I forget what strain you said you were growing. Yes it is a little droopy. Some of that may come from leaf size. Some strains will do that. Keep a eye on watering to be sure. Double check the top and bottom of the soil for moisture.
It is hard to tell if it needs nitrogen yet. It is not yellowing but I don't know the normal leaf color. It looks like a indica dom plant, now days it is hard to tell. Lots of Indicas can do fairly well with little or no nutrients. The plant is plenty old enough to start feeding. Start with a low dose of veg nuits at first and see how they do. From the looks it is probably not going to want a bunch of them. Extra food will definitely help production. Just watch for burning.
The re-pot is going to need to be done before flowering. I would wait a bit It doesn't look big enough to be root bound. Nothing wrong with filling the pot they are in with roots for now. As long as it is not root bound it is good to let a plant build a good root system. I would wait tell about 2 weeks before you plan to flower it. Plus a re-pot gives you a out if something goes wrong with feeding LOL.