First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Emmm... Siberian showing very minor yellowing of the tips.. There goes my N-def diagnosis lol. I'm a very bad plant doctor :lot-o-toke:
The burn is very minor, so I guess she just took what she wanted with a cherry on top. 3Gal users, becareful, you know I'm talking to you spring2012 :laughtwo:. I'm sorry I'm discouraging you from feeding, I KNOW how bad you want to do it, I'm just giving my opinion. Don't risk it man, when it comes to nutes, less is more. << I'm sure you read this everywhere.
Emmm... Siberian showing very minor yellowing of the tips.. There goes my N-def diagnosis lol. I'm a very bad plant doctor :lot-o-toke:
The burn is very minor, so I guess she just took what she wanted with a cherry on top. 3Gal users, becareful, you know I'm talking to you spring2012 :laughtwo:. I'm sorry I'm discouraging you from feeding, I KNOW how bad you want to do it, I'm just giving my opinion. Don't risk it man, when it comes to nutes, less is more. << I'm sure you read this everywhere.

I'm still going with cal mag in this. I'd flush her W/ 5 gal RO water and feed normal volume of water from 1 gal of RO water with 2 tbs Epsom salts. And then no nutes for next feed or two.
Your call, but that's what my guts telling me.

Ok here's some updates: 2 More leaves on the siberian are turning yellow, this is happening gradually from the bottom to top. I'm freaking out, what should I do? Only thing I can think of is N-def and I'm planning to give her some more N-rich nutes (grow big). Korloin I'm gona look into that a little deeper, I'm leaning more towards Nitrogen deficiency than cal/mag.

other updates: everything else is great. Babies look fantastic. Both Blueberry and Diva are rushing into flowering, they look awesome. Siberian showed me her first pistil today, she's a confirmed fem. Other sprouts are doing their thing, looking healthy and starting to look like an auto. I can feel them preparing for the explosive growth lol.
Hi iSmokes. I don't think it's N deficiency as the leaf isn't turning yellow uniformly; the veins are dark green and the yellowing is between these so I'm tempted to say it could be a Mg deficiency. I've just got over a similar problem myself caused by my pH meter not being properly calibrated and the pH was too low and I got lock out (I'm growing in hydro though and not soil).

The following article is really helpful all things nute deficiency: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

What's your soil pH mate; Mg gets locked out in soil at pH 6.4 and below. Once I'd got my pH sorted my plant recovered and greened up in a couple of days so once the problem's sorted they should recover pretty quick.
And I did a very similar thing to you - banged up the nutes a bit to try and counter the deficiency and burnt the plant!! I'm also growing an auto and they're very sensitive to nutes, so it could be worth double checking the pH is ok (should be below 7 but above 6.5)
Im feeling the checking of PH as well. I have little experience with nutes as I am holding off for a little longer!! has DP on Smokem answered you on theses issues? I will add any notes when I use nutes! Im watching you man!!
Thank you Green Knight, that was very helpful, I actually got myself a soil ph test when I saw your comment but I didn't have time to reply just then. I was busy helping my siberian. She looked very unhealthy this morning. All the preflower sites were droopy, leaves were looking generally unhealthy (she's usually spiked up and beautiful). She's my favorite gal and I had to figure it out.
I went to a local hydro shop run by a lovely older couple who would love to just sit down and give you HOURS of advice :laughtwo:.
They were very helpful, and their experience sure solved my problem. It was just nute burn. As soon as I finished a detailed description of what was going on, they handed me a solution called FloraKleen (spelling?). It's by General Hydropinics, and it's used to flush down excess nutrient build up and dissolve all unnecessary salts. It says add 2 tbsp to a gallon of water, and flush the soil until you see a good even run off draining from all sites. And that's exactly what I did, except for the 2tbsp, I just used 1 to take it easy on the plant.
One thing I forgot to mention is: When I checked on her this morning, I got really worried and kinda sad because she just looked sad, and her first 3 leaves where ALL yellowing, and fast! I never thought it would be nute burn because there was no yellow tips on any of the other leaves. It was just 3 of the big fan leaves rapidly yellowing and drying. So I actually fed her again this morning. Just a little bit, but I did feed her a half gal of mild big bloom + grow big. But after all, the flush worked like a charm. Siberian is all perky again, her preflower sites are perked up and straight towards the light again. They were bent almost completely sideways before :(. I was freaking out. I guess 3 gallons of FFOF really does go a long way, especially with autoflowers and their less-than-average need for nutes.
Well, I'm glad I have the good news for you, we're back on track (hopefully). La Diva is insane, she's forming a top cola, it's just so cute, barely through her 4th week and this is happening :)? I think she really does harvest in 45 days as advertised. wow!
And about my pH Green Knight, thanks for the tip. I always thought soil would be a great neutral buffer and there's no need for pH testing. But I bought myself one today and checked on them, they're at a good comfy 6.7-6.8. This is good for soil mediums right?
Thanks for the advice, and I'll make sure my pH is good every now and then. That chart of plant diagnosis was a very good article to read, cheers! :grinjoint:

