First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic XXX

Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

I was just looking for insight into my nutrient deficiency

I know 5 weeks is a long time alone but its pissing me off now that people keep posting "it's not going to work". The same thing happened when i left them in the bubbler for three weeks and they were stunted by overfeeding but they stayed alive regardless. I came into this knowing full well it might not work and that I may end up with nothing to show and I have said this repeatedly. This grow is totally experimental. If you don't want to read the journal, don't read the journal.
I appreciate any criticism about my grow that I can fix (IE: pot's too small[I'm flowering them small so it shouldn't be an issue], too much/few nutes, lights too low/high) but posting comments that its not going to work don't help at all because its not like I'm just gonna go "Oh okay whatever" and throw out my plants.

Sorry to vent but people will not stop posting these comments, and I do apologize to the people posting real comments who are helping tons.

Peace, I'm gonna go foliar feed.

EDIT: on a positive note I think the feeding is helping. I turned off the LED and realized I thought it was getting worse but it was actually getting better.

Your plants should be fine with this set up.Seems you put a lot of thought into it.Back in the day we did this for garila growing with continouse drip but thats classified....But any way for hydro this would be veary hard to do.To be honest I realy dont like the hydro set up you were using before...To much wasted nutes and plants are to compacted.Not flexable at all.I am just using one of the starage containers for a res and then ive run irragation to 4 1 gallon bubble pots.No need to run a drip just put the seeds in the wool and a large plastic zip lock bag with holes around each bubble pot.Has perfect amount of moisture and air pumped threw from the air disks?I may do some hempy buckets with sepperate res with a drip system.Then make an over flow so the axcess water will flow back into the res.With your set up I would recomend larger pots at least 3 gallon.Not so much for a larger rooted plant but something thats going to hold the water till you return.You may need a larger res not sure on the size you are running but seems you have the timming figuered out with drip set up.I am sure if you had the time to baby sit your plants you would but most of us have school or work that takes alot of our free time.Good thread the simpler you set up the better.:goodluck:
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

alright guys good news

I found an old rubbermaid in my basement that's almost twice as big as my 12 gallon reservoir so it should hold at least 20 gallons

right now my plant is drinking about 1.75 liters every other day, so I'm assuming when I leave its going to need about a liter a day.

a liter ~ a quart so I'm thinking 40 quarts, 4 quarts to a gallon is 10 gallons so the new res should work great and leave some wiggle room. I'm working on making a drip ring now, the plants look happy and they are all showing pistils.

Question though, when i get back home I only have a few days before I go. Does anyone know any fast ways to dry bud? I don't mean like put it in the oven or microwave but dry it in 3-4 days so I can get it into mason jars without mold?
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

No I can burp them
I can keep jars at college hidden easily enough (so many of the stoners at my school are dumb and nobody gets caught), but there is no way I can dry bud in my dorm

what do you suggest I do with the larger buds?

also my plant smells really awesome. The smell is very subtle right now but its kind of skunky with a fruity undertone, I can't wait
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

If you can take them with you then when it is time to leave I would jar everything up right before I leave and when you get to school keep the jars open for a couple of hours a day for the first week or so to facilitate the extra drying. Take them out of the jar during that time and repack in a different order every couple of days.

After that you can leave them open for about 10 min a day for the first 30 days and they will dry and cure properly over that time.
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

The buds that are still drying will but the almost dried smell won't be strong. I'd plan on some odor control when the jars are open. Any idea of where you are going to store the the jars while you are curing? A closet, a dresser?, etc.

Leaves can be pushed to dry in 2-3 days. You'll want a lot of air and need to turn them a lot.
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

Air freshener sounds good... I have a turbo fan too (On the box it says "Air Circulator" instead of fan) i keep it on low or if I'm really hot on the setting between low and medium.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm on the third floor. I've seen the hall and the dorm before so this is good.

Thanks for all the tips, you are seriously helping.

How many people do I need to rep before I can rep you again? haha5
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

Oh man, just when I thought everything was going really well

Yesterday I checked and the plants leaves were kind of droopy (it was seriously hot outside, which means inferno in the attic) so I watered and checked today but now all the leaves have the droop and some look like they are getting nute burn.

My guess is that since they were so hot they took in more water, and therefore more nutrients, But I'm not sure.
Anyone want to try to diagnose them for me?

I just finished flushing them.


also, it smells like cinnamon muffins in my attic for some reason?
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

Looks like a heat issue to me too. I do not think flushing will help, but not really sure about that. What are the temps in the tent? Can you get some better venting going? You should go take a look at the Problem Solving threads in the Grow Room.

Oh yeah, what's your humidity level? You want it low during flower. See the link in my sig about that.
Re: First Grow-Nirvana Snow White, Attic Hydro LED grow

I don't know exact temps because the thermometer/hygrometer stealth hydro gave me broke while I was opening the package (POS)
It was ~95 outside so I'm guessing 100 in the attic... not exactly ideal
now its dropped to below 80 outside so everything's good
I tried to blow my fan up into the attic during the heat wave and it dropped the temp a little but the heat basically destroyed one of my plants (the larger one)
the two in back are almost fine, which really surprises me.

my humidity was pretty low, which is probably why the leaves were drying out. In veg it was like a sauna, so it got pretty hot but the leaves didn't dry out b/c of so much water in the air.

I hope the tall plant gets better, the overheating is on all the new foliage too...
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