First outdoor grow help


New Member
Hello this is my first time doing a out door grow so any help anyone can give would be nice I got about 10 plants going I'll upload pics of plants soil I'm using and pest control stuff just need help really want them to turn out good..can I use that sevin lawn insect killer? Any help would be nice...sorry if I posted this in wrong forum.i just transplanted most of my plants in to bigger pots also so the pics are a few hours after transplanted


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Sevin is a good insecticide. It has a fast breakdown time which means it dissipates and is gone. Usually gone within a week on the plant surface itself and it breaks down in about a day when it lands on the soil. Check the package and see if it recommends not applying it within a week of harvest. If you do use it you should consider a thorough washing of the buds when you harvest if you applied the Sevin any time after a heavy rain.

The small plants all look good. One problem I see is that you put two small plants in the one tote box. Once they get growing you will end up with two large plants in the same space. At that point you will have the two of them competing for the same nutrients and water and that could mean two plants that are smaller than they should be.
Thank you for the help for long do I got to grow them before I can tell if there male or female did I get them in dirt soon enough? I got 6 more I want to bucket up but there still pretty tiny
Hi EJ,

Welcome to 420!

Your plants look good, but I agree with SmokingWings on the 2 plants in a shared tote. I use anywhere from 5 gallon to 16 gallon containers for indoors grow, outdoor plants can get much bigger. The bigger the final container- the more potential your plants have.

That soil has 3 months worth of slow release fertilizers added in, so be aware that you could do “water only” for several weeks since any nutrients added now could be too much. If / when you begin to add nutrients start out with a weaker dosage than what the nute label recommends, you can always add more later.

Best of luck to ya & welcome!
What should I get? I dint know I was suppose to get nutrition for them i.thought I would just have to water them??? How long to tell sex of plant
That’s a point I was trying to make - that particular soil has a little nutrients of it’s on, plus it has 3 months worth of fertilizer added. You should just add water for a couple of weeks. But at some point in your grow the nutrients in the soil will likely be out of balance for your plants. I would suggest doing more research on the NPK ratios in the soil.

I grow with fem seeds plus different strains mature at various points in time so not sure exactly when the sex will be revealed. Regardless keep a steady hand and try to learn how to read the plants.

Past my bedtime, gotta crash
What should I get? I dint know I was suppose to get nutrition for them i.thought I would just have to water them??? How long to tell sex of plant
Under normal circumstances with normal house or garden plants then all you would have to do is water those plants. But you are growing Marijuana and the Marijuana plant is a fast growing plant and an intense feeder. It pulls more nutrients for growing from the soil than most other plants. One of those buckets of soil, with 6 Wax Begonias in it would be more than enough to be a decorative planter in the yard. One Marijuana plant which will grow to 4 feet tall and 3 feet across in the same amount of time will need more nutrients than that soil will be able to provide.

One thing to keep in mind is that you could get by without adding any nutrients and the plant will adapt. It will adapt by not getting as tall, not getting as wide and by not producing as many leaves as it really needs and certainly by not producing anywhere near the amount of flowers/buds as a properly fed plant would produce.
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