Thanks Mr. Krip,
I got a quick question for everyone.
My humidity is reading between 80 and 90 %. I think I am ment to keep it at 60% or lower to prevent bud rot. I put a cup ful of white dry rice to see if it would do anything but it hasn't made a difference. I have read that I might need a Dehumidifier. Is there any other way to lower the RH on a budget?
Dig, that humidity is definately too high.
The best way to lower humidity is to increase air exchange, assuming your outside RH is lower. Higher temps help, but there's a limit on how high you want to raise temps. Rice will act as a dessicant, and you could try something like one of those "Damp Rid" buckets, but with either, if you're exchanging the air regularly with air at a high RH, they'll probably do little to help. So, if your outside RH is above 50-60%, you'll probably need a dehumidifier somewhere. Hopefully, that's not the case and you can just improve your air exchange.