Spring2012, and everybody else too, thanks for the support. It's good having you guys here for the rescue lol!

Korloin and Green knight, all though my big problem was nute burn, I think you're right on with the cal-mag as well. I think it's mostly Mg-def. Very minor and only on a couple of leaves. But I'm sure that's a problem I'll have to take care of as well. I'll be getting to that as soon as I give the Siberian a good 24 hours to show me how she's reacting to the flush. So far so good!

Again, thank you all, keep the positive vibes coming. :Namaste:

On a side note, I don't think I should ever have kids :laughtwo: haha! I'd be rushing them to the hospital every time they cough or sneeze lol! Over-worrying is a bitch :lot-o-toke:
I think that flush saved my plant a lot of stress. I don't know if it's too early to tell, but she's already looking better. I was going to buy FF Sledgehammer for the flush, but the lady suggested FloraKleen for half the price ($9 for a quart, and a flush is barely 2 tbsp). So I'm just adding this last comment to recommend that you guys have this flush solution in your nute arsenal. It's cheap, safe to apply directly into the planted pot, and seems to have done some magic in less than 4 hours.
That's great news iSmokes, I'm glad she's recovering. They're very resilient plants and if you get a problem then once you've worked it out and fixed it they recover quickly and you'll find all of the new growth should be fine and it won't have caused her any long term damage. I grow in hydro and haven't used soil before but my understanding is that a pH of 6.7-6.8 is just right for soil.
Autos are very sensitive to nutes though so less is definitely more; your soil should contain some nutes anyway and I encountered similar problems with my auto - I was trying to force her a bit and banged the nutes up too quick and burnt her, so if the flush has done the trick then it might be worth holding off feeding her until she gets a bit bigger. I've found that with the auto I'm growing it needs significantly less than the recommendations for a standard photoperiod - the recommendations for a photo at the stage of the plant's growth I'm at are an EC of around 1.5, but mine's liking an EC of 1, so it's quite a bit lower.

You may find that now you've flushed and she's getting over the nute burn, and because the pH seems ok, she may get over any Cal Mag deficiency herself. Give her a few days with things as they are and see how she gets on mate; they can recover quick and you may find that the new growth comes through fine without any problems.
You're absolutely right Green Knight, she's recovering and looking all happy again :)! I just checked up on them and they all look great. The siberian is back to its spiked up figure. She looks a lot better than yesterday, that flush sure helped. So my problem was definitely nute burn. I'm gona hold off the cal/mag as well and see if she recovers all through by herself. I'm uploading some pictures right now.
Hi iSmokes!

Spring is a buddy of mine over there and said I'd enjoy your journal so I came and had a good read through. It's been brilliant so far, thank you very much!

First comment for me is LOVE THE PHOTOS :love: I am clearly drawn to the colourful surreal alien nature the LEDs give the pictures, OldMedMan's on his current grow are fab too. These girlies of yours are so pretty iSmokes.

I'd also like to thank you for what you've shared with us in this journal because it has helped me no end! I'm currently germinating two auto seeds to go alongside my main plant; Ruby comes first so I figure if a plant needs to grow on the windowsill it had better be an auto. I'm really excited by the speed of them; Spring said in my journal about how it means you get to learn more quickly too, and that for me is a great thing. I was always the kid in the library buried in the books and loving every minute of it :geek: (well, when I was out of the swimming pool anyway)

It's been interesting watching the nutes issues too. I did "hear" about the fact they need very light nutes, but it does help to see first hand just what that actually means! I'm sure you will be fine from here on out. A couple of the small leaves at the bottom of Ruby yellowed slightly and just stayed that way so it might be worse for those ones anyway. I could of course be talking total bollocks as this is the first time I've grown any plant other than wheatgrass and alfalfa! :)

I look forward to watching the girls develop. How exciting, and it appeals to my impatient nature!

:thanks: :goodjob:
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