msot plants need a nite cycle of about 8 to 10 hrs minimum. a diferent stage of growth happens in nite cycle. and leaf will droop naturally when they need to. sometimes looks like they are not getting water. lmao. dont panic. very common and natural for plants to do that. at nite they dump water and nutes to lower roots and soil. they will look wilted or even look like they have over fert condition. if you ever have done hydro you will notice ec/tds/ppms will go way up at nite cycle. so dont make adjustments to fert or waterings. water should be on 2 hrs before[day] up to 2 hrs after and ocassionally if they need more. only should do your adjustments and flushes during day cycle. it will eliminate all stress issues. also survival of a species is 12/12 for plants. no more then 14hr on if ya have space. 12/12 will work perfect from seed to harvest for pot. and will give huge yeilds in less time. what ever your flower # of weeks is you can do your entire grow in that amount of time with 3 to 5 times as much buds with no wastsed space at all. 1 huge bud per plant , many plants in the same area as 1 plant with any other type of photo period. 20/4 18/6 16/8 ect. 12/12 will do you way better. gram per watt will be more and oz per square foot will be more. you can do whatever you want. remeber this. if the plants droop during day light cycle your giving that strain way too much light. also the bottom 1/3 to 1/2 of your space will end up dead/wastsed space. why not fill it with bud and shorten your grow time.
lol gair were you totally mashed when you wrote this? your advice is all over the place mate.
sorry mate but if i was the o.p i would feel like i just took my car in for air pressure check and got told i need a new engine, lol.
1 set of advice does not fit all situations.
a vast amount of people use light greater than 12/12 and pull of amazing yeilds that outweight a 12/12 superfast grow.
sea of green, 12/12, hydro flush cycles...and so on, lol
everything has its place my friend.
how many lights does a person have, how much space, how much time. maybe someone is only allowed a few plants but they can be large.
plenty of good advice in what your saying i guess, but i have to be honest and say its just vommited onto the page with no real focus on the individual situation
not trying to be cruel my friend, its just that we have thousands of people to give takes a little extra effort to give GOOD advice =)