First time grower - Help please

Do you think she will go 11 weeks.. I am approaching week 7 in flower

Take each day as it comes, get another one under your belt and worry about the next day when you wake up. From the look of your journal you know what you're doing. Keep up with the checks mate.

I saw the post about flushing as well. I gave my last crop a three week flush (normally do two) due to root problems. Any more food and it would have poisoned them. I think I lost out on weight but saved in dank. Don't know what your goal is but might be worth comparing to the shorter flush? I've not done a 7-10 day (I think that's what the post says?) so can't compare it to anything I've done!
Ok awesome thanks a lot.. when you start you flush how do you tell when to start.. by pistol color 30% orange or more? Less?

I don't really have a rule to be honest mate. It sounds strange but when you know you know! Not very helpful I know so my apologies.

If you know a rough date that your grow will finish work back from that but allow a few days either side to allow for any variables. I've had revegging plants that look like they're done one day and then the next morning luscious green sugar leaves all over me colas. You can't really prepare for that (you can, I just don't like admitting I got caught out by the power of my light) so the few days either side rule ain't a bad rule of thumb :)
Ok so I have new sugar leaf grow right now almost 7 weeks into flower does that mean I've done something wrong
Ok so I have new sugar leaf grow right now almost 7 weeks into flower does that mean I've done something wrong

I think they start revegging when there's too much light or heat stress. Don't know if they are the same thing but I've got round it by dropping the output from 600w to 450w (when I didn't have space to move the light up)
Still trying.. I'm planning on building a light housing and running ducting for exhust into 2 ends on the housing to keep the heat contained in that area and remove it.. also I will relocate the tent as well..

I've used tents and HPS all my life so know all about your heat struggle! Keep tinkering about with it and you'll find something. Or when the times right buy a bigger exhaust fan, a good one can be pricey but in my case stops the tent and house burning down!
You should be fine to keep all your CFLs, just keep working on exhausting tent air from the top of tent and always bring in new cooler dryer air as well. Just 2 weeks ago, I had to swap out my fan as my previous cheapo shit the bed. On that site I told you about 2 pages back, I ordered a 6" hurricane fan (435 CFM). It doesn't move as much air as my previous fan, but it's managing my veg closet and 2 equally sized bloom rooms and keeping all from getting too hot. Being as though you're in a tent, you have a sealed space which means your heat will build up quite rapidly if you're not venting well enough. Your tent is only 20 cubic feet so you don't need a strong fan. I used THESE for my last grow in an attic in winter time. I didn't need to remove any heat, but they still worked well enough to vent the dank odors and push them through my carbon filter. Cheap little fan from Home Depot, runs very quiet and moves air well. IDK if your tent has 6" ducting or 4".

After looking at your plant for a while, I'm of the opinion that it's got a lot of Sativa in it which means you might be in for the long haul (10+ weeks). Hopefully it doesn't take that long, but you should mentally commit to chopping her when she's done rather than rely on a schedule. You've already skipped right past the biggest newbie mistake and I'd like to see you also skip past the 2nd biggest. Even if you can't track down a good lens in the 40x and 50x range by then, you can still interpret the bud size and ambered pistils as good visual queues to harvest. HERE is what my Sativa(ish) looked like at the beginning of week 10. Notice I was mentally committed to my schedule, and in my defense I had no more free time to grow as work went double time for a 2 month stretch. Anyways, I harvested early and the quality was just weak. This was under a 400w HPS, but she began under my DIY CFL Reflector with 6 bulbs like you. Anyways, I see very similar growth between my first and yours and wanted to prep you what to expect. My final weight was a half pound driend, but it should've been 3/4 LB, maybe more and the smoke should've been stronger. The terps also were immature and the flavor suffered as the result. You've come this far, granted you're gaining the knowledge you want and this is just from bagseed, but who knows, it may be a good strain and all it will cost is a bit more time.
It sucks I just got a 30x mag in the mail.. I'm going to order a stronger one.. also my tents vents are 6inch holes so I'm going to order a 6inch fan. Yes I'm not going off a schedule persay that's why I ordered the magnifier.. but didn't Thu k it would get here this soon it said in July lol.. but it's here now.. I'm going to try some things with the tent today for heat I will give updates.. thanks again man
I started with a 60x and it's zoomed in too close, so I got a 30x a few weeks ago and it doesn't magnify enough, so I'm in the market for a 40x or 50x now too.
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