First Indoor grow 12/12

lol no it is just how it does its like the parts that die is where you get new growth .. I think thats just how they do when they go from bud back to veg .. Its had a good life .. no trauma other than white flies outside but we took care of that.. And its going to have so many branches now its not even funny its going to be a great mother lol
Awesome Im so glad someone else is doing this .. Do you have pics of yours ? Its fun to watch and I cant wait to see what it does next .. Thanks Billy Does your plant look like its using parts of itself to build itself .. or something like that .. Like its old is dieing so new can grow ? also its growing whole branch structures are u experiencing this
try gettin anotha fan so yu got one blowing air in and tha otha blowing out so tha air stays circulating...
and instead of using that noisy foil...wanna kno wat works bettah...
jus paint tha walls plain solid white not glossy or anythang jus white...
trust meh it works bettah i found out my self i got four of my own...
and anythang else trust meh check out jorge cervantes growers bible yu'll thank meh...
i learned from that......
It is mylar but thanks good tip . Ill check out that jorge cervantes growers bible . And iv fixed my fans up like that already I guess I didn't update on that Iv got much cooler temps .. 72 with lights off and 87 with lights on with door on cabinet closed.. I have it opened when im around then its an optimal 82 .. Thanks again there still growing but nothing to post as of yet
You have to read back, they were flowered then revegged :-) They can get funky looking before they start over ;-)
Thanks again Boss .. Yes there just in the re greening phase left the bud of the main cola and used it as a cutting instead of smoking it .. took it indoors and are trying to make it a mother plant to some clones :rasta:
a small update pic on my runt still staying small but starting to bush out i think

I have 20-20-20 & 30-15-20 & 9-59-8 havent used any of it yet and was going to delute it down b/f giving it .. I just put some plant food spikes in today may have messed up big now but i had to try something .. they are a 6-12-6
Thanks Boss Im going to pick up a case of spring water tomorrow you wouldn't use the spikes at all ?or should i brake them down .. or just dilute the 20-20-20 mix down 1/5th str ..
Natural / Organic Sources of Plant Nutrients
Nitrogen Sources (N)

• Blood Meal (13 – 0 – 0). A great organic source of soluble, quickly available Nitrogen which promotes rapid growth and high yields. It is collected at slaughterhouses, dried and ground into a powder or meal. Blood meal provides abundant chelated Iron and nutrient rich amino acids.

• Feather Meal (12 – 0 – 0). Poultry feathers are steamed under pressure, dried then ground into a powdery feather meal. Excellent slow release of organic Nitrogen. Feather meal gradually releases Nitrogen over the season as the protein decomposes through microbial activity.

• Bat Guano (10 – 3 – 1). Deposits are typically mined from bat caves in Mexico and Texas. A rich source of quick-acting, soluble Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Good for early and mid season side dressing of flowers, vegetables and container plants; or dissolved in water as a liquid fertilizer or foliar spray.

• Fish Meal (9 – 4 – 1). Blended from natural marine products. It is an excellent fertilizer that contains a wide variety of primary, secondary and micro nutrients. It is a great compost activator.

• Cottonseed Meal (5 – 2 – 1). An excellent all purpose organic fertilizer for use on all crops. Cottonseed meal is made from shelled cotton seeds that has had the oil extracted. Cottonseed meal's ability to slightly acidify soil is especially valuable for potatoes, berries, squash, strawberries, rhododendrons and azaleas.

• Alfalfa Meal (2 – 1 – 2). As a fertilizer, alfalfa meal provides primary and secondary nutrients to plants along with many enzymes, vitamins, minerals and triaconatol, a natural fatty-acid growth stimulant. Excellent for roses, vegetable gardens, containers and bedding plants. Rich in Magnesium!

Phosphorous Sources (P)

• Fish Bone Meal (3 – 18 – 0). Is an excellent 100% organic source of Phosphorous, Calcium and many trace elements. Sea-water is the ultimate depository of all water-soluble nutrients and elements that were once in the soil. Excellent for promoting healthy root development, abundant flower and fruit set.

• Bone Meal (3 – 15 – 0). A good source of organic Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Calcium (24%). Bone meal is made from animal bones at slaughterhouses. It is steamed then ground into a powder, which allows it to release nutrients sooner. Excellent for root and flower production. Use for shrubs, flowers and roses.

• Soft Rock Phosphate (0 – 2 – 0). Is a naturally occurring rock mineral, also called colloidal phosphate. Most rock phosphate has been formed from the deposit of shells and skeletal remains of microorganisms. It is both an immediately available and long-term source of Phosphorus. It contains 16% P2O5 (2% immediately available), 20 % Calcium and many trace minerals. Best if worked in prior to planting all flowering shrubs, fruit trees or new gardens. Soil pH should be between 6.0-7.0 for best results.

Potassium Sources (K)

• Kelp Meal (.6 – .5 – 2.5). Ascophyllum Nodosum kelp meal is the most readily available source of Potassium. It is harvested off the coast of Norway. It contains over 70 minerals, 21 amino acids, simple and complex carbohydrates, and several essential growth hormones, including cytokinins, auxins and gibberellins, which stimulate cell division, cell elongation, internode elongation and cell enlargement. Kelp enhances seed germination, increases the uptake of nutrients, frost protection and stress recovery. Kelp is an excellent source of chelated minerals necessary for proper plant growth. Mannitol and alginic acid are major components of kelp and act as agents helping in the formation of humus.
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