First grow closet on an armoire closet with CFL

Re: First grow closet on a armoire closet with CFL

Well Armoire I've taken the leap of faith so to speak and started a journal check it out and all comments and help are needed.
Re: First grow closet on a armoire closet with CFL


Alright so I added New LED'S to the mix. growing faster than what I expected. I think that I'm getting the right chart in the nutes, just by seeing how the ladies on week 3 are taller than the ones week 5 and their are from the same mother, just change the feeding and added recharge and Mendocino avalanche. my goal is to hit a Oz per plant.
2 of my ladies are now at week 7, afterwards in 3 weeks I cut again the perpetual is coming up on track. Still need to get to know more my plants on my 3rd cycle already growing 20" tall ladies perfect for the chamber.
So I started to play around with a 2 gallons and I realized that I should stick with growing in 1 gal.
I mean this baby is already at 24" in week 3. I need to keep them short at 20"max, this way I can fit 4 ladies perfectly in there.
Alright closet is running at full capacity already out of space. Clones already rooted in and still have ladies that been in veg for 10 weeks now, weekly topping 2-3" to keep it low.
Well I'm impressed that is one full closet I hope to be there some day.
I've been thinking of going out and buying the other cabinet I found the twin to the one I have and have it just for flowering 6 feet full height with an LED panel that would solve the height issue. Can't go wrong for $25.00 and a bucket of paint.
Well I'm impressed that is one full closet I hope to be there some day.
I've been thinking of going out and buying the other cabinet I found the twin to the one I have and have it just for flowering 6 feet full height with an LED panel that would solve the height issue. Can't go wrong for $25.00 and a bucket of paint.

Nice, you still have left over paint. Also you can veg them bigger, have a mother and a cloning space. I been contemplating the idea of getting a bigger closet. Saw this 8 foot entertainment center that I can turn in to grow taller plants.
The ladies are looking ready to go. one more flush and cutting them down in 5 days. I really need to get them out, there's valuable real estate that I need to move some plants to flowering.

I think this is as good as it gets with my temperatures
flowering chamber
veg chamber.
ideal RH for flw 40/50% in this area I'm fine and four light off I use closet dehumidifier to prevent it from rising. My problem is at the veg chamber ideal RH are 60/70% but I can't get it there.
ideal RH for flw 40/50% in this area I'm fine and four light off I use closet dehumidifier to prevent it from rising. My problem is at the veg chamber ideal RH are 60/70% but I can't get it there.

Anywhere to hang a small damp towel?
Anywhere to hang a small damp towel?

I tried it but didn't work, I even use the canauba cloth that is use to dry cars that holds plenty of water. I added a small desk humidifier, but will upgrade to a bigger one once I get the opportunity. I'm thinking that the fast air exchange isn't letting RH increase, we both know by now that air exchange is more important than a 10% off on RH better than temperatures above the 90's. I manage to get it to the 76's during lights off.
DIY drying box.

Alright 2nd harvest done, dried the buds for 4 days, now we are starting to cure. Overall I feel like the quality is better than my first, but the yield is still not where I want to 33.5 g out of two plants.
Alright things are coming along. moved my ladies to flw chamber. Having the 3rd cycle coming down on Saturday. After that 15 day later 4th cycle and 15 after 5th cycle. hopefully by them I have thing pack and have a steady cycle coming down every 30 days.

this is is more of what I'm looking forward to seeing on all my cycles. she is my 3rd run in week 8 day 4. (look at this nice flush. How she is consuming all the nutrient left. I can taste the flavor already) and I think that I finally figured this strain out and how to grow it in my microgarden.

translate the clones and started their LST. Also a friend gave a bean supposedly Pot of gold, this one I started to grow in coco and will be moving it to a journal, y'all welcome to follow once is up.

well done man...Im gettin ready to harvest my first plant,,the bud is good...real good!..but shit 3 months, and I might get a quarter..
keep up the good work!
well done man...Im gettin ready to harvest my first plant,,the bud is good...real good!..but shit 3 months, and I might get a quarter..
keep up the good work!

I know how you feel, seeing some folks getting 1lbs plus , and here we are hoping to get a oz or 2. but to be honest I feel more rewarding when I smoke my own.
I'm back having been posting for a while since I have been really busy and not much have change since last. close off my 4th cycle and I think it was one of my best so far yielding 33g out of one plant grown in a 1 gallon pot.
but something that I have learn for my next built will use a metal cabinet, I believe that this one would help me with my temperatures problem since metal will be able to transfer the cold temperature from the room better than my wooden cabinet. but since I can't beat the heat and flowering @ around 82 degrees, might as well take advantage of this so I added a CO2 bucket. let see how this works.

with my veg chamber everything is running smoothly. pop a few cuts and looking forward to seeing what sex is the Pot of Gold.

so I realized that it's best to keep on 4 ladies in the flowering chamber and now with the addition of the CO2 bucket hope to increase my yields.
Quick update. . WOW!! look @ my ladies after adding the CO2 bucket. I am seeing tremendously the benefits of having it in there. look at how quickly my ladies stretched out and how happy they look. I'm am so excited! gonna go rip a bowl and just stay looking at the closet...

BTW the ladies on the right are on w7 and the ones on the left w2
they are looking great. How much was that CO2 bucket thingy and do you leave on your exhaust fans while it's in there if so doesn't the CO2 just get vented out
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