First Time Grower PPM Question

i think neem oil during flower is not a good idea. I think it was @InTheShed who said it to me. Not sure toooo :bongrip:
I heard it’s a no no at anytime. That it was shown to cause birth defects in babies born from women smoking it. But whether that’s true or not I agree with you. I’ve been told nothing really is ok in flower. I have an herbal pest control we can use if needed but you literally have to wipe each leaf and get none on bud! I’m praying I don’t have to do it again haha. We did it when we brought her inside at the beginning of flower.
ya, flower time is whole other ball game. Veggative stage is fun. im doing a gorilla glue right now with 3 other clones and their all in veg
I heard it’s a no no at anytime. That it was shown to cause birth defects in babies born from women smoking it.

Doesn't sunlight (and, one assumes, the light produced by decent indoor grow lights) quickly break that stuff down / decompose it?

Are these women spraying it on their joints instead of their plants?
I would suggest you take the ppm meter and toss it in the very back of some drawer in the basement and forget about it. Put it next to your ph meter. lol.
I try to avoid run off. I dont like washing away any goodies I've been building up in my soil. I keep it moist but not wet. Moist enough for my worms to be happy and all the biology thriving. The PH and nutes are being dealt with by the soil mix
I scratch in some EWC under the mulch and a tea or two before flower and not much more.
I was a hydro guy and an outdoor grower before that. Its hard to get that mentality out of your head after its been in there for years. God/mother nature have been doing a good job at this shit for millions of years, so who am I to change what works! Peace
Mykos is just an inoculate I think.

I use Root wise elixir, Yucca extract, Ferticell Algae, Bokashi, malted barley, worm castings, compost.
Really most everything you put in your soil to amend it is basically feeding the microbes.
You just need a complete food soil web.
Hi there. I found this thread on a search for Bokashi. How do you apply and use the Bokashi? I am about to embark on my first in the soil, in the ground grow. The soil here is good. I just want to augment it. I have been advised to use alfalfa pellets and I want to try Lactobacillus for the microbes. I want to keep it simple and cheap. I can get kelp from the ocean too if needs be. Does the malted barley go in as a tea? Would it be the same effect as using the rice water (which is used in combination with whey and molasses in the Lactobacillus)? TIA
Hi there. I found this thread on a search for Bokashi. How do you apply and use the Bokashi? I am about to embark on my first in the soil, in the ground grow. The soil here is good. I just want to augment it. I have been advised to use alfalfa pellets and I want to try Lactobacillus for the microbes. I want to keep it simple and cheap. I can get kelp from the ocean too if needs be. Does the malted barley go in as a tea? Would it be the same effect as using the rice water (which is used in combination with whey and molasses in the Lactobacillus)? TIA
I would add about 1 cup of Bokashi sprinkled and layered into the hole when you make up your soil.
Then about every 2-3 weeks add about a 1/4-1/3 of a cup top dressed all around the plant.

If you're growing outside I would probably dig one hell of a hole and do a Hüglekultur grow.
Dig a hole like 3x3 and 4+ feet deep and fill the bottom half with wood, logs, twigs and leaves and start layering soil on top and form a mound 2+ feet tall on top of the best soil you can make.
Inoculate with mycorrhizae, water it in well and if you get any kind of rain maybe once a week then the only thing you would need to do is a little top dress right before flower and maybe a sprouted seed tea once in awhile and just watch it grow.
I would add about 1 cup of Bokashi sprinkled and layered into the hole when you make up your soil.
Then about every 2-3 weeks add about a 1/4-1/3 of a cup top dressed all around the plant.

If you're growing outside I would probably dig one hell of a hole and do a Hüglekultur grow.
Dig a hole like 3x3 and 4+ feet deep and fill the bottom half with wood, logs, twigs and leaves and start layering soil on top and form a mound 2+ feet tall on top of the best soil you can make.
Inoculate with mycorrhizae, water it in well and if you get any kind of rain maybe once a week then the only thing you would need to do is a little top dress right before flower and maybe a sprouted seed tea once in awhile and just watch it grow.
Thanks. What is the Bokashi actually there for? I read an article today that dismissed it, saying the the leachate doesn't contain decent levels of nutes. What does the bran do for the soil? Have you used it a lot? I am not sure about the Huglekultur this time around. The soil is very loamy, so I thought I'd like to test it more or less on its own. I will definitely harvest some mycorrhizae from the fynbos and inoculate. It's our very dry windy season coming up, so I thought I would water alternating with a super juice mixture of kelp and Lactobacillus solution, and a casting / manure solution as and when the ground needs water. It holds moisture very well. I haven't completely ruled out the Huglekultur method. It makes sense to do it that way. Thanks for the suggestion! Also, what is in the sprouted seed tea?
Thanks. What is the Bokashi actually there for? I read an article today that dismissed it, saying the the leachate doesn't contain decent levels of nutes. What does the bran do for the soil? Have you used it a lot? I am not sure about the Huglekultur this time around. The soil is very loamy, so I thought I'd like to test it more or less on its own. I will definitely harvest some mycorrhizae from the fynbos and inoculate. It's our very dry windy season coming up, so I thought I would water alternating with a super juice mixture of kelp and Lactobacillus solution, and a casting / manure solution as and when the ground needs water. It holds moisture very well. I haven't completely ruled out the Huglekultur method. It makes sense to do it that way. Thanks for the suggestion! Also, what is in the sprouted seed tea?
Any article that dismisses Bokashi was written by an idiot.
Most Bokashi's are somewhere around a 3-3-2 as far as available to the plant nutrients, but more importantly the Bokashi adds a lot of microbial life that breaks down soil to plant available nutrients, helps prevent soil pathogens, helps fix nitrogen.
Add it to your soil as you fill the hole mix it in, and when you add it every couple weeks scratch it in a few inches.

