First Grow - Critical Kush Soil

I ordered BF critical kush, liberty haze
And landrace: wild Thailand today, yeah excellent genetics lets do this!

Question for you that I couldn't find the answer to online:
Does the critical kush have different phenotypes? How many? Any insight?

Thanks, I hope u don't mind me posting this ? On your thread.
I ordered BF critical kush, liberty haze
And landrace: wild Thailand today, yeah excellent genetics lets do this!

Question for you that I couldn't find the answer to online:
Does the critical kush have different phenotypes? How many? Any insight?

Thanks, I hope u don't mind me posting this ? On your thread.

I started off with two BF C.K and only saw one pheno.
Slow vedge , short and squat.
It's been almost two months of vedging and it's only 8" but I've read they stretch a lot after the flip.

There really isn't a lot of info online about CK that I've seen.
The two phenos I've seen the most is more critical leaning (talk and thick colas)
Then the (short and bushy)
I can also tell you they are nute sensitive!!

I don't mine at all!
More the merry man!
Oh and thx for letting me sit in for this one...
Happy growing!!!

Your very welcome brother!
The more comments and constructive ideas the better!
If I'm screwing up or doing right I love to know!

Appreciate everyone that's rides along with me!
Definitely a learning process!
By the time I get soil down there's hydro , then I'm sure I'll want to breed my own mom!

Plan on running cherry pie or god bud X purple urkle or GDP
Your very welcome brother!
The more comments and constructive ideas the better!
If I'm screwing up or doing right I love to know!

Appreciate everyone that's rides along with me!
Definitely a learning process!
By the time I get soil down there's hydro , then I'm sure I'll want to breed my own mom!

Plan on running cherry pie or god bud X purple urkle or GDP

Yup that's what im doing, My hydro journey is just a week or so away...:cheertwo: Didn't turn out so good for me the first go around... Didn't have the time, time was put into setting the rooms up but that battle is pretty much done... Looking forward to your journey and learning more along the ride...
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the few weeks of silence.
Been dealing with life's BS!!

I'll be uploading pictures and updating this jurnol this evening.

My ghost train haze has gotten huge!!
I'm afraid I've let her/him vedge way to long!!
At this point I'm kind of hoping it is a male because I'm afraid I'm going to have a 7 foot moster and only one light.
I don't want the others to suffer at the hands of a 70 day haze monster!!

And another problem , the la musa auto
It's supposedly a 60 day strain from seed.
It's pushing 3 months with no milky/cloudy glands.
Still clear and some don't even have the resin heads still just little clear spikes

Again sorry for the silence for so long!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying sky high!!
Ok ,
First up the la musa. 81 days is where I am with her and like I stated before everything appears clear and not even close to finishing.
I've flushed her twice now in the past two weeks.
I really need to chop her and get her out of there for space!
But I do not want to chop early and screw myself out of nug.

Hillbilly 1 and 2
The first one has gotten severe nute burn somehow..
The only guess would be FFOF being to hot..
But he/she is super sensitive and 30% of his/her leaves have gotten burned pretty bad..

The #2 hillbilly has stayed my fav since sprouting.
She/he isn't effected much by anything. A few yellow spots hit after she got her/his 3 node but since then nothing what so ever!
He/she seems really strong!

Now the ghost train 8
This beast is showing NO signs of slowing down!
It's right at 36 " and getting kind of top heavy as you can see in the photo.
It perks up after a couple hours into light.

I'm also having some trouble germing any of the long peaks.
They do fine for 4/5 days them dry up and croak!
I've had 6 do me this way in one week and I'm pretty upset!
130+ for a 12 pack of seeds for more than fifty percent to die on me!
And I'm only using happy frog and light warrior with absolutely NO nutes...

Bummer! I really had high hopes for the ol blue genetics!
they all look stressed by nutrients, la musa being the most stressed.

la musa has awhile to go yet, don't cut her down!

make sure you're letting the soil dry out between waterings, as the plant drinks as the soil dries out. they can't drink when the soils soaked, and they can't drink when the soils bone dry.

besides the nutrient stress they look great. :Namaste:
Hey B!!
I figured the la musa was way far away!
I swear she swells everytime I see her.
I'll leave her be till she's 30% amber.

I'm never using FFOF again!!
I haven't used nutes at all really...
And the hillbilly #1 and la musa are burnt to a crisp!!

I think Ill go with your advice and use empty soil from now on!
Any advice on a decent brand or mix?

They have all gotten strait water for months now.. Some only getting water period.
Hopfully time will sort them all out..

I'm just waiting for them to bounce out of this before flipping..
And another inline fan for positive pressure.
I have a 6" inline and phresh filter ready for negative..

Dang, this hobby can get pricey!
idk i don't wanna make that call but it does suck that every time you water them they get burnt. good soil is really nice to grow in.

i do know they look bone dry, which means they're stalled. maybe try some good low ppm water, like tap through a brita filter if you have. that's what i do to flush after i notice them losing nutrients heavy. maybe even add some lemon juice.

one of the plants may be heat stressed now that i'm high and driving lol. the upward clawing or "tacoing" is heat stress, which could be because she can't handle high heat cause of nute stress. i had some plants handle my super hot 90f+ room no signs of stress, then others that i burnt with calicum that didn't handle the heat and showed heat stress signs. she def wants water lolol
I water once a week on Mondays.
I took those pictures right before watering tonight.

It's just my high ass way of not overwatering lol

At the moment my room stays around 78/80 degrees with humidity being very low!
I have to add a humidifier to reach 24% lol
I keep the tent door open and fresh air blowing in with lights on.
Until I'm able to score another inline fan that's the only way to keep temps down below 90+
Another reason I need another Inline fan before flip is odor control.
I can't afford to flip and reek out my home!

But I noticed the one hillbilly curling up like that and thought of heat..

I did water them literally right after taking those pics and I normally use bottled water to water them all.
I don't think I've ever used tap on any of them..
It's just easier for me to buy gallon jugs than to wait for the bad stuff to evaporate.

But your right.. Everytime I water they burn..
The one hillbilly and ghost train has handled the FFOF a lot better than the rest..
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