First Grow Ever - Humboldt Dream 2024

15 to 20 feet a part. the roots grow out like pizza pan. you want above ground planters and you want big like tractor tire big.
40 % Top soil, sand, pea gravel. to the brand of bagged nutrients you like. I am a hard core believer in all kinds of micro nutrients like cal /mag zinc iron and many more.
I am a hydroponic grower. but your plant needs everything in this pic's except the green jugs, ( macronutrients )
the big part of your macronutrients are in the bagged organic compost you decide on.

Salts. sodium ..... Cal Mag , iron zinc boron ,copper. silica gold and more are micronutrients.
what matters is what the roots are growing in.
Roots need water/oxygenated water/ oxygen. the right nutrients NPK < Macronutrients and micronutrients at amount the right PH and temperature,
Your outdoor plants roots should have plenty of room to grow.


Is it just me? Or does anyone else just wanna stick their hand in that bucket and feel the roots run between their fingers? 💚
Is it just me? Or does anyone else just wanna stick their hand in that bucket and feel the roots run between their fingers? 💚
Yeah nah, just you ya little freak.

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