First post Introduction

I'm trying ShiggityFlip but it ain't working. I got a link but it doesn't get me to my journal. Tried to PM you but got a message that I need 50 posts. Message said I can only PM staff. The longer I f%*^# with this the closer I'll get to 50 posts though. I've tried everything I can think of but I'm missing something. I'll try again tomorrow if I have more time. I thank you for your support.
OK. So I went to my journal by following your link. I'm on my iPad so I touched the URL window to see the address which I copied and pasted into the edit signature. Will I now have that link in my signature ?

So now I have a blank link and a link to my journal. Getting closer. So now I edited my signature by removing the first link. I think. What will that do ? Like I said earlier I'll be up to 50 posts soon enough.
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