First Grow New Facilities

Just a new pic of the babies progress so far. Still no Thai has popped (3rd seed).
Awesome stuff going on here. I like everything.

So you have quite some time to go in veg it seems? Are you going to be topping and training them into big bushes in veg?

Are you going to let them veg a little in the flower room before you flip to 12/12?

I am subbed!
Awesome stuff going on here. I like everything.

So you have quite some time to go in veg it seems? Are you going to be topping and training them into big bushes in veg?

Are you going to let them veg a little in the flower room before you flip to 12/12?

I am subbed!

Darkpiece, it is good to have you onboard. I usually do a little LST and supercrop in order to keep them out of the lights. This time around the lights are a bit higher, so I will leave it up to the ladies if they need it. I am shooting for plants that are 3 to 4 feet tall before I move them into flower. Yield and quality are my big concerns this time around. I am getting ready to start another batch of seeds in a week or so, going to mix it up with variety. I just bought a roll of #8 electric wire(125') to run from the main box to my MLC (Multiple Light Controller), so I have a bit of attic crawl to do. Then I will do a pretest on the equipment to make sure all is working properly. We have a frost advisory tonight, so temps will be what I am concerned with. I want to make sure that with all the lights running, my temps don't exceed 80 degrees. Thank you for stopping in brother!
GMT1975A great to see you coming along at your new place, excited about seeing your results and am curious about the vegan way of growing, I have been hearing about that style of growing and can only imagine how good the final produce tastes :)
I'm sub'd

If past results are any indicator, this new setup, once tweaked, should rock. I am hooked on the vegan grow. I have greatly improved my yileds and quality by growing vegan, and the patients I supply are now demanding nothing less. By switching to the GO line up, I have simplified my growing, improved my yields and my quality, while reducing labor and cost. It is no longer a guessing game, but merely a recipe for repeatable grows, time and again. Last year I showed a several friends how to grow using this technique. They were all beginners, and all three have since become very good at it, with phenominal grows each and every time. I had the opportunity to try a sample of bud from all of their harvest, and I was very impressed with the quality of their products. Hope ya stick around to see the end results and thank you for your kind words and for stopping in.
it will man dont u worry i have a Q when ur supercropping what stage of veg/flowering do u do it

I usually supercrop during flower, but that was because of the height of the plants and the limited height of the room. This time around I will let the plants tell me when and if I will need to. My lights are currently installed at just over 6 foot, but I can adjust them up or down if need be(flower room). By limiting the number of plants in flower to just 6 or 7, I will have more light available per plant. As a side note, the soil recipe I am using is from a Canadian grower with over 30 years experience. The nutrient choice(GO) is from a friend of mine who harvest 30 - 40 plants a month. He has tweaked the chart a bit to get maximum yield. So I can't take credit for coming up with this system. I simply combined the info from both to come up with my formula. The local grow shop never had heard of the GO line up. I ordered the nutrients through them. A month or so after I had been using it, they stopped in to purchase some clones. When they saw the results, they dedicated one whole shelf to the GO lineup, and found it difficult to keep up with the demand. It is still their number one selling product to date. That was almost 2 years ago.
Sounds sweet man! :thumb:
Sounds sweet man! :thumb:

Good deal brother. I also use their microbial cultures(powered form) to increase and maintain a healthy population of beneficial micro organisms into the soil. They are called SubCulture-M and SubCulutre-B. "SubCulture-M is a blend of mycorrhiza that is dusted on roots during transplant. SubCulture-B is a blend of cultured bacteria that can be used in hydroponic reservoirs and in soils. Both products allow your plants to develop a symbiotic relationship with the media and nutrients, and serve to increase your plants immunity to disease and also will promote huge increase in yields." With their CaMg+ I have doubled the recomended amount, and have gone to 1.5 times the recomended amounts with their BioThrive Grow and Bloom. The plants seem to love it. I use the feed four days in a row, and strictly water on the fifth day. So every fifth day is straight water. 3 days before I place them in dark, they get just straight water. Sort of a flush. 3-4 days of dark with no water before harvest. Keep em green brother.
You say that you feed 4 days in a row and on the 5th day water. No dry out for the soil? I have always read to dry out almost completely
in between feed and water. Not Doubting just curious.:cheesygrinsmiley: Either you have the sun himself in your room or your soil mix is very porous.
You say that you feed 4 days in a row and on the 5th day water. No dry out for the soil? I have always read to dry out almost completely
in between feed and water. Not Doubting just curious.:cheesygrinsmiley: Either you have the sun himself in your room or your soil mix is very porous.
No, I don't let the soil dry inbetween as the plants tend to drink up the moisture. I try to maintain that balance of not over watering nor under watering. Towards the end, they seem to require upwards of a gallon a day per plant. And yes, my soil is very porous to begin with. I call it a cool mix, as it has 75% Promix or Sunshine Mix and 25% Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Once they reach the end, the soil is very dense and the root structure binds the soil tight. I am running (3) 1000 watt HPS in Cool Tubes with a 400-600 watt T5 unit with 6 bulbs. So somewhere in the neighborhood of 3500 watts.
No, I don't let the soil dry inbetween as the plants tend to drink up the moisture. I try to maintain that balance of not over watering nor under watering. Towards the end, they seem to require upwards of a gallon a day per plant. And yes, my soil is very porous to begin with. I call it a cool mix, as it has 75% Promix or Sunshine Mix and 25% Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Once they reach the end, the soil is very dense and the root structure binds the soil tight. I am running (3) 1000 watt HPS in Cool Tubes with a 400-600 watt T5 unit with 6 bulbs. So somewhere in the neighborhood of 3500 watts.

I knew you had the sun in there 3500 watts thats awsome.
I know this must be a dumb question, but what do you mean by"supercrop them" ?
I know this must be a dumb question, but what do you mean by"supercrop them" ?

Supercropping is just gently bending the main stalk over until it stays in place without breaking. It results in the limb growing sideways. It serves several purposes, but mainly to keep the height of the plant down. And BTW, there is no stupid question. Eventually, the supercropped limb will begin to turn upwards at the tip. I have supercropped the same limb as many as 3 times. It makes for a rather large and weird shaped bud. If you tie the limbs down it is called LST. Low stress technique. Tie all the buds to the same height so they all compete to become the dominant bud. Later in the grow you might have to reverse this to keep the buds up close enough to the light, as they tend to get big and heavy.
The bend or knot to the left on the stalk is from supercropping this bud as it was getting to tall and growing into the light.
So I went and transplanted 2 of the babies this AM. They where already root bound and the leaves were drooping do to lack of water. I fed them after I transplanted so they should perk up in and hour or so.

The one on the left is Moby Dick #2 and the other is Critical +.
Looking good!

Is that Thai still hiding below the dirt?? I have read they can take up to 3 weeks to germinate... !

Yes she is. This is the 3rd seed I have put in. I will let it stay for another week. I still have a few seeds left, plus plenty of other strains to replace her. Keeping my fingers crossed though. I was so looking forward to another Thai monster. :)
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