First grow. think there burnt by light?

As I recall a 4 oz bottle of azatrol cost around twenty bucks. You dilute it way down for application. A four oz bottle will last a long time. When I got it last fall I'd read some controlled studies comparing its effectiveness to neem oil and it is more effective. The name azatrol or azadirachitin sounds kind of scary compared to the lovable and fubsy "neem oil." If you look into it, though, it is just as safe as using neem and more effective.
well i sprayed my plants with a diluted rosemary concentrate for a few days in a row and havent seen any movement on plants or dirt for about 2 to 3 days now. as for the nutrient deficiency i was advised to do a flush. a fellow grower of mine who is growing with super soil like me informed me that i should not have been balancing my ph while using that soil like some have said on here. i was told that it balances itself. so i flushed and trimmed them today (they looked like death! i thought they were not coming back.) and they look alot better. as i cut some of the crap away i saw that there was still healthy new growth all over the plants witch gave me hope. here are some before and after pics.
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