First Grow Ever: Amphetamine & Bag Seed

Day 66
These plants demand 24 hour watch , had a few minor issues I feel like I’ve conquered But as soon as u say that something else will arise






Week 10 day 3
I don’t know how much longer but I’m guessing a month








Damn man! It’s looking good in there!

I have to apologize, I fell a bit behind!

There was a lot of questions I passed through, can’t remember them all, as I tent to forget when I just keep reading on, and on, and on lol.

the one question I remember was about the roots. Yes that’s normal, just keep them covered up as best you can so they don’t dry out too much, that could lead to other problems.

I saw your question about how much longer. I’m going to hit send then head back up and check out the pictures a lil better, quickly. I’ll be back.
I still see white pistils, means she’s still flowering. Building onto those colas of yours!

Id say a good two weeks maybe kore for the first one, and what looks like a second plant, should be done a bit sooner then the other.
Do you have a jewlers loupe to see the trichs?

If you’ve got any more questions, that I missed, fire away my friend!
Yes I have a 40 times 1000 times scope that plugs into my laptop. Friday when I have two hands I will try and get pics . Even with no wind I can’t steady my hand well enough to snap a picture. The look cloudy to me . The one in the back was the runt and I dint see any sugar. The bag seed aka big one has tons of sugar. Smells very purplish also . Amphetamine smells like gas as it should have diesel smell . Runt has gorilla glue genetics but I can’t tell lol
Here are two close ups, not with the scope yet though


Thanks , I’ve been pleasantly surprised, I really felt like I’d kill them soon after veg stage. I tried to grow my fathers tomatoes for him the last two years he was really sick and I ended up with 3/4 a row and there was 4 rows planted. Weather played a huge role in that but my father would have saved most of them with rigs. I didn’t have the know or how .
Anyhow I’m getting sidetracked
Recharge saved my soil. I don’t think I used correct ratios of super soil. My next grow will be a soil based but I may make some adjustments. I’ll use super soil but may go with something besides ocean blend by fox farms . I have options . If I have time I’ll do two more plants before I move. Everything needs to be broken down and gone by April next year. My house is going on the market
Me too , great market even when the markets down houses here sell fast. Lots of neighborhood development as well as surrounding area. I should walk with a good chunk of change . Enough to about build my cabin on the side of a mountain. Surrounded by three sides national Forrest and a stream to die for at base of mountain. Biggest winery on the East Coast two miles away. What more could I ask for ? Some good home grown weed I say! No I’m excited for sure
cabin on the side of a mountain. Surrounded by three sides national Forrest and a stream to die for at base of mountain. Biggest winery on the East Coast two miles away

sounds beautiful! hopefully you show off a few pictures here for us to enjoy the view as well:ganjamon:

Some good home grown weed
Two main colas
sounds beautiful! hopefully you show off a few pictures here for us to enjoy the view as well:ganjamon:

he are just a few pics. I even have the national Forrest markers in a few. The trailer my dad hauled up there when I was 14. Remember it like it was yesterday.... more like 36 lol









Lol , believe me, I’ve grown up daydreaming for years what all I’m gonna do on this property. It would be very easy to find a place to hide but I believe I’ll just keep it indoors and keep all the fun outdoors
Well this is where the rubber meets the road as the saying goes. I have ordered a better microscope because I can’t tell jack crap from my scope now. I can’t keep it steady enough. The leaves are taking on the fall colors and dying but the trichs still look clear/ cloudy. So I don’t know , I’ll just wing it




Hey bro! Good to see you!

you have some amazing looking colas!! Fantastic! Great job man!

ok with the scope... is it a 30x/60x microscope? Or does it just have one lense on it? The one I have has the 30 and 60x anyways... that’s not the importance in why I’m asking.. just trying to give you a easy way to use it.

I hold the microscope up to the cola.. damn near right up against it. Then I move my face in closer.. I don’t necessarily need to be eye to microscope... I can see the small image as my face is (shoot idk, lets say) 6 inches away from the scope it’s self. It seemed to help me get good views, because with my eye to microscope is damn near impossible sometimes. Anyways good luck man, give it a try.

good to hear from you!
I have the 1000 times USB that connects to my pc. I can’t hold it still and snap a picture nor hold it steady enough to see what color they are. Even had my son assist me and the pictures suck! Took them out tent so no wind. I have this scope that has 4.3 lcd screen that I’m hoping helps me. Arrives Monday. I’m worried I’ve waited too long on the auto flower though I don’t see any amber but I don’t know what I’ve seen. The bag seed or big girl is definitely not done. She smells like cantaloupe and dripping with sugar. Smelled like a vegetable not ripe yet a week ago. Then the runt is just whispy though the colas are starting to harden . Amphetamine is the one that concerns me. The leaves are in full on fall color and dying like flies. Also the stems are starting to brown and harden . She still takes on water so I dunno


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