Tuesday, January 7, 2025

First Time Grow - Advice Welcome

Hi, Im a newb myself, what I have been finding though, is when my hygrometer/therm/hum is that close to the soil
surface, the huimidity isnt an accurate reading. If your hum is peaking high at max, try moving it to somewhere drier. jk good luck

Hi there JK, at the time of this grow I was newb as well. You may have a point there, I put the hygrometer/therm on the top of the soil to give me a reading because I feel that the roots should be at the optimal conditions to thrive therefore the plant should thrive. But for example when I sprinkle the plants or when I water the RH% goes up and my temperatures cool, I know for a fact the tent has hotspots and cold spots, the closer to the light will be hot and farther more cold. When I grow my plants outside I leave my instruments on the soil and readings are not far from accurate. I could try to hang them but I risk of hitting a hot spot where there is low humidity and hot temperature and then I will start to overwater.

thats my take, hope it helps

And one other question, what does it means that One plant that has the leaves different than the rest? is it more Indica than the rest? Typically when the leaves are wide like that and don't have the nice serrated edges
And one other question, what does it means that One plant that has the leaves different than the rest? is it more Indica than the rest?
typically when the leaves look wide like that and leaf has no defined serrated edges you're dealing with a nutrition deficiency. Just search for a list called identifying problems by the use of pictures of leaves.

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