First Time Grow 2018

So I found out I've been using the wrong kind of light bulbs. So I switched to cfls we'll see what the girls dl under the new lights. Thanks to moderngroroom for his input.
Looks like girl #2 top pic, is liking the new lights.
And I may have over watered girl #1 bottom pic.
So I added 2 more lights for each girl. Tomorrow I'll work on something to reflect the light downwards.

Hello , I see leaves cupping , this is a sign of to much light , never closer than 12 inches , that is the minimum , water once a week , nutrients very low , around 200-250 ppm , npk plus calmag (total).I highly recommend a ph pen and a tds pen , (ppm)amazon has them for $20.00 a piece any brand is good .keep ph at 6.1-6.3 , ph and ppm are the 2 most critical items , that will cause all kind of problems if they are off .keep temps at 73-77 degrees , humidity plays a bigger roll in flower only.
NOOOBIENOT... thanks for the input I appreciate it. When do the girls start giving off the bud smell? I walked into the kitchen and I smelled bud... i go check the girls and smell nothing.
not till you switch the light to 12/12 - flowering and every strain is different some only smell lightly others just reek, Ps crown royal reeks and is very sticky bud when you go to trim after flowering , I just chopped 2 plants (cr from crop king ) down last night a wow the house still smells .are you in a country where it is legal if not you will need a good carbon filter , they smell even more when you chop them down and have to dry hang for a few days before they go to mason jars for curing .
you have picked a really nice plant to grow , crown royal has been my favorite plant to this point and I have grown 6-7 different types from crop king , I just popped 2 seeds of blue cookies from crop king last night , let's see what these do , I hear they are stinky tooo uhmmm !. easy on the nutes as crown royal is Not a heavy feeder but likes lots of water and calmag , I was using calmag (2ml) for 4 liters of water every time and nutes every other watering but I was growing Coco with is more of a hydroponics grow , I used organic nutes, and watered daily , you are in a closer to a soil mix so you don't need to water as often .I used 1.5 ml of nutes every 2nd day .using organic nutes is a lot easier as it is a lot hard to burn (over feed )your plants with.they do well to cropping and trimming but that is for a later date .just let them do their thing watch for yellow leaves witch means more nutes and burnt tips is too much nutes let me know if I can be of any more help , good luck !!
Ps you will need to transplant these plants as they are too far down in the pot , the size of the pot is ok but they will not have enough depth to grow a good size root ball , bigger healthy roots = bigger nicer buds , the bigger the plant the alot harder it is to transplant, sooner the better , get the shock over with while they are young and they will recover better and sooner
not till you switch the light to 12/12 - flowering and every strain is different some only smell lightly others just reek, Ps crown royal reeks and is very sticky bud when you go to trim after flowering , I just chopped 2 plants (cr from crop king ) down last night a wow the house still smells .are you in a country where it is legal if not you will need a good carbon filter , they smell even more when you chop them down and have to dry hang for a few days before they go to mason jars for curing .
Cool I'm in California near santa clarita
Ps you will need to transplant these plants as they are too far down in the pot , the size of the pot is ok but they will not have enough depth to grow a good size root ball , bigger healthy roots = bigger nicer buds , the bigger the plant the alot harder it is to transplant, sooner the better , get the shock over with while they are young and they will recover better and sooner
How high up in the pot should I go? I'm using foxfarms ocean forest soil with perlite mixed in. Can I mix more and use what's in the pots or go with a fresh mix? I used 1 bag of each and split it up. Will 1 bag per pot be enough soil. Again thanks for the help.
what ever size pot you use the soil needs to be about 1 inch from the top to allow for watering and I like to have a good 10 -12 inches from the lowest point of the stem sticking out , more dirt under the roots the more roots they will grow , they need lots of room underneath them to grow a good size root ball yours is to shallow to grow a decent root ball .
I like 5 gallon cloth pots , easy to work with and allows for good root depth and good plant size but is true the larger the pot the larger the plant will get but you need the height in your tent for this added growth size , larger pots more water and nutes it's a balancing act to your grow space you have, as a plant can double its height and size when done flowering, the bigger the plant the more light it needs also .I grow my plants to about 18-22 inches tall and then send to flower , this height does not include the pot height .`
Hello , I see leaves cupping , this is a sign of to much light , never closer than 12 inches , that is the minimum , water once a week , nutrients very low , around 200-250 ppm , npk plus calmag (total).I highly recommend a ph pen and a tds pen , (ppm)amazon has them for $20.00 a piece any brand is good .keep ph at 6.1-6.3 , ph and ppm are the 2 most critical items , that will cause all kind of problems if they are off .keep temps at 73-77 degrees , humidity plays a bigger roll in flower only.
I raised the lights to 12 inches. Girl #1 that had the leaves cupping, has flattened out a bit.
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