegetable origin to ensure exuberant flowers and fruit sets.
Yeah.....obviously the info on the web isn't quite right.