First Grow Journal - Crown Royal

If you use the no pest strips, place/hang in room/tent and turn everything off. Make sure no people or animals frequent the area for 4hrs or more a day. That is their warning. I just turn everything off for 2-3 days. Put used strip in ziplock x 2 and put outside out of the reach of children or pets. Only need to hang on to it for a couple weeks till you've confirmed a clean room/tent. The key to the success is turning everything off, it is potent but if the exhaust is running it can't get to the proper strength to kill all bugs in your space. It has worked for me 100% every time. I can't stress the importance to not breathe to much in. It warns for 4hrs max but I don't spend more than 5min, just long enough to confirm nothing is wrong. Peace!!
Shaggin So i hang the strip for lights out and remove it when lights on for a couple days/weeks? or i put it in and leave everything off for 2 days? wont that hurt the plants? making sure everything is off i assume you mean the exhaust fan, and the lights, how about the humidifier inside the tent?
old grower not yet i only found the bugs last week, i attacked with sns217, i ordered 1800 ladybugs, and i will pick up some nuclear power this Friday just in-case, im thinking shagging's idea might be a good option as i don't want to spray the plants with poison.
Technically it is already messed up, somewhat because of the mites. I never had anything hermie on me, but that would be strain specific. I know the last time I used the NPS, I left the system running and it didn't work. When I shut everything off, lights, exhaust fan, only then did it kill all bugs in my tent/room. I say everything because where I live everything was coming inside - autumn/winter. IMO having everything shut down for 2-3 days will do less damage than spray crap all over your plants. I did a lot of research to deal with bugs in a less harmful way, unfortantly the conclusion was there is no guarantee to come out clean on the other side, with ladybugs, nematodes, predator bugs etc etc. I used to use other pesticides but will never use anything other than NPS. Peace!!
I am going to pick a pest strip tommorow and it will be lights out for 3 days, would it be a problem to only light my led or do you think the light causes a problem? it wont generate enough heat for me to need a exhaust and it will give the plants some light, almost like 3 dark stormy days
The light/s dont effect anything, it's the exhaust that makes it not work. If you can keep your temps safely under control w/o running your exhaust, then you could leave your lights on their cycle. As long as you can deem it is safe to do so, otherwise, lights out. I currently run 600hps in a 3x3, where I need the exhaust or burn the house down.... I always err on the side of caution, a lot of homes in my city have burned down to carelessness. I hope I help get rid of your bugs, i hate seeing anyone have to deal with them. Peace!!
Well i have a 250 w led full spec and a 600 w hps in a sealed reflector which gives of very little heat then i have a 600w hps with an open batwing type thing and that fucking thing is hot as the sun. I am running a test on the 2 lights no exhaust and see what happens
do you have an open light? you might consider an enclosed reflector. I was having all kinds of heat problems with the 600 on 100% using batwing in my veg tent, i thought it was the ballast, turns out its the reflector causing the problems lol live and learn
I wonder if i hooked up my fan to the light itself if that would cause a problem its sealed with a gasket, and would be sealed on both sides with tape. I assume the goal is to not pull the air out of the tent, but i dont think it would do that hooked into the sealed reflector. also the tent is in the basement where i am all the time, will that be a problem, I actually have it behind 6 mil plastic and have an exhaust window to the outside in the room the tent is in. so if i seal up the plastic open the window and push air through the light out the window.
I run enclosed also. Only you can deem it safe or not. I'm sure you can cool the enclosed one fine but again, test for safety. That's why I just turn everything off, then I know foresure, but that's just me. If your tent is in a room where the door can be closed, without anyone in it, perfect. That way your not breathing in the vapor. Read the package before you buy so you can assess whether it is safe for your set-up. Peace!!
old grower not yet i only found the bugs last week, i attacked with sns217, i ordered 1800 ladybugs, and i will pick up some nuclear power this Friday just in-case, im thinking shagging's idea might be a good option as i don't want to spray the plants with poison.

Totally agree with you about spraying your plants with poison, not a good option. The only time I would say spraying with poison would be a viable option would be after your grow is finished and you want to decontaminate your grow area. Then poison away, wait a week or so and clean the holy crap out of everything with a good strong bleach solution.
As for clones being the bad guy in the spider mite debate, I am not fully sure I would agree with that comment. I think it is more the growers fault. When I had my little panic attack with them earlier, it was completely my own fault for not inspecting them completely and quarantining them before I just threw them in with the rest of the girls. I knew better, but like most people I got complacent and lazy. That will not happen again though.
I have a bit of good news last week or the week before i took my very first cutting from the mother in my veg tent, i put it in my oxyclone with some cloning solution and i had just about given up last night i considered tssing it, and the night before i considered tossing it due to the depression from the spider mites :Namaste: i showed restraint since the top of the plant wasnt even showing stress yet, then tonight when i went in to dip the seedlings i took a peek and boom we got roots
old grower i take complete responsibility for the spider mites because i was ignorant, this is my first time growing in 22 years and i did not deal with clones or bugs back then and it was only 1 grow at that. So i am not blaming i was trying to identify the source, or possible sources
one of the great things about keeping a journal even a crappy one like mine where its mostly just pictures and some info, but looking back at page 2 where i have some shots of the clones i put in it looks like they are already heavily "pocked" with lil white dots that i now know to be the holes where the spider drains the juices

this is wonderwoman she was from the same place but no damage
ok so the reinforcements arrived today, and i released the first wave on the mother plant in the grow tent. I have not sprayed her with anything yet. I figured i already bought them so may as well see what happens.
I am not sure where the company is from its just what was in the hydro shop when i saw it and say let me try this, and then sci-guy got some tools and did some measurements using the same product
old grower i take complete responsibility for the spider mites because i was ignorant, this is my first time growing in 22 years and i did not deal with clones or bugs back then and it was only 1 grow at that. So i am not blaming i was trying to identify the source, or possible sources
LOL I totally get it, its been over 20 years since I grew, and as I recall, (funny how after so many years we are lucky to recall instead of remember) The only thing I was concerned about was not getting busted. I also got an uninvited visit from those lil bastards earlier on in my veg tent, trust me I was near as nice as you, only killing 1, I killed 2 and defoliated the holy crap out of my whole veg tent. My Betty was a bare stem with a little tuft of new growth on the top. Surprisingly she has made a fantastic recovery.
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