First Grow Journal - White Rhino - Sleestack - Fruit Spirit - P 71

Update... day 19 flower. got my 2 600s set up and got rid of the screen.... room is to small for that im tired of army crawling throug the jungle... flushed my res a few days ago and now im at 750 ppm. rhino is lookin a little better but check out my single sleestack its a monster!!!
i love em especially the sativa ones (guessing the shleeeeee, always wanted to try a trainwreck and a white yess) but pull back the e.c.

if you dont burn em, theyll grow even faster trust me man. i was using viogro chemical and it merked my first plant LOL

as water evaporates..just dilute it by refilling with fresh filtered water
loving the third picture. new growth looks healthy

another general chart:

.4———200————-280———–4—–seedling/ rooted clones
2.0——–1000————1400———20—–super aggressive
yeah man..youre ticklin those plants taints a little too hard haha
so heres a question... should i trim some of the leaf on these plants to get more light to the bud sites?. idk i have heard yes and no on this.
i would say no..glucose is only produced in the fan leaves which is energy for the plant (through photosystems 2 and 1 and the calvin cycle)

even if the leaf is too hurt to operate, the plant will absorb it as nutrients.

only thing i would do is lollipop in week 1-2 of flower if the plants are really tall.

the stem and the little sugar leaves can produce energy, but not as well as a fan leaf.
nice..they are looking fat already doesnt hid distort cam? what kind u using i guess not phone camera?

i think theyre loving their home now..and just in time. bud formation :Love::thumb:
thanks. the slees is really starting to stink now. i only have one of them but it is pretty big and even with my can filter i can smell her on my door step..... rhino has a fruity tame smell and the p91 smells really sweet. i got four weeks left and i think i might need a new carbon filter for the next grow. i have 6 sleestacks 4 p91 1 gdp 1v06 1 sour d 1 fruit spirit and 1 rhino on deck which are ready to flower now. I suppose the extra 4 weeks of veg wont hurt. this current grow was vegged for 39 days. i am doing everything i can to keep these next plants short bushes but its hard with 8 weeks veg.
its all good man. i told ya 8 weeks veg would be rough :p

you should have lots of flowers though :bravo:
awesome plant, trav. huge yield. very impressive. you plant them kush seeds? any crack open yet?
they are soakin till the morning. they should crack by then. if they dont ill still be puting them in rockwool and in the dome with the heat mat. I have had good success rate this way. im sure they will take. Ya my slees is starting to look really good. There is about six good sized colas forming. im hoping for 8 oz from this one. had to tie her up because of the heavy weight already at five weeks.
so im thinkin nutrient def?? idk what do you think. Im gonna flush but i wonder what the cause is. ph 5.9 steady and ppm 1000. lockout maybe..hmm only a couple plants have this and its not to bad yet,mostly on the white rhino but the sleestack is more yellow than the rest like it wants more nutes..
nutrient lockout BIG TIME. the roots could handle the fox farm regimen no more..dump the rez or dilute it heavy.

if you dump, start with filtered water. just buy a charcoal filter at the store and figure a way to make the water pass through it.

not only does charcoal fitler, but its also used as a fertilizer in other countries.
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