First grow. think there burnt by light?

i think i might have burnt them with the light but im not shur. the light was 24 inches from the tallest plant and now i moved it up to about 48 inches. any other thoughts or suggestions?
Hey sapperman I don't think you burnt them by the light. It looks to me like phosphorus deficiency. Check the deficiencies link in my signature. If you burnt them with the light just the tops would be crispy. You have brown and dead areas mid leaf. Good luck!
You should check the ph of the root-zone by measuring the run-off. Plant looks like it has a Mn deficit, if so, you'll want to lower the ph as Fe and Mn can often run together.
:ciao: Sapperman420
First of all, what kind of light are you using?
And what is your nutrients system and schedule?
Also, just to throw it out of the possibilities...have you checked for bugs on the plant and soil? You need a magnifier, or even a jewelers loop if possible. Check the tops and undersides of the leaves for any sign of bug infestations, and the soil for any bugs moving around in it or carcasses from bugs. The pictorial link below has a section on pests too.

I don't think that is light burn either. Here's a link to an excellent plant problem pictorial that may get you some answers:
Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Hope you get it resolved soon!
i have a grow journal going so you can see all my set up.
Sapperman's First Grow New M3 Soil Organic Only Water Silver Pearl - 2014
i am using M3 soil (MEDICAL MARIHUANA MIX) NPK is 15-33-38Mile High Soil - M3 Michigan Made Mix and M3 Medical Marihuana Mix
i thought of trying to put about an inch of the "HOT" soil on top and watering them a small amount to get the nutrients to the roots. and yes i have found bugs not shur what they are but they look like very small peaces of rice moving on the underside of my leaves. i am using a rosemary concentrate diluted into water in a spray bottle. i am adjusting my ph from my tap to be around 6.0.
Yes, thrips can get out of control and do much damage. SNS (Sierra Natural Science) makes products to kill them, they are one of our sponsors and you can find their products at local grow stores now too.
There's lot of home remedies to be found on this site that growers use too. Do a search and you should come up with several.

Here's a link with two pictures, one with an adult thrip and one with a young thrip. Hopefully this confirms what you have.
420 Magazine ® - Plant problems and Pest control - Blogs

If that isn't it, it could be aphids. They can look like little "white" bugs when they are young too.
Hope this helps. :Namaste:
Budstep, you can dust the plants and it will work. The problem is the DE is a very fine powder and it makes a mess! The best way is to make a "puffer" bottle and dust the underside of the leaves. I used a tube that had graphite in it for lubricating locks. I cut the bottom of the tube, emptied out the graphite, and filled it with DE. It worked well for putting a very fine dusting on the undersides of the leaves. I was battling tiny caterpillar's, not mites, however.
No...Diamotaceous earth is not easily used for mites.....yes on soil predators.

That plant in young, neem oil or similar to get it under can spray the top of the soil and scratch it in and spray soil again as well
My only recent experience with mites was when I noticed a big web on a marjoram plant in the greenhouse about three weeks ago. I clipped off the webs (found a couple more when I looked closer) and then sprayed all the non-cannabis plants with azatrol twice about four days apart. Azatrol is OMRI certified and is azadirachtin (chemically similar to neem oil.) Haven't seen any sign of mites since. I would use that before trying to puff DM on the leaf undersides, for sure. It has a very short half life, so a couple of weeks after applying there is very little left on the plant. After a month, there is virtually none left.
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