I stop adding Bokashi about a week or so before flower, I believe it will lengthen your flower time, probably has something to do with the nitrogen.

I've used it about 4 years with great success indoor.

Sprouted seed tea, you sprout various grains such as corn for cytokines, Alfalfa is good for Triacontanol which is a plant growth hormone.
Sprout the seed until the tail is about as long as the grain and then put in a blender with fresh dechlorinated water blend about 20 seconds and pour into 5 gallons of dechlorinated water.
SST is good for enzymes, amino acids, growth hormones etc.

Depending on where you are growing outdoor is going to present quite a few problems most of which can be helped a lot by growing your plant as healthy as possible with at least a reading of 12 for brix.
Making your soil as healthy as possible is first step to a healthy plant.
Then get your brix above 12 and most of your outdoor pest will leave your plants alone.

Also good to add silica, I add a lot of rice hulls to my soil as part of my aeration, as they break down they add silica to the soil, I also add a tiny pinch of pure silica to my water every week from weeks 1 to 10
Hi Guys!!
Sorry it’s been a bit. We moved & my girl has been doing great! As a first time Grower with an adopted plant, I’m not sure what week we are in. I estimate week 9? Here are some photos of her tonight & the trichomes under microscope were taken 4 days ago.
How long do you guys think she has left?

thank you!

OMG! So being a new grower I noticed some denser white areas. Having never seen what “milky” Trichomes look like I had NO idea it was PM! So tonight it hits me. CRAP! We were so close to harvest, we decided to go ahead & harvest & do a Peroxide/Water bath. It seems to have worked just fine. Were we early? I hope not. Anyone with advice appreciated! Mistakes have always made me a better gardener. The part I don’t get is HOW this happened! I’ve kept the humidity at 35-40% temp 65-70 for the past 2 weeks or so and 40-50% and 72-78 temp prior to that in flower.

Where did I go wrong?

Help/Advice appreciated oh wise ones! Thank you for your help on my first journey! Here are pics from tonight’s harvest & adding in pics of my 4 Autoflower seedlings- 4 Days old! 2 Pluto Cut & 2 Banana Daddy. Excited to continue the journey!81F58504-4C85-457B-85F8-F72A8EF9DF36.jpeg9A9FC217-F656-47AC-8405-505C9372AB49.jpeg37D13079-C1F9-40F2-94DF-896AA049EA0D.jpeg5B29C507-A395-43BA-8FF8-6C7B7D00641D.jpeg4482D0CB-3FF8-4636-AB95-8D447D358CA6.jpeg
What was your humidity? Do you have fans / airflow in your grow space? Air exchange?

Also pics looked to me like you had a few weeks to go...
What was your humidity? Do you have fans / airflow in your grow space? Air exchange?

Also pics looked to me like you had a few weeks to go...
Yeah I think so too. We were too worried the PM would spread. Humidity was 35%, temp around 65-70. I think we didn’t have enough fresh air coming in. Good fans going.
This tie we are doing an intake to the room & exhaust fan with carbon filter!
Congrats on the harvest! I don't see the PM in your pics. When did you first notice it? Keeping the temps up in flower might help, over 80ºF with low humidity would be better.

I use a 1% citric acid spray now for PM and it works better than anything else I've tried.
Great advice! I had read tat lower temps with 35% humidity was ideal. So I’ll try that next time as use some good intake & exhast!
Yeah I think so too. We were too worried the PM would spread. Humidity was 35%, temp around 65-70. I think we didn’t have enough fresh air coming in. Good fans going.
This tie we are doing an intake to the room & exhaust fan with carbon filter!
I keep constant air flow and air exchange to my grow shed. I also keep fans blowing on plants 24/7 (keep the plants dancing). I live in So California right on the ocean (high humidity) fingers crossed I have not had WPM or bud rot... I have friends that grow outside and get both WPM and bud rot. I think the air movement and exchange is crucial. I quit using my dehumidifier and AC, it cost way to much to run. My day temps lately stay around 82f - 84f during the day with constant air exchange, humidity is frequently over 75%.
I keep constant air flow and air exchange to my grow shed. I also keep fans blowing on plants 24/7 (keep the plants dancing). I live in So California right on the ocean (high humidity) fingers crossed I have not had WPM or bud rot... I have friends that grow outside and get both WPM and bud rot. I think the air movement and exchange is crucial. I quit using my dehumidifier and AC, it cost way to much to run. My day temps lately stay around 82f - 84f during the day with constant air exchange, humidity is frequently over 75%.
We will definitely be adding air a new grower...I did t realize ventilation meant new air haha. Lesson learned!